use crate::ai::{get_ai_choice, AIDifficulty}; use crate::constants::{ COLS, GAME_CLEANUP_TIMEOUT, PLAYER_CLEANUP_TIMEOUT, PLAYER_COUNT_LIMIT, ROWS, TURN_SECONDS, }; use crate::state::{board_from_string, new_string_board, string_from_board, BoardState, Turn}; use std::sync::mpsc::{Receiver, RecvTimeoutError, SyncSender}; use std::time::Duration; use std::{fmt, thread}; use rand::{thread_rng, Rng}; use rusqlite::{params, Connection, Error as RusqliteError}; pub type GetIDSenderType = (u32, Option); /// first bool is player exists, /// second bool is if paired, /// third bool is if cyan player pub type CheckPairingType = (bool, bool, bool); pub type BoardStateType = (DBGameState, Option); pub type PlaceResultType = Result<(DBPlaceStatus, Option), DBPlaceError>; #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum DBGameState { CyanTurn, MagentaTurn, CyanWon, MagentaWon, Draw, NotPaired, OpponentDisconnected, UnknownID, InternalError, } impl fmt::Display for DBGameState { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { match *self { DBGameState::CyanTurn => write!(f, "cyan_turn"), DBGameState::MagentaTurn => write!(f, "magenta_turn"), DBGameState::CyanWon => write!(f, "cyan_won"), DBGameState::MagentaWon => write!(f, "magenta_won"), DBGameState::Draw => write!(f, "draw"), DBGameState::NotPaired => write!(f, "not_paired"), DBGameState::OpponentDisconnected => write!(f, "opponent_disconnected"), DBGameState::UnknownID => write!(f, "unknown_id"), DBGameState::InternalError => write!(f, "internal_error"), } } } impl From for DBGameState { fn from(value: i64) -> Self { match value { 0 => DBGameState::CyanTurn, 1 => DBGameState::MagentaTurn, 2 => DBGameState::CyanWon, 3 => DBGameState::MagentaWon, 4 => DBGameState::Draw, _ => DBGameState::InternalError, } } } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum DBPlaceStatus { Accepted, GameEndedDraw, GameEndedCyanWon, GameEndedMagentaWon, } impl fmt::Display for DBPlaceStatus { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { match *self { DBPlaceStatus::Accepted => write!(f, "accepted"), DBPlaceStatus::GameEndedDraw => write!(f, "game_ended_draw"), DBPlaceStatus::GameEndedCyanWon => write!(f, "game_ended_cyan_won"), DBPlaceStatus::GameEndedMagentaWon => write!(f, "game_ended_magenta_won"), } } } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum DBPlaceError { NotPairedYet, NotYourTurn, Illegal, OpponentDisconnected, UnknownID, InternalError, } impl fmt::Display for DBPlaceError { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { match *self { DBPlaceError::NotPairedYet => write!(f, "not_paired_yet"), DBPlaceError::NotYourTurn => write!(f, "not_your_turn"), DBPlaceError::Illegal => write!(f, "illegal"), DBPlaceError::OpponentDisconnected => write!(f, "opponent_disconnected"), DBPlaceError::UnknownID => write!(f, "unknown_id"), DBPlaceError::InternalError => write!(f, "internal_error"), } } } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub enum DBHandlerRequest { GetID(SyncSender), CheckPairing { id: u32, response_sender: SyncSender, }, GetGameState { id: u32, response_sender: SyncSender, }, DisconnectID { id: u32, response_sender: SyncSender, }, PlaceToken { id: u32, pos: usize, response_sender: SyncSender, }, } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] enum DBFirstRun { FirstRun, NotFirstRun, } struct DBHandler { rx: Receiver, sqlite_path: String, shutdown_tx: SyncSender<()>, } impl DBHandler { /// Returns true if should break out of outer loop fn handle_request(&mut self) -> bool { let rx_recv_result = self.rx.recv_timeout(Duration::from_secs(1)); if let Err(RecvTimeoutError::Timeout) = rx_recv_result { return false; } else if let Err(e) = rx_recv_result { println!("Failed to get DBHandlerRequest: {:?