2022-04-04T14:25:39.1840805452022-04-08T12:23:57.299348887PT15M57S10LibreOffice/$Linux_X86_64 LibreOffice_project/30$Build-2 0 0 28900 6773 view1 0 8 2 0 0 0 0 0 100 60 true false Sheet1 1203 0 100 60 false true true true 12632256 true true true true false false false 1270 1270 1 1 true false true true true 0 true true false true false en US 12632256 true true false false true true false 3 false Generic Printer false 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 false 1270 1270 1 1 true false true true true true 7 true Sheet1 ??? Page 1 ???(???) 00/00/0000, 00:00:00 Page 1/ 99 Task Status Start Amount Monday Tuesday 2022-04-06T00:00:00 Was stuck on the previous day, but had a breakthrough on this day that led me to push to finish up the frontend to backend connection impl. Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Game Logic turn implementation Implement turn changer 2022-04-04T00:00:00 Starts Sprint as “In Progress” due to it being a previously blocked task. Done 1 0 Game logic win/lose/draw state detection Front-end detects win/lose/draw state from back-end Done 2 0 Multiplayer Pairing Front-end to Back-end connection impl 2022-04-04T00:00:00 Starts Sprint as “In Progress” due to it being a previously blocked task. Done 2 0 2022-04-04T00:00:00 This is separate from the previous task because the Front-end requires thought on handling the connection since the front-end is event-based, and might not support threads due to the front-end being Rust WASM. Front-end handling of Back-end connection Done 7 4 2 0 2022-04-08T00:00:00 A bug was discovered where disconnecting players (by refresh or close of page) would not actually remove their entry from the back_end’s database. This task resolves this issue. Front-end proper disconnect handling Done 2 0 Multiplayer Game Start Front-end and Back-end state sync 2022-04-04T00:00:00 Starts Sprint as “In Progress” due to it being a previously blocked task. Done 3 2 0 Total Hours 15 17 Hours Remaining 17 12 9 0 0 0 Hours Completed -2 3 6 15 15 17