2022-02-27T18:36:39.819321307LibreOffice/$Linux_X86_64 LibreOffice_project/30$Build-32022-03-13T22:04:25.761148249PT1H33M46S21 0 0 34070 22924 view1 12 22 2 0 0 0 0 0 100 60 true false Sheet1 2483 0 100 60 false true true true 12632256 true true true true false false false 1270 1270 1 1 true false true true true 0 true true false true false en US 12632256 true true false false true true false 3 false Generic Printer false 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 false 1270 1270 1 1 true false true true true true 7 true Sheet1 ??? Page 1 ???(???) 00/00/0000, 00:00:00 Page 1/ 99 Sprint 1 Sprint 2 Sprint 3 Goal: MVP, front-end only Goal: AI impl Goal: Impl Networked Multiplayer Start = Feb. 28, End = Mar. 6 Start = Mar. 7, End Mar. 13 Start = Mar. 14, End Mar. 20 Planned Vel. = 159 Planned Vel. = 184 Planned Vel. = 172 Actual Vel. = 129 Actual Vel. = 114 Actual Vel. = 0 Short Title Theme Kano Category Story Points Priority Pri In Done Pri In Done Pri In Done Main Epic User Story Epic Mandatory 800 1 Choose game type Front-End Interface Mandatory 10 3.9751552795031 3.9751552795031 X Game start Front-End Interface Mandatory 40 0.993788819875776 0.993788819875776 X Player pairing cancellation Front-End Interface Exciter 37 0.537183145878798 Visible “whose turn it is” Front-End Interface Mandatory 13 3.05781175346393 3.05781175346393 X Column availability Front-End Interface Mandatory 18 2.20841959972395 2.20841959972395 X Token placing Front-End Interface Mandatory 25 1.68944099378882 1.68944099378882 X Visible game board Front-End Interface Mandatory 23 1.94436943019174 1.94436943019174 X Final game results Front-End Interface Mandatory 20 1.98757763975155 1.98757763975155 X End game options Front-End Interface Exciter 13 1.72001911132346 Website URL and availability Front-End Interface Linear 24 1.75983436853002 1.75983436853002 X 2022-03-13T00:00:00 This was done on the side without realizing it was a task. Game is currently available at https://asdm.seodisparate.com/ X AI implementation Back-End Implementation Exciter 2022-03-13T00:00:00 Reduced to 70 because figuring out the (start of) making Utility AI wasn’t too difficult. 70 0.390417036379769 0.390417036379769 X 2022-03-13T00:00:00 AI could use some further improvement/tweaking, so it is still unfinished. Game logic turn implementation Back-End Implementation Mandatory 30 1.32505175983437 1.32505175983437 X 1.32505175983437 X Game logic record token drop implementation Back-End Implementation Mandatory 65 0.611562350692785 Game logic win/lose/draw state detection Back-End Implementation Mandatory 70 0.532386867790595 0.532386867790595 X Multiplayer pairing Networking Exciter 77 0.419456320077438 0.419456320077438 X Multiplayer game start Networking Mandatory 2022-03-13T00:00:00 Reduced to 25 because the non-multiplayer game-start is already working, so it shouldn’t be too hard to build off of that. 25 1.7888198757764 1.7888198757764 2022-03-13T00:00:00 This task and the following two are related to the previous one. They may be implemented together at the same time. X Multiplayer game whose turn it is Networking Mandatory 2022-03-13T00:00:00 Reduced to 20 since the turn indicator already exists, so it shouldn’t be hard to update the turn indicator. 20 2.11180124223602 2.11180124223602 X Multiplayer record turn action Networking Mandatory 2022-03-13T00:00:00 Reduced to 20 since the turn indicator exists. It shouldn’t be too hard to record turns in the record. 20 1.98757763975155 1.98757763975155 X Multiplayer game board state Networking Linear 53 0.843782960271886 Multiplayer end-game state Networking Linear 48 0.77639751552795 In-game emotes Extra Exciter 47 0.475749966961808 In-game column emotes Extra Exciter 52 0.430004777830865 Reactivity Constraint Mandatory