}", e); self.shutdown_tx.send(()).ok(); return false; } let db_request = rx_recv_result.unwrap(); match db_request { DBHandlerRequest::GetID(player_tx) => { // got request to create new player, create new player let conn_result = self.get_conn(DBFirstRun::NotFirstRun); if let Err(e) = conn_result { println!("{}", e); return true; } let conn = conn_result.unwrap(); let create_player_result = self.create_new_player(Some(&conn)); if let Err(e) = create_player_result { println!("{}", e); // don't stop server because player limit may have been reached return false; } let player_id = create_player_result.unwrap(); let pair_up_result = self.pair_up_players(Some(&conn)); if let Err(e) = pair_up_result { println!("{}", e); return true; } // Check if current player has been paired let paired_check_result = self.check_if_player_is_paired(Some(&conn), player_id); if let Err(e) = paired_check_result { println!("{}", e); return true; } else if let Ok((exists, paired, is_cyan)) = paired_check_result { if exists { if paired { // don't stop server on send fail, may have timed // out and dropped the receiver player_tx.send((player_id, Some(is_cyan))).ok(); } else { // don't stop server on send fail, may have timed // out and dropped the receiver player_tx.send((player_id, None)).ok(); } } else { println!("Internal error, created player doesn't exist"); return true; } } else { unreachable!(); } } DBHandlerRequest::CheckPairing { id, response_sender, } => { if let Ok((exists, is_paired, is_cyan)) = self.check_if_player_is_paired(None, id) { // don't stop server on send fail, may have timed out and // dropped the receiver response_sender.send((exists, is_paired, is_cyan)).ok(); } else { // On error, just respond that the given player_id doesn't // exist response_sender.send((false, false, true)).ok(); } } DBHandlerRequest::GetGameState { id, response_sender, } => { let get_board_result = self.get_board_state(None, id); if let Err(e) = get_board_result { println!("{}", e); // don't stop server on send fail, may have timed out and // dropped the receiver response_sender.send((DBGameState::UnknownID, None)).ok(); return false; } // don't stop server on send fail, may have timed out and // dropped the receiver response_sender.send(get_board_result.unwrap()).ok(); } DBHandlerRequest::DisconnectID { id, response_sender, } => { // don't stop server on send fail, may have timed out and // dropped the receiver response_sender .send(self.disconnect_player(None, id).is_ok()) .ok(); } DBHandlerRequest::PlaceToken { id, pos, response_sender, } => { let place_result = self.place_token(None, id, pos); // don't stop server on send fail, may have timed out and // dropped the receiver response_sender.send(place_result).ok(); } } // match db_request false } fn get_conn(&self, first_run: DBFirstRun) -> Result { if let Ok(conn) = Connection::open(&self.sqlite_path) { conn.execute("PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON;", []) .map_err(|e| format!("Should be able to handle \"foreign_keys\": {:?}", e))?; let result = conn.execute( " CREATE TABLE players (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, date_added TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, game_id INTEGER, FOREIGN KEY(game_id) REFERENCES games(id) ON DELETE CASCADE); ", [], ); if result.is_ok() { if first_run == DBFirstRun::FirstRun { println!("Created \"players\" table"); } } else if first_run == DBFirstRun::FirstRun { println!("\"players\" table exists"); } let result = conn.execute( " CREATE TABLE games (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, cyan_player INTEGER UNIQUE, magenta_player INTEGER UNIQUE, date_added TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, board TEXT NOT NULL, status INTEGER NOT NULL, turn_time_start TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, FOREIGN KEY(cyan_player) REFERENCES players (id) ON DELETE SET NULL, FOREIGN KEY(magenta_player) REFERENCES players (id) ON DELETE SET NULL); ", [], ); if result.is_ok() { if first_run == DBFirstRun::FirstRun { println!