Stephen Seo 89a12623b4 Incorporate game AI into game
Can select from three difficulties, and the AI makes their move when it
is their turn. AI probably still needs some tweaking..
2022-03-10 16:17:16 +09:00

313 lines
8.8 KiB

use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use crate::random_helper::get_seeded_random;
use crate::state::{BoardState, BoardType, Turn};
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum AIDifficulty {
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum SlotChoice {
impl From<SlotChoice> for usize {
fn from(slot_choice: SlotChoice) -> Self {
match slot_choice {
SlotChoice::Slot0 => 0,
SlotChoice::Slot1 => 1,
SlotChoice::Slot2 => 2,
SlotChoice::Slot3 => 3,
SlotChoice::Slot4 => 4,
SlotChoice::Slot5 => 5,
SlotChoice::Slot6 => 6,
SlotChoice::Invalid => (ROWS * COLS) as usize,
impl From<usize> for SlotChoice {
fn from(idx: usize) -> Self {
if idx >= (ROWS * COLS) as usize {
return SlotChoice::Invalid;
match idx % (COLS as usize) {
0 => SlotChoice::Slot0,
1 => SlotChoice::Slot1,
2 => SlotChoice::Slot2,
3 => SlotChoice::Slot3,
4 => SlotChoice::Slot4,
5 => SlotChoice::Slot5,
6 => SlotChoice::Slot6,
_ => SlotChoice::Invalid,
pub fn get_ai_choice(
difficulty: AIDifficulty,
player: Turn,
board: &BoardType,
) -> Result<SlotChoice, String> {
let mut rng = get_seeded_random()?;
let mut utilities = Vec::with_capacity(COLS as usize);
for i in 0..(COLS as usize) {
let slot = i.into();
if slot == SlotChoice::Invalid {
return Err("Internal error: get_ai_choice() iterated to SlotChoice::Invalid".into());
if let Some(utility) = get_utility_for_slot(player, slot, board) {
if utilities.is_empty() {
return Err("All slots are full".into());
// shuffle utilities for the cases where there are equivalent utilities
let mut utilities: Vec<(usize, f64)> = utilities.into_iter().enumerate().collect();
if utilities.len() > 1 {
for i in 1..utilities.len() {
utilities.swap(i, rng.rand_range(0..((i + 1) as u32)) as usize);
let mut pick_some_of_choices = |amount: usize| -> Result<SlotChoice, String> {
let mut maximums: BTreeMap<i64, usize> = BTreeMap::new();
for (idx, utility) in &utilities {
// f64 cannot be used as Key since it doesn't implement Ord.
// Use i64 as a substitute, noting that the map stores in ascending
// order.
let mut utility_value = (utility * 10000.0) as i64;
while maximums.contains_key(&utility_value) {
utility_value += rng.rand_range(0..7) as i64 - 3;
maximums.insert(utility_value, *idx);
// don't pick from more items than what exists
let mod_amount = if maximums.len() < amount {
} else {
// don't use random if only 1 item is to be picked
let random_number: usize = if mod_amount > 1 {
rng.rand_u32() as usize % mod_amount
} else {
let rand_idx = maximums.len() - 1 - random_number;
// turns the map into a vector of (key, value), then pick out of the
// last few values by index the "value" which is the SlotChoice.
// This is done because BTreeMap stores keys in ascending order.
