2022-02-27T18:36:39.819321307LibreOffice/$Linux_X86_64 LibreOffice_project/30$Build-32022-03-17T11:45:12.453796263PT1H41M11S22 0 0 34070 28956 view1 9 33 2 0 0 0 20 0 100 60 true false Sheet1 2483 0 100 60 false true true true 12632256 true true true true false false false 1270 1270 1 1 true false true true true 0 true true false true false en US 12632256 true true false false true true false 3 false Generic Printer false 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 false 1270 1270 1 1 true false true true true true 7 true Sheet1 ??? Page 1 ???(???) 00/00/0000, 00:00:00 Page 1/ 99 Sprint 1 Sprint 2 Sprint 3 Goal: MVP, front-end only Goal: AI impl Goal: Impl Networked Multiplayer Start = Feb. 28, End = Mar. 6 Start = Mar. 7, End Mar. 13 Start = Mar. 14, End Mar. 20 Planned Vel. = 159 Planned Vel. = 184 Planned Vel. = 172 Actual Vel. = 129 Actual Vel. = 114 Actual Vel. = 0 Short Title Theme Kano Category Story Points Priority Pri In Done Pri In Done Pri In Done Main Epic User Story Epic Mandatory 800 1 Choose game type Front-End Interface Mandatory 10 3.9751552795031 3.9751552795031 X Game start Front-End Interface Mandatory 40 0.993788819875776 0.993788819875776 X Player pairing cancellation Front-End Interface Exciter 37 0.537183145878798 Visible “whose turn it is” Front-End Interface Mandatory 13 3.05781175346393 3.05781175346393 X Column availability Front-End Interface Mandatory 18 2.20841959972395 2.20841959972395 X Token placing Front-End Interface Mandatory 25 1.68944099378882 1.68944099378882 X Visible game board Front-End Interface Mandatory 23 1.94436943019174 1.94436943019174 X Final game results Front-End Interface Mandatory 20 1.98757763975155 1.98757763975155 X End game options Front-End Interface Exciter 13 1.72001911132346 Website URL and availability Front-End Interface Linear 24 1.75983436853002 1.75983436853002 X 2022-03-13T00:00:00 This was done on the side without realizing it was a task. Game is currently available at https://asdm.seodisparate.com/ X AI implementation Back-End Implementation Exciter 2022-03-13T00:00:00 Reduced to 70 because figuring out the (start of) making Utility AI wasn’t too difficult. 70 0.390417036379769 0.390417036379769 X 2022-03-13T00:00:00 AI could use some further improvement/tweaking, so it is still unfinished. Game logic turn implementation Back-End Implementation Mandatory 30 1.32505175983437 1.32505175983437 X 1.32505175983437 X Game logic record token drop implementation Back-End Implementation Mandatory 65 0.611562350692785 Game logic win/lose/draw state detection Back-End Implementation Mandatory 70 0.532386867790595 0.532386867790595 X Multiplayer pairing Networking Exciter 77 0.419456320077438 0.419456320077438 X Multiplayer game start Networking Mandatory 2022-03-13T00:00:00 Reduced to 25 because the non-multiplayer game-start is already working, so it shouldn’t be too hard to build off of that. 25 1.7888198757764 1.7888198757764 2022-03-13T00:00:00 This task and the following two are related to the previous one. They may be implemented together at the same time. X Multiplayer game whose turn it is Networking Mandatory 2022-03-13T00:00:00 Reduced to 20 since the turn indicator already exists, so it shouldn’t be hard to update the turn indicator. 20 2.11180124223602 2.11180124223602 X Multiplayer record turn action Networking Mandatory 2022-03-13T00:00:00 Reduced to 20 since the turn indicator exists. It shouldn’t be too hard to record turns in the record. 20 1.98757763975155 1.98757763975155 X Multiplayer game board state Networking Linear 53 0.843782960271886 Multiplayer end-game state Networking Linear 48 0.77639751552795 In-game emotes Extra Exciter 47 0.475749966961808 In-game column emotes Extra Exciter 52 0.430004777830865 Reactivity Constraint Mandatory Retrospective: Designing and implementing the front end was difficult at first, since it was my first time using the Yew framework. Was able to get a Minimum Viable Product front-end that should work as the base for future work on the front-end. AI implementation was not as hard as I thought it would be. I initially gave it 100 points, but reduced it to 70. Admittedly, after implementing it, it still is somewhat flawed sometimes (as noticed during testing it), so it could be tweaked later, which is why the task isn’t complete, but incomplete. The resulting velocity is short of the planned velocity in this and the previous Sprint, but this is only because a single task in each Sprint is just shy of being complete. It appears to be over-commiting, but I don’t think that’s the case.