WIP Utility based AI, some impl. progress

This commit is contained in:
Stephen Seo 2022-03-07 14:23:39 +09:00
parent b2fbd8cdcc
commit 93af9c234d
4 changed files with 297 additions and 3 deletions

front_end/Cargo.lock generated
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View File

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View File

@ -1,4 +1,9 @@
use crate::state::BoardType;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use crate::state::{BoardState, BoardType, Turn};
use rand::{thread_rng, Rng};
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum AIDifficulty {
@ -16,8 +21,233 @@ pub enum SlotChoice {
pub fn get_ai_choice(difficulty: AIDifficulty, board: &BoardType) -> Result<SlotChoice, String> {
impl From<SlotChoice> for usize {
fn from(slot_choice: SlotChoice) -> Self {
match slot_choice {
SlotChoice::Slot0 => 0,
SlotChoice::Slot1 => 1,
SlotChoice::Slot2 => 2,
SlotChoice::Slot3 => 3,
SlotChoice::Slot4 => 4,
SlotChoice::Slot5 => 5,
SlotChoice::Slot6 => 6,
SlotChoice::Invalid => 10,
impl From<usize> for SlotChoice {
fn from(idx: usize) -> Self {
if idx >= (ROWS * COLS) as usize {
return SlotChoice::Invalid;
match idx % (COLS as usize) {
0 => SlotChoice::Slot0,
1 => SlotChoice::Slot1,
2 => SlotChoice::Slot2,
3 => SlotChoice::Slot3,
4 => SlotChoice::Slot4,
5 => SlotChoice::Slot5,
6 => SlotChoice::Slot6,
_ => SlotChoice::Invalid,
pub fn get_ai_choice(
difficulty: AIDifficulty,
player: Turn,
board: &BoardType,
) -> Result<SlotChoice, String> {
let mut utilities = Vec::with_capacity(COLS as usize);
for i in 0..(COLS as usize) {
let slot = i.into();
if slot == SlotChoice::Invalid {
return Err("Internal error: get_ai_choice() iterated to SlotChoice::Invalid".into());
if let Some(utility) = get_utility_for_slot(player, slot, board) {
let pick_some_of_choices = |amount: usize| -> Result<SlotChoice, String> {
let mut maximums: BTreeMap<i64, usize> = BTreeMap::new();
for (idx, utility) in utilities.iter().enumerate() {
if *utility <= 0.0 {
maximums.insert((utility * 10000.0) as i64, idx);
let mod_amount = if maximums.len() < amount {
} else {
let random_number: usize = thread_rng().gen::<usize>() % mod_amount;
let rand_idx = maximums.len() - 1 - random_number;
// turns the map into a vector of (key, value), then pick out of the
// last few values by index the "value" which is the SlotChoice.
Ok((*maximums.iter().collect::<Vec<(&i64, &usize)>>()[rand_idx].1).into())
match difficulty {
AIDifficulty::Easy => pick_some_of_choices(AI_EASY_MAX_CHOICES),
AIDifficulty::Normal => pick_some_of_choices(AI_NORMAL_MAX_CHOICES),
AIDifficulty::Hard => {
// only pick the best option all the time
let mut max = 0.0f64;
let mut max_idx: usize = 0;
for (idx, utility) in utilities.iter().enumerate() {
if *utility > max {
max = *utility;
max_idx = idx;
/// Returns a value between 0.0 and 1.0 where 1.0 is highest utility
/// "None" indicates it is impossible to place at the given slot
fn get_utility_for_slot(player: Turn, slot: SlotChoice, board: &BoardType) -> Option<f64> {
// get idx of location where dropped token will reside in
let mut idx: usize = slot.into();
if board[idx].get() != BoardState::Empty {
// slot is full, cannot place in slot
return None;
while idx < (ROWS * COLS) as usize && board[idx + COLS as usize].get() == BoardState::Empty {
idx += COLS as usize;
// check if placing a token here blocks a win
if get_block_win(player, idx, board) {
return Some(1.0);
// TODO more impl here
/// Returns true if placing a token at idx will block the opposite player from winning
fn get_block_win(player: Turn, idx: usize, board: &BoardType) -> bool {
let opposite = player.get_opposite();
// setup for checks
let mut count = 0;
let mut temp_idx = idx;
// check left
while temp_idx % (COLS as usize) > 0 {
temp_idx -= 1;
if board[temp_idx].get() == opposite.into() {
count += 1;
if count >= 3 {
return true;
} else {
// check right
count = 0;
temp_idx = idx;
while temp_idx % (COLS as usize) < (COLS - 1) as usize {
temp_idx += 1;
if board[temp_idx].get() == opposite.into() {
count += 1;
if count >= 3 {
return true;
} else {
// check down
count = 0;
temp_idx = idx;
while temp_idx / (COLS as usize) < (ROWS - 1) as usize {
temp_idx += COLS as usize;
if board[temp_idx].get() == opposite.into() {
count += 1;
if count >= 3 {
return true;
} else {
// check diagonal left down
count = 0;
temp_idx = idx;
while temp_idx % (COLS as usize) > 0 && temp_idx / (COLS as usize) < (ROWS - 1) as usize {
temp_idx = temp_idx - 1 + COLS as usize;
if board[temp_idx].get() == opposite.into() {
count += 1;
if count >= 3 {
return true;
} else {
// check diagonal right down
count = 0;
temp_idx = idx;
while temp_idx % (COLS as usize) < (COLS - 1) as usize
&& temp_idx / (COLS as usize) < (ROWS - 1) as usize
temp_idx = temp_idx + 1 + COLS as usize;
if board[temp_idx].get() == opposite.into() {
count += 1;
if count >= 3 {
return true;
} else {
// check diagonal left up
count = 0;
temp_idx = idx;
while temp_idx % (COLS as usize) > 0 && temp_idx / (COLS as usize) > 0 {
temp_idx = temp_idx - 1 - COLS as usize;
if board[temp_idx].get() == opposite.into() {
count += 1;
if count >= 3 {
return true;
} else {
// check diagonal right up
count = 0;
temp_idx = idx;
while temp_idx % (COLS as usize) < (COLS - 1) as usize && temp_idx / (COLS as usize) > 0 {
temp_idx = temp_idx + 1 - COLS as usize;
if board[temp_idx].get() == opposite.into() {
count += 1;
if count >= 3 {
return true;
} else {
// exhausted all possible potential wins, therefore does not block a win

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@ -2,3 +2,6 @@ pub const ROWS: u8 = 8;
pub const COLS: u8 = 7;
pub const INFO_TEXT_MAX_ITEMS: u32 = 100;
pub const AI_EASY_MAX_CHOICES: usize = 5;
pub const AI_NORMAL_MAX_CHOICES: usize = 3;