("Created \"games\" table"); } } else if first_run == DBFirstRun::FirstRun { println!("\"games\" table exists"); } Ok(conn) } else { Err(String::from("Failed to open connection")) } } fn create_new_player(&self, conn: Option<&Connection>) -> Result { if conn.is_none() { return self.create_new_player(Some(&self.get_conn(DBFirstRun::NotFirstRun)?)); } let conn = conn.unwrap(); let row_result: Result = conn.query_row("SELECT count(id) FROM players;", [], |row| row.get(0)); if let Ok(count) = row_result { if count > PLAYER_COUNT_LIMIT { return Err(String::from( "Player limit reached, cannot create new players", )); } } else { return Err(String::from("Failed to get player count in db")); } let mut player_id: u32 = thread_rng().gen(); loop { let exists_result = self.check_if_player_exists(Some(conn), player_id); if let Ok(exists) = exists_result { if exists { player_id = thread_rng().gen(); } else { break; } } else { let error = exists_result.unwrap_err(); return Err(format!( "Failed to check if player exists in db: {:?}", error )); } } let insert_result = conn.execute("INSERT INTO players (id) VALUES (?);", [player_id]); if let Err(e) = insert_result { return Err(format!("Failed to insert player into db: {:?}", e)); } Ok(player_id) } fn pair_up_players(&self, conn: Option<&Connection>) -> Result<(), String> { if conn.is_none() { return self.pair_up_players(Some(&self.get_conn(DBFirstRun::NotFirstRun)?)); } let conn = conn.unwrap(); let mut to_pair: Option = None; let mut unpaired_players_stmt = conn .prepare("SELECT id FROM players WHERE game_id ISNULL ORDER BY date_added;") .map_err(|e| format!("{:?}", e))?; let mut unpaired_players_rows = unpaired_players_stmt .query([]) .map_err(|e| format!("{:?}", e))?; while let Some(row) = unpaired_players_rows .next() .map_err(|e| format!("{:?}", e))? { if to_pair.is_none() { to_pair = Some(row.get(0).map_err(|e| format!("{:?}", e))?); } else { let players: [u32; 2] = [ to_pair.take().unwrap(), row.get(0).map_err(|e| format!("{:?}", e))?, ]; self.create_game(Some(conn), &players)?; } } Ok(()) } fn create_game(&self, conn: Option<&Connection>, players: &[u32; 2]) -> Result { if conn.is_none() { return self.create_game(Some(&self.get_conn(DBFirstRun::NotFirstRun)?), players); } let conn = conn.unwrap(); let mut game_id: u32 = thread_rng().gen(); { let mut get_game_stmt = conn .prepare("SELECT id FROM games WHERE id = ?;") .map_err(|e| format!("{:?}", e))?; while get_game_stmt.query_row([game_id], |_row| Ok(())).is_ok() { game_id = thread_rng().gen(); } } // TODO randomize players (or first-come-first-serve ok to do?) conn.execute( "INSERT INTO games (id, cyan_player, magenta_player, board, status) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, 0);", params![game_id, players[0], players[1], new_string_board()] ) .map_err(|e| format!("{:?}", e))?; conn.execute( "UPDATE players SET game_id = ? WHERE id = ?", [game_id, players[0]], ) .map_err(|e| format!("{:?}", e))?; conn.execute( "UPDATE players SET game_id = ? WHERE id = ?", [game_id, players[1]], ) .map_err(|e| format!("{:?