Stephen Seo ec48b1f419 Impl setting build to fail/continue on limit
If "error_on_build" is set to "true" in the config, then the build will
fail if the "log_limit" is reached.
2023-06-25 20:21:22 +09:00

234 lines
8.2 KiB

# Another AUR Helper (incomplete)
AUR is the Arch User Repository, where anyone can upload a PKGBUILD and
supplementary sources to allow others to build their own packages for use in the
Arch Linux distribution.
I made an incomplete AUR Helper in Python, and decided to put it in a public
repository. It's messy, and it requires a significant amount of set-up, but it
works for me. It always builds in a CHROOT, and it lets the user check the
PKGBUILD (by default) prior to building. There is no automatic dependency
management. That must be done in the config. An example config is provided.
# Things to know before using the helper
Sometimes if a package prompts a user to select between alternate package
dependencies, makechrootpkg will fail to select one by default (it will
constantly output "y" to stdin when a selection requires an integer). This
means you will need to check the logs as it is building a package to make sure
this kind of soft-lock doesn't happen. Use `tail -f LOG_FILE` for example. If
such a soft-lock happens, Ctrl-C the helper, and explicitly set a dependency in
the TOML config file in a "other\_deps" array for the package like so:
name = "sway-git"
aur_deps = [
other_deps = [
## Package stdout/stderr size limit
The possible issue of output logs filling up disk space is addressed with a
"log\_limit" config option. By default, if the output log file reaches the
limit, the compilation output is no longer logged to file in the logs dir.
Change "log\_limit" in the config to a value in bytes if the default of 1 GiB
is too little for your use case (if the size of your output logs extend past 1
GiB somehow).
### Error when reaching limit
"error\_on\_limit" can be set to true/false in the config. If set to true, then
the build will fail if the limit is reached. If set to false, then the build
will continue even if the limit is reached.
# Setting up the AUR Helper
The AUR Helper requires several things:
- A CHROOT to build in.
- A "checking GNUPG" directory that contains the GPG public keys that will be
checked when building the PKGBUILD.
- A "singing GNUPG" directory that contains the GPG private key that will sign
the built packages and repository database.
- SUDO privileges to be able to use `makechrootpkg`.
- `/etc/pacman.conf` must be configured to use the custom repository's
packages if `pacman -U` will not be used.
## Dependencies
The `devtools` package is required.
The `python-toml` package is required for the Python script to run.
## Create the CHROOT
Use `/usr/bin/mkarchroot` to create your CHROOT in a directory.
mkarchroot $HOME/mychroot/root base base-devel ccache sccache cmake ninja
You must refer to the CHROOT as `$HOME/mychroot` if you used the same name as in
the previous example.
## Set up the GNUPG dirs
### Checking GNUPG
Just create the directory anywhere, and store it in the `config.toml`. You must
manually add public keys to it if a package requires checking source files with
Note that gpg may not automatically create the GNUPGHOME directory.
### Signing GNUPG
You will need to set up a GPG public/private key pair. GNUPG always respects
the `GNUPGHOME` environment variable as the `.gnupg` dir, so set the variable
first, create the directory, then set up your keys. The keys will be used to
sign the packages you build and the custom repository that stores the package
Set the `signing_gpg_key_fp` variable in the config to the output fingerprint
from of:
GNUPGHOME=mySigningGNUPGDir gpg --fingerprint
Note that you must remove the spaces between each part of the fingerprint, like
in the example config.
Keep note of the password you store for this GNUPG key, as you will enter it
every time you use the Python script.
## Set up the config dir
See the `example_config.toml` for more configuration. It should be commented
enough for figuring out how to use it.
# Setting up the Repository
Create a directory for where you will store built packages and the repository.
The name of the repo must be similar to the `repo` specified in the config.
For example, if your repo's name is `MyAURRepo`, then `repo` should be set to
You must also create symlinks such that `MyAURRepo.db` points to
`MyAURRepo.db.tar` and `MyAURRepo.files` points to `MyAURRepo.files.tar`.
The Python script should automatically make a relative (not absolute) symlink to
`MyAURRepo.db.tar.sig` with the name `MyAURRepo.db.sig` after signing (which
should happen after each package is built and signed). Note the name doesn't
have to be `MyAURRepo`, but is based on the `repo` variable set in the config.
To use the repository, you can add an entry to your `/etc/pacman.conf` with the
SigLevel = Required TrustAll
Include = file:///home/MyAURRepoDirectory
Note that `SigLevel` is set expecting the `MyAURRepo.db` file to be signed (the
Python script usually signs the `.db` file after a package has been successfully
# Making your system trust the new Repository
Export the public key from your `signingGPGDirectory`.
GNUPGHOME=mySigningGNUPGDir gpg --export MySigningKeyName > $HOME/
Use `pacman-key` to add and trust it.
sudo pacman-key -a $HOME/
First check that the name is unique:
sudo pacman-key --finger MySigningKeyName
Then trust it:
sudo pacman-key --lsign-key MySigningKeyName
After these steps, `pacman` should now trust the packages and repository signed
by the GPG key you set up.
# Using the AUR Helper
Typically, you will invoke:
./ --config my_config.toml
If you want to build in the CHROOT without updating the CHROOT, add the
`--no-update` flag.
If you want to check only specific packages in the list of packages in the
config use something like `-p <package-name>`. You can use `-p <package_name>`
multiple times if you want to check a handful of packages only.
If you want to not skip a package marked with `skip_branch_up_to_date` in the
config, then use `--no-skip <package-name>`, and the script will act as if
`skip_branch_up_to_date` was not specified for the named package.
When building, the script will not directly output to the terminal it is run in,
but rather appends to log files in the log directory specified in the config. To
see the output while building, you can use something like:
tail -f $MY_LOG_DIR/google-chrome_stdout_2022-06-02_05-27-49_UTC
It may be helpful to periodically clear out the logs directory in between
invocations of the AUR Helper script.
It is recommended to use the script with a prepared config.
# Other Notes
~~By default, `makechrootpkg` does not verify integrity of files in the
PKGBUILD. Use the `makechrootpkg_noskipinteg.hook` to modify the
`makechrootpkg` script to not skip integrity checks.~~
`` now does integrity checks before building with `makechrootpkg`. It
is no longer necessary to modify the `/usr/bin/makechrootpkg` because the
integrity checks are done separately.
If the hook was used previously, remove it from `/etc/pacman.d/hooks` and
reinstall `devtools`.
## `link_cargo_registry`
If you have `.cargo/registry` and `.cargo/git` in your home directory, and you
don't want to re-download the Rust registry every time you update a Rust
package, you can specify `link_cargo_registry = true` for a package in your
config (see `ion-git` in the `example_config.toml`) and that will bind-mount
these two directories into the chroot, which will share your local Rust cache
with the chroot.
name = "ion-git"
link_cargo_registry = true
## `is_timed` and `is_log_timed`
If `is_timed` is `true` in the config, then output logs are prepended with a
If `is_log_timed` is `true` in the config, then output build logs are prepended
with a timestamp.
## sccache and Rust
If using `sccache` causes a build error when building a package compiling Rust,
one may specify in the config to only wrap `rustc` and nothing else by
specifying `sccache_rust_only`:
name = "helix-git"
link_cargo_registry = true
sccache_rust_only = true