Ok((*maximums.iter().collect::<Vec<(&i64, &usize)>>()[rand_idx].1).into())
match difficulty {
AIDifficulty::Easy => pick_some_of_choices(AI_EASY_MAX_CHOICES),
AIDifficulty::Normal => pick_some_of_choices(AI_NORMAL_MAX_CHOICES),
AIDifficulty::Hard => {
// only pick the best option all the time
let mut max = -1.0f64;
let mut max_idx: usize = 0;
for (idx, utility) in utilities {
if utility > max {
max = utility;
max_idx = idx;
/// Returns a value between 0.0 and 1.0 where 1.0 is highest utility
/// "None" indicates it is impossible to place at the given slot
fn get_utility_for_slot(player: Turn, slot: SlotChoice, board: &BoardType) -> Option<f64> {
// get idx of location where dropped token will reside in
let mut idx: usize = slot.into();
if board[idx].get() != BoardState::Empty {
// slot is full, cannot place in slot
return None;
while idx < ((ROWS - 1) * COLS) as usize
&& board[idx + COLS as usize].get() == BoardState::Empty
idx += COLS as usize;
// check if placing a token here is a win
if get_block_amount(player.get_opposite(), idx, 3, board) {
return Some(1.0);
// check if placing a token here blocks a win
if get_block_amount(player, idx, 3, board) {
return Some(0.9);
let mut utility: f64 = 0.5;
// check if placing a token here connects 2 pieces
if get_block_amount(player.get_opposite(), idx, 2, board) {
utility *= 1.5;
if utility >= 0.8 {
utility = 0.8;
// check if placing a token here blocks 2 pieces
if get_block_amount(player, idx, 2, board) {
utility *= 1.2;
if utility >= 0.8 {
utility = 0.8;
// check if placing a token here connects 1 piece
if get_block_amount(player.get_opposite(), idx, 1, board) {
utility *= 1.09;
if utility >= 0.8 {
utility = 0.8;
/// Returns true if placing a token at idx will block the opposite player that
/// has "amount" in a line (horizontally, vertically, and diagonally).
fn get_block_amount(player: Turn, idx: usize, amount: usize, board: &BoardType) -> bool {
let opposite = player.get_opposite();
// setup for checks
let mut count = 0;
let mut temp_idx = idx;
// check left
while temp_idx % (COLS as usize) > 0 {
temp_idx -= 1;
if board[temp_idx].get() == opposite.into() {
count += 1;
if count >= amount {
return true;
} else {
// check right
count = 0;
temp_idx = idx;
while temp_idx % (COLS as usize) < (COLS - 1) as usize {
temp_idx += 1;
if board[temp_idx].get() == opposite.into() {
count += 1;
if count >= amount {
return true;
} else {
// check down
count = 0;
temp_idx = idx;
while temp_idx / (COLS as usize) < (ROWS - 1) as usize {
temp_idx += COLS as usize;
if board[temp_idx].get() == opposite.into() {
count += 1;
if count >= amount {
return true;
} else {
// check diagonal left down
count = 0;
temp_idx = idx;
while temp_idx % (COLS as usize) > 0 && temp_idx / (COLS as usize) < (ROWS - 1) as usize {
temp_idx = temp_idx - 1 + COLS as usize;
if board[temp_idx].get() == opposite.into() {
count += 1;
if count >= amount {
return true;
} else {
// check diagonal right down
count = 0;
temp_idx = idx;
while temp_idx % (COLS as usize) < (COLS - 1) as usize
&& temp_idx / (COLS as usize) < (ROWS - 1) as usize
temp_idx = temp_idx + 1 + COLS as usize;
if board[temp_idx].get() == opposite.into() {
count += 1;
if count >= amount {
return true;
} else {
// check diagonal left up
count = 0;
temp_idx = idx;
while temp_idx % (COLS as usize) > 0 && temp_idx / (COLS as usize) > 0 {
temp_idx = temp_idx - 1 - COLS as usize;
if board[temp_idx].get() == opposite.into() {
count += 1;
if count >= amount {
return true;
} else {
// check diagonal right up
count = 0;
temp_idx = idx;
while temp_idx % (COLS as usize) < (COLS - 1) as usize && temp_idx / (COLS as usize) > 0 {
temp_idx = temp_idx + 1 - COLS as usize;
if board[temp_idx].get() == opposite.into() {
count += 1;
if count >= amount {
return true;
} else {
// exhausted all possible potential wins, therefore does not block a win