}", e))?; Ok(game_id) } fn check_if_player_is_paired( &self, conn: Option<&Connection>, player_id: u32, ) -> Result { { let player_exists_result = self.check_if_player_exists(None, player_id); if player_exists_result.is_err() || !player_exists_result.unwrap() { // player doesn't exist return Ok((false, false, true)); } } if conn.is_none() { return self.check_if_player_is_paired( Some(&self.get_conn(DBFirstRun::NotFirstRun)?), player_id, ); } let conn = conn.unwrap(); let check_player_row = conn.query_row("SELECT games.cyan_player FROM players JOIN games where = players.game_id AND = ?;", [player_id], |row| row.get::(0)); if let Ok(cyan_player) = check_player_row { if cyan_player == player_id { // is cyan player Ok((true, true, true)) } else { // is magenta player Ok((true, true, false)) } } else if let Err(rusqlite::Error::QueryReturnedNoRows) = check_player_row { // either does not exist or is not paired let exists_check_result = self.check_if_player_exists(Some(conn), player_id); if let Ok(exists) = exists_check_result { if exists { Ok((true, false, true)) } else { Ok((false, false, true)) } } else { // pass the error contained in result, making sure the Ok type // is the expected type|_| (false, false, false)) } } else if let Err(e) = check_player_row { Err(format!("check_if_player_is_paired: {:?}", e)) } else { unreachable!("All possible Ok and Err results are already checked"); } } fn check_if_player_exists( &self, conn: Option<&Connection>, player_id: u32, ) -> Result { if conn.is_none() { return self .check_if_player_exists(Some(&self.get_conn(DBFirstRun::NotFirstRun)?), player_id); } let conn = conn.unwrap(); let check_player_row: Result = conn.query_row("SELECT id FROM players WHERE id = ?;", [player_id], |row| { row.get(0) }); if let Ok(_id) = check_player_row { Ok(true) } else { Ok(false) } } fn check_if_player_in_game( &self, conn: Option<&Connection>, player_id: u32, ) -> Result { if conn.is_none() { return self.check_if_player_in_game( Some(&self.get_conn(DBFirstRun::NotFirstRun)?), player_id, ); } let conn = conn.unwrap(); let check_player_game_row: Result = conn.query_row( "SELECT FROM games JOIN players WHERE = ? AND players.game_id NOTNULL AND players.game_id =;", [player_id], |row| row.get(0)); if check_player_game_row.is_ok() { Ok(true) } else { Ok(false) } } fn get_board_state( &self, conn: Option<&Connection>, player_id: u32, ) -> Result { if conn.is_none() { return self.get_board_state(Some(&self.get_conn(DBFirstRun::NotFirstRun)?), player_id); } let conn = conn.unwrap(); // TODO maybe handle "opponent_disconnected" case let row_result: Result<(String, i64, Option, Option), RusqliteError> = conn.query_row( "SELECT games.board, games.status, games.cyan_player, games.magenta_player FROM games JOIN players WHERE = ? AND = players.game_id;", [player_id], |row| { let board_result = row.get(0); let status_result = row.get(1); let cyan_player = row.get(2); let magenta_player = row.get(3); if board_result.is_ok() && status_result.is_ok() && cyan_player.is_ok() && magenta_player.is_ok() { if let (Ok(board), Ok(status), Ok(cyan_id), Ok(magenta_id)) = (board_result, status_result, cyan_player, magenta_player) { Ok((board, status, cyan_id, magenta_id)) } else { unreachable!("Both row items should be Ok"); } } else if board_result.is_err() { board_result .map(|_| (String::from("this value should never be returned"), 0, None, None)) } else if status_result.is_err() { status_result .map(|_| (String::from("this value should never be returned"), 0, None, None)) } else if cyan_player.is_err() { cyan_player .map(|_| (String::from("this value should never be returned"), 0, None, None)) } else { magenta_player .map(|_| (String::from("this value should never be returned"), 0, None, None)) } } ); if let Ok((board, status, cyan_opt, magenta_opt)) = row_result { if board.len() != (ROWS * COLS) as usize { // board is invalid size Ok((DBGameState::InternalError, None)) } else if cyan_opt.is_none() || magenta_opt.is_none() { // One player disconnected self.disconnect_player(Some(conn), player_id).ok(); // Remove the game(s) with disconnected players if self.clear_empty_games(Some(conn)).is_err() { Ok((DBGameState::InternalError, None)) } else