use std::{path::PathBuf, str::FromStr}; use crate::agnostic_interface::CameraInterface; use crate::faux_quicksilver::{Circle, Color, Rectangle, Transform, Vector, Window}; use rand::prelude::*; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; const WIDTH_F: f32 = 800.0; const HEIGHT_F: f32 = 600.0; const MUSIC2_LENGTH: f32 = 2.0 * 60.0 * 1000.0; const TEXT_RATE: f32 = 0.1; const PP_GEN_RATE: f32 = 0.075; const PARTICLE_RAND_VEL_RANGE: f32 = 0.2; const PARTICLE_RAND_VEL_DIST: f32 = 0.2828427; // dist where x and y = 0.2 const PARTICLE_RAND_ROT_RANGE: f32 = 0.5; const JOINING_OPACITY_RATE: f32 = 0.00013; const JOINING_FAR_DIST: f32 = 700.0; const JOINING_NEAR_DIST: f32 = 150.0; const DOUBLE_CLICK_TIME: f32 = 0.350; const SL_NOTIF_TIME: f32 = 5000.0; const MAX_MOONS: usize = 5; fn interp_sq_inv(x: f32) -> f32 { if x < 0.0 { return 0.0; } else if x > 1.0 { return 1.0; } let y = x - 1.0; -y * y + 1.0 } fn interp_sq(x: f32) -> f32 { if x < 0.0 { return 0.0; } else if x > 1.0 { return 1.0; } x * x } enum MenuItemType { Button { text: &'static str, text_c: Color, h_c: Color, c: Color, }, AppearingText { text: &'static str, text_idx: usize, text_size: f32, text_c: Color, timer: f32, }, InstantText { text: &'static str, text_size: f32, text_color: Color, }, Pause { timer: f32, length: f32, }, } struct MenuItem { x: f32, y: f32, w: f32, h: f32, item_type: MenuItemType, is_hover: bool, is_focus: bool, is_loaded: bool, } impl MenuItem { fn is_inside(&self, x: f32, y: f32) -> bool { x >= self.x && x < self.x + self.w && y >= self.y && y < self.y + self.h } } struct Menu { items: Vec, } impl Menu { fn button( x: f32, y: f32, w: f32, h: f32, s: &'static str, t_color: Color, box_color: Color, boxh_color: Color, first: bool, ) -> MenuItem { MenuItem { x, y, w, h, item_type: MenuItemType::Button { text: s, text_c: t_color, h_c: boxh_color, c: box_color, }, is_hover: false, is_focus: false, is_loaded: !first, } } fn start() -> Menu { let item = MenuItem { x: WIDTH_F / 2.0 - 120.0, y: 150.0, w: 240.0, h: 150.0, item_type: MenuItemType::Button { text: "Start the Game", text_c: Color::WHITE, h_c: Color::from_rgba(0x66, 0xFF, 0xFF, 255), c: Color::from_rgba(0x33, 0xDD, 0xDD, 255), }, is_hover: false, is_focus: false, is_loaded: false, }; Menu { items: vec![ item, Menu::instant_text( 70.0, 50.0, 55.0, true, "One And All - A Ludum Dare 45 Entry", ), Menu::instant_text( 25.0, HEIGHT_F - 100.0, 30.0, true, "Made with quicksilver which is licensed with either", ), Menu::instant_text( 70.0, HEIGHT_F - 80.0, 30.0, true, "MIT License or Apache License Version 2.0", ), Menu::instant_text( 25.0, HEIGHT_F - 50.0, 30.0, true, "Uses Clear-Sans which is licensed with Apache License Version 2.0", ), ], } } fn instant_text(x: f32, y: f32, text_size: f32, first: bool, s: &'static str) -> MenuItem { MenuItem { x, y, w: 0.0, h: 0.0, item_type: MenuItemType::InstantText { text: s, text_size, text_color: Color::WHITE, }, is_hover: false, is_focus: false, is_loaded: !first, } } fn text(x: f32, y: f32, text_size: f32, first: bool, s: &'static str) -> MenuItem { MenuItem { x, y, w: 0.0, h: 0.0, item_type: MenuItemType::AppearingText { text: s, text_size, text_c: Color::WHITE, timer: 0.0, text_idx: 0, }, is_hover: false, is_focus: false, is_loaded: !first, } } fn pause(length: f32, first: bool) -> MenuItem { MenuItem { x: 0.0, y: 0.0, w: 0.0, h: 0.0, item_type: MenuItemType::Pause { timer: 0.0, length }, is_hover: false, is_focus: false, is_loaded: !first, } } fn s_01() -> Menu { Menu { items: vec![ Menu::pause(0.500, true), Menu::text(50.0, HEIGHT_F - 140.0, 40.0, false, "This is how it is."), Menu::pause(0.500, false), Menu::text( 50.0, HEIGHT_F - 100.0, 40.0, false, "Nothing is, and everything is nothing.", ), Menu::pause(0.500, false), Menu::text(50.0, HEIGHT_F - 60.0, 40.0, false, "...until you appeared."), Menu::pause(0.100, false), Menu::text( 570.0, HEIGHT_F - 50.0, 30.0, false, "(Click to continue...)", ), ], } } fn s_02() -> Menu { Menu { items: vec![ Menu::text( 50.0, HEIGHT_F - 150.0, 40.0, true, "Just by being, you brought light into existence.", ), Menu::pause(0.500, false), Menu::text( 50.0, HEIGHT_F - 110.0, 40.0, false, "What brings you here? What drives you?", ), Menu::pause(0.500, false), Menu::text( 50.0, HEIGHT_F - 70.0, 40.0, false, "Please tell me, what fuels you?", ), Menu::button( 100.0, 30.0, 200.0, 85.0, "Hope", Color::WHITE, Color::BLACK, Color::from_rgba(0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 255), false, ), Menu::button( 500.0, 30.0, 200.0, 85.0, "Miracles", Color::WHITE, Color::BLACK, Color::from_rgba(0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 255), false, ), Menu::button( 100.0, 150.0, 200.0, 85.0, "Kindness", Color::WHITE, Color::BLACK, Color::from_rgba(0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 255), false, ), Menu::button( 500.0, 150.0, 200.0, 85.0, "Determination", Color::WHITE, Color::BLACK, Color::from_rgba(0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 255), false, ), ], } } // choose hope fn s_03() -> Menu { Menu { items: vec![ Menu::text( 50.0, HEIGHT_F - 170.0, 40.0, true, "Hope... hope that your actions will inspire others..", ), Menu::pause(0.500, false), Menu::text( 50.0, HEIGHT_F - 130.0, 40.0, false, "Hope that a brighter future will come tomorrow...", ), Menu::pause(0.500, false), Menu::text( 50.0, HEIGHT_F - 90.0, 40.0, false, ".. With your appearance, perhaps it shall...", ), ], } } // choose miracles fn s_04() -> Menu { Menu { items: vec![ Menu::text( 30.0, HEIGHT_F - 170.0, 40.0, true, "Miracles huh?.. I see, then your appearance is special.", ), Menu::pause(0.500, false), Menu::text( 30.0, HEIGHT_F - 130.0, 40.0, false, "With your appearance, things may change for the better..", ), Menu::pause(0.500, false), Menu::text( 30.0, HEIGHT_F - 90.0, 40.0, false, "Now I am certain that this meeting was not by chance.", ), ], } } // choose kindness fn s_05() -> Menu { Menu { items: vec![ Menu::text( 50.0, HEIGHT_F - 170.0, 40.0, true, "Kindness?.. I am in your debt.", ), Menu::pause(0.250, false), Menu::text( 50.0, HEIGHT_F - 130.0, 40.0, false, "It has been a long time since I have encountered", ), Menu::text(50.0, HEIGHT_F - 90.0, 40.0, false, "another being..."