When the front-end polls the back-end for the game-state, the back-end includes
a "date_updated" String in the JSON. If the String is the same as in the
front-end, then no updates are needed, but if they are not the same, then the
front-end will update the board. Because the front-end polls the back-end's
board state approximately every second, this should make the front-end more
The frontend "server" and backend server must be served via the same
port/address. This can be done by using nginx as the server, and using
reverse-proxies from nginx to the frontend and backend servers.
This commit is also a stepping-stone towards handling http requests
which will require deferred callbacks on Yew Components. By figuring
out how to delay callbacks in this commit, it should be easier to
figure out how to handle http requests that may require a deferred
Can place tokens, and not place tokens where there already is a token.
Additional info text box added to the side of the board.
More information to the UI regarding placed tokens.
Remove state::MessageBus in favor of String messages sent to Wrapper
from Slot.
Update Slot state from inside Wrapper::update such that changes should
be immediately visible per Slot (moved code from Wrapper::rendered,
fixing updates not being immediately visble).