if status == 2 || status == 3 { Ok((DBGameState::from(status), Some(board))) } else { Ok((DBGameState::OpponentDisconnected, Some(board))) } } else { // Game in progress, or other state depending on "status" Ok((DBGameState::from(status), Some(board))) } } else if let Err(RusqliteError::QueryReturnedNoRows) = row_result { // No rows is either player doesn't exist or not paired let (exists, is_paired, _is_cyan) = self.check_if_player_is_paired(Some(conn), player_id)?; if !exists { Ok((DBGameState::UnknownID, None)) } else if !is_paired { Ok((DBGameState::NotPaired, None)) } else { unreachable!("either exists or is_paired must be false"); } } else { // TODO use internal error enum instead of string Err(String::from("internal_error")) } } fn disconnect_player(&self, conn: Option<&Connection>, player_id: u32) -> Result<(), String> { if conn.is_none() { return self .disconnect_player(Some(&self.get_conn(DBFirstRun::NotFirstRun)?), player_id); } let conn = conn.unwrap(); let stmt_result = conn.execute("DELETE FROM players WHERE id = ?;", [player_id]); if let Ok(1) = stmt_result { Ok(()) } else { Err(String::from("id not found")) } } fn clear_empty_games(&self, conn: Option<&Connection>) -> Result<(), String> { if conn.is_none() { return self.clear_empty_games(Some(&self.get_conn(DBFirstRun::NotFirstRun)?)); } let conn = conn.unwrap(); // Only fails if no rows were removed, and that is not an issue conn.execute( "DELETE FROM games WHERE cyan_player ISNULL AND magenta_player ISNULL;", [], ) .ok(); Ok(()) } fn place_token( &self, conn: Option<&Connection>, player_id: u32, pos: usize, ) -> PlaceResultType { if conn.is_none() { return self.place_token( Some( &self .get_conn(DBFirstRun::NotFirstRun) .map_err(|_| DBPlaceError::InternalError)?, ), player_id, pos, ); } let conn = conn.unwrap(); // check if player exists let player_exist_check_result = self.check_if_player_exists(Some(conn), player_id); if let Ok(exists) = player_exist_check_result { if !exists { return Err(DBPlaceError::UnknownID); } } else { return Err(DBPlaceError::InternalError); } // check if player belongs to a game let player_game_result = self.check_if_player_in_game(Some(conn), player_id); if let Ok(is_in_game) = player_game_result { if !is_in_game { return Err(DBPlaceError::NotPairedYet); } } else { return Err(DBPlaceError::InternalError); } // check if player is cyan or magenta let query_result_result: Result, _> = conn.query_row( "SELECT cyan_player, magenta_player, status, board FROM games JOIN players WHERE = ? AND players.game_id =;", [player_id], |row| { let cyan_id_result: Result, _> = row.get(0); let magenta_id_result: Result, _> = row.get(1); let status_result: Result = row.get(2); let board_result: Result = row.get(3); if status_result.is_err() { return|_| Ok((false, 0, "".into()))); } let status: u32 = status_result.unwrap(); if board_result.is_err() { return|_| Ok((false, 0, "".into()))); } let board = board_result.unwrap(); if cyan_id_result.is_ok() && magenta_id_result.is_ok() { if let (Ok(cyan_id_opt), Ok(magenta_id_opt)) = (cyan_id_result, magenta_id_result) { if let (Some(cyan_id), Some(_magenta_id)) = (cyan_id_opt, magenta_id_opt) { Ok(Ok((cyan_id == player_id, status, board))) } else if (2..=4).contains(&status) { // game has ended, don't return error // first result will be safely ignored Ok(Ok((false, status, board))) } else { Ok(Err(DBPlaceError::OpponentDisconnected)) } } else { unreachable!("both row items should be Ok") } } else if cyan_id_result.is_err() {|_| Err(DBPlaceError::InternalError)) } else {|_| Err(DBPlaceError::InternalError)) } }); let query_result = query_result_result.map_err(|_| DBPlaceError::InternalError)?; // if opponent has disconnected, disconnect the remaining player as well if let Err(DBPlaceError::OpponentDisconnected) = query_result { self.disconnect_player(Some(conn), player_id).ok(); if self.clear_empty_games(Some(conn)).is_err() { return Err(DBPlaceError::InternalError); } } let (is_cyan, status, board_string) = query_result?; match status { 0 => { // cyan's turn if !is_cyan { return Err(DBPlaceError::NotYourTurn); } } 1 => { // magenta's turn if is_cyan { return Err(DBPlaceError::NotYourTurn); } } 2 => { // game over, cyan won self.disconnect_player(Some(conn), player_id).ok(); if self.clear_empty_games(Some(conn)).is_err() { return Err(DBPlaceError::InternalError); } return Ok((DBPlaceStatus::GameEndedCyanWon, Some(board_string))); } 3 => { // game over, magenta won self.disconnect_player(Some(conn), player_id).ok(); if self.clear_empty_games(Some(conn)).is_err() { return Err(DBPlaceError::InternalError); } return Ok((DBPlaceStatus::GameEndedMagentaWon, Some(board_string))); } 4 => { // game over, draw self.disconnect_player(Some(conn), player_id).ok(); if self.clear_empty_games(Some(conn)).is_err() { return Err(DBPlaceError::InternalError); } return Ok((DBPlaceStatus::GameEndedDraw, Some(board_string))); } _ => (), } // get board state let board = board_from_string(board_string); // find placement position or return "illegal move" if unable to let mut final_pos = pos; loop { if board[final_pos].get() == BoardState::Empty { if final_pos + COLS as usize >= board.len() || board[final_pos + COLS as usize].get() != BoardState::Empty { break; } else if board[final_pos + COLS as usize].get() == BoardState::Empty { final_pos += COLS as usize; } } else { return Err(DBPlaceError::Illegal); } } // place into board if is_cyan { board[final_pos].replace(BoardState::Cyan); } else { board[final_pos].replace(BoardState::Magenta); } // board back to string let (board_string, ended_state_opt) = string_from_board(board, final_pos); // update DB let update_result = if ended_state_opt.is_none() { conn.execute( "UPDATE games SET status = ?, board = ?, turn_time_start = datetime() FROM players WHERE players.game_id = AND = ?;", params![if status == 0 { 1u8 } else { 0u8 }, board_string, player_id] ) } else { conn.execute( "UPDATE games SET status = ?, board = ? FROM players WHERE players.game_id = AND = ?;", params![if ended_state_opt.unwrap() == BoardState::Empty { 4u8 } else if ended_state_opt.unwrap() == BoardState::CyanWin { 2u8 } else { 3u8 }, board_string, player_id] ) }; if let Err(_e) = update_result { return Err(DBPlaceError::InternalError); } else if let Ok(count) = update_result { if count != 1 { return Err(DBPlaceError::InternalError); } } if let Some(ended_state) = ended_state_opt { self.disconnect_player(Some(conn), player_id).ok(); Ok(( match ended_state { BoardState::Empty => DBPlaceStatus::GameEndedDraw, BoardState::Cyan | BoardState::Magenta => unreachable!(), BoardState::CyanWin => DBPlaceStatus::GameEndedCyanWon, BoardState::MagentaWin => DBPlaceStatus::GameEndedMagentaWon, }, Some(board_string), )) } else { Ok((DBPlaceStatus::Accepted, Some(board_string))) } } fn check_turn_times(&self) -> Result<(), String> { let conn = self.get_conn(DBFirstRun::NotFirstRun)?; let mut prepared_stmt = conn .prepare( "SELECT id, status, board FROM games WHERE unixepoch() - unixepoch(turn_time_start) > ? AND cyan_player NOTNULL and magenta_player NOTNULL AND status < 2;", ) .map_err(|_| String::from("Failed to prepare db query based on turn time"))?; let rows = prepared_stmt .query_map([TURN_SECONDS], |row| { let id_result = row.get(0); let status_result = row.get(1); let board_result = row.get(2); if id_result.is_ok() && status_result.is_ok() && board_result.is_ok() { if let (Ok(id), Ok(status), Ok(board)) = (id_result, status_result, board_result) { Ok((id, status, board)) } else { unreachable!