########## MANDATORY VARIABLES chroot = "/home/stephen/Downloads/aur/chroot" # Location to place built packages. pkg_out_dir = "/home/custompkgs" # It is recommended to put the repo file in the "pkg_out_dir". # If the tar file doesn't already exist, it will be automatically created. repo = "/home/custompkgs/custom.db.tar" # Location to clone packages from AUR. clones_dir = "/home/stephen/Downloads/aur" gpg_dir = "/home/stephen/Downloads/aur/checkingGPG" logs_dir = "/home/stephen/Downloads/aur/logs" signing_gpg_dir = "/home/stephen/Downloads/aur/signingGPG" signing_gpg_key_fp = "04D9E3A2880F6418EC4BA70EA0F3F8FAA2088E62" editor = "/usr/bin/vim" # if true, all logs are prepended with current time in UTC is_timed = true # if true, all output build logs are prepended with current time in UTC is_log_timed = true # Default log_limit is 1 GiB log_limit = 1073741824 # If true, then make the build fail if the limit is reached error_on_limit = false # If true, timestamps are in localtime. If false, timestamps are UTC. datetime_in_local_time = true # If true, all builds will be done in a tmpfs. Recommended to have a lot of RAM and/or swap. tmpfs = false # If true, only packages to be built will be printed when USR1 is signaled. print_state_info_only_building_sigusr1 = true ########## END OF MANDATORY VARIABLES # Each [[entry]] needs a "name". # it is expected that the name matches a repo's name at https://aur.archlinux.org/ # For example, "aurutils" repo is fetched from https://aur.archlinux.org/aurutils.git # # It may be handy to specify "skip_branch_up_to_date" for packages that do not # build directly from a git repository (packages ending in "-git"). # Packages with this setting will not prompt to check the PKGBUILD if the # .SRCINFO version is not newer than the current latest package in the custom # repo, and it will be skipped. # # For AUR dependencies, an "aur_deps" array needs to be specified. # AUR dependencies must appear before the package that depends on them in this # list. If building these dependencies for the first time, the dependent package # may fail checks until the dependencies are built and stored in the repo. # # There is support for "ccache" and "sccache". # Make a directory somewhere, then specify its path with the "ccache_dir" # or "sccache_dir" variables. # sccache supports the additional "sccache_cache_size" variable, which can be # set to a string such as "5G". If "sccache_cache_size' is not specified, then # "5G" is used. # # If the package does not exist at https://aur.archlinux.org/.git, a # custom url can be specified with "repo_path". # If the repo is not hosted via git at all, use 'repo_path="NO_REPO"' # # If the REPO_NAME in https://aur.archlinux.org/.git is different # from "name", then it can be specified with the "pkg_name" variable. [[entry]] name = "arcanist-git" [[entry]] name = "aurutils" skip_branch_up_to_date = true [[entry]] name = "cef-minimal" skip_branch_up_to_date = true [[entry]] name = "cpufetch-git" [[entry]] name = "f3" skip_branch_up_to_date = true [[entry]] name = "flamegraph-git" [[entry]] name = "g810-led-git" [[entry]] name = "glfw-git" [[entry]] name = "gnome-icon-theme-symbolic" skip_branch_up_to_date = true [[entry]] name = "gnome-icon-theme" aur_deps = [ "gnome-icon-theme-symbolic" ] skip_branch_up_to_date = true [[entry]] name = "gnvim" skip_branch_up_to_date = true [[entry]] name = "perl-file-rename" skip_branch_up_to_date = true [[entry]] name = "icecat" aur_deps = [ "perl-file-rename" ] skip_branch_up_to_date = true [[entry]] name = "ion-git" link_cargo_registry = true [[entry]] name = "ly" skip_branch_up_to_date = true [[entry]] name = "nouveau-fw" skip_branch_up_to_date = true [[entry]] name = "ncurses5-compat-libs" skip_branch_up_to_date = true [[entry]] name = "opencl-amd" aur_deps = [ "ncurses5-compat-libs" ] skip_branch_up_to_date = true [[entry]] name = "epson-inkjet-printer-escpr" skip_branch_up_to_date = true [[entry]] name = "epson-inkjet-printer-escpr2" skip_branch_up_to_date = true [[entry]] name = "google-chrome" skip_branch_up_to_date = true [[entry]] name = "ifuse" skip_branch_up_to_date = true [[entry]] name = "libva-vdpau-driver-chromium" skip_branch_up_to_date = true [[entry]] name = "mate-screensaver-hacks" skip_branch_up_to_date = true [[entry]] name = "mcrcon" skip_branch_up_to_date = true [[entry]] name = "minecraft-launcher" skip_branch_up_to_date = true [[entry]] name = "mingw-w64-environment" skip_branch_up_to_date = true [[entry]] name = "mingw-w64-glm" skip_branch_up_to_date = true [[entry]] name = "mingw-w64-lua" skip_branch_up_to_date = true [[entry]] name = "mingw-w64-pkg-config" skip_branch_up_to_date = true [[entry]] name = "mingw-w64-cmake" aur_deps = [ "mingw-w64-pkg-config", "mingw-w64-environment" ] skip_branch_up_to_date = true [[entry]] name = "mingw-w64-configure" aur_deps = [ "mingw-w64-pkg-config", "mingw-w64-environment" ] skip_branch_up_to_date = true [[entry]] name = "mingw-w64-zlib" skip_branch_up_to_date = true [[entry]] name = "mingw-w64-libpng" aur_deps = [ "mingw-w64-pkg-config", "mingw-w64-environment", "mingw-w64-configure", "mingw-w64-zlib" ] skip_branch_up_to_date = true [[entry]] name = "mingw-w64-make" aur_deps = [ "mingw-w64-environment" ] skip_branch_up_to_date = true [[entry]] name = "mingw-w64-libsodium" aur_deps = [ "mingw-w64-environment", "mingw-w64-configure", "mingw-w64-pkg-config" ] skip_branch_up_to_date = true [[entry]] name = "mingw-w64-glfw" aur_deps = [ "mingw-w64-pkg-config", "mingw-w64-environment", "mingw-w64-cmake" ] skip_branch_up_to_date = true [[entry]] name = "mingw-w64-raylib" aur_deps = [ "mingw-w64-pkg-config", "mingw-w64-environment", "mingw-w64-cmake", "mingw-w64-glfw" ] skip_branch_up_to_date = true [[entry]] name = "mingw-w64-ldd" skip_branch_up_to_date = true [[entry]] name = "moonscript" skip_branch_up_to_date = true [[entry]] name = "nginx-mainline-mod-fancyindex" skip_branch_up_to_date = true [[entry]] name = "non-mixer-lv2-git" [[entry]] name = "obs-studio-git" aur_deps = [ "cef-minimal" ] [[entry]] name = "obs-v4l2sink" skip_branch_up_to_date = true [[entry]] name = "pasystray-git" aur_deps = [ "gnome-icon-theme", "gnome-icon-theme-symbolic" ] [[entry]] name = "pikaur" skip_branch_up_to_date = true [[entry]] name = "qjoypad" skip_branch_up_to_date = true [[entry]] name = "qt5-wayland-bugfixport-git" [[entry]] name = "quaternion" skip_branch_up_to_date = true [[entry]] name = "samsung-unified-driver" skip_branch_up_to_date = true [[entry]] name = "stdman" skip_branch_up_to_date = true [[entry]] name = "sunvox" skip_branch_up_to_date = true [[entry]] name = "wlroots-git" [[entry]] name = "swaybg-git" [[entry]] name = "sway-git" aur_deps = [ "wlroots-git", "swaybg-git" ] other_deps = [ "mesa" ] [[entry]] name = "texlive-tikz-uml" skip_branch_up_to_date = true [[entry]] name = "ttf-clear-sans" skip_branch_up_to_date = true [[entry]] name = "umlet" skip_branch_up_to_date = true [[entry]] name = "ungoogled-chromium" ccache_dir = "/home/stephen/Downloads/aur/ccache_ungoogled_chromium" skip_branch_up_to_date = true [[entry]] name = "wev" skip_branch_up_to_date = true [[entry]] name = "wlhangul-git"