(); } } else if id_result.is_err() {|_| (0, 0, String::new())) } else if status_result.is_err() {|_| (0, 0, String::new())) } else {|_| (0, 0, String::new())) } }) .map_err(|_| String::from("Failed to query db based on turn time"))?; for row_result in rows { if let Ok((id, status, board)) = row_result { self.have_ai_take_players_turn(Some(&conn), id, status, board)?; } else { unreachable!("This part should never execute"); } } Ok(()) } fn have_ai_take_players_turn( &self, conn: Option<&Connection>, game_id: u32, status: u32, board_string: String, ) -> Result<(), String> { if status > 1 { return Err(String::from( "have_ai_take_players_turn: got invalid status", )); } if conn.is_none() { return self.have_ai_take_players_turn( Some(&self.get_conn(DBFirstRun::NotFirstRun)?), game_id, status, board_string, ); } let conn = conn.unwrap(); let is_cyan = status == 0; let board = board_from_string(board_string); let mut ai_choice_pos: usize = get_ai_choice( AIDifficulty::Hard, if is_cyan { Turn::CyanPlayer } else { Turn::MagentaPlayer }, &board, ) .map_err(|_| String::from("Failed to get ai choice on turn timeout"))? .into(); if board[ai_choice_pos].get() != BoardState::Empty { return Err(String::from("ai returned illegal move on turn timeout")); } // get final position of token loop { if board.len() <= ai_choice_pos + COLS as usize { break; } else if board[ai_choice_pos + COLS as usize].get() == BoardState::Empty { ai_choice_pos += COLS as usize; } else { break; } } // place token board[ai_choice_pos].replace(if is_cyan { BoardState::Cyan } else { BoardState::Magenta }); // get board string from board while checking if game has ended let (board_string, end_state_opt) = string_from_board(board, ai_choice_pos); let state; if let Some(board_state) = end_state_opt { if board_state == BoardState::Empty { state = 4; } else if board_state.from_win() == BoardState::Cyan { state = 2; } else if board_state.from_win() == BoardState::Magenta { state = 3; } else { unreachable!(); } } else { state = if is_cyan { 1 } else { 0 }; } conn.execute( "UPDATE games SET board = ?, status = ?, turn_time_start = datetime() WHERE id = ?;", params![board_string, state, game_id], ) .map_err(|_| String::from("Failed to update game with ai choice on turn timeout"))?; Ok(()) } fn cleanup_stale_games(&self, conn: Option<&Connection>) -> Result<(), String> { if conn.is_none() { return self.cleanup_stale_games(Some(&self.get_conn(DBFirstRun::NotFirstRun)?)); } let conn = conn.unwrap(); conn.execute( "DELETE FROM games WHERE unixepoch() - unixepoch(date_added) > ?;", [GAME_CLEANUP_TIMEOUT], ) .ok(); Ok(()) } fn cleanup_stale_players(&self, conn: Option<&Connection>) -> Result<(), String> { if conn.is_none() { return self.cleanup_stale_games(Some(&self.get_conn(DBFirstRun::NotFirstRun)?)); } let conn = conn.unwrap(); conn.execute( "DELETE FROM players WHERE unixepoch() - unixepoch(date_added) > ? AND game_id ISNULL;", [PLAYER_CLEANUP_TIMEOUT], ) .ok(); Ok(()) } } pub fn start_db_handler_thread( rx: Receiver, sqlite_path: String, shutdown_tx: SyncSender<()>, ) { let mut handler = DBHandler { rx, sqlite_path, shutdown_tx, }; thread::spawn(move || { // temporarily get conn which should initialize on first setup of db if let Ok(_conn) = handler.get_conn(DBFirstRun::FirstRun) { } else { println!("ERROR: Failed init sqlite db connection"); handler.shutdown_tx.send(()).ok(); return; } 'outer: loop { if handler.handle_request() { handler.shutdown_tx.send(()).ok(); break 'outer; } if let Err(e) = handler.check_turn_times() { println!("{}", e); } if let Err(e) = handler.cleanup_stale_games(None) { println!("{}", e); } if let Err(e) = handler.cleanup_stale_players(None) { println!("{}", e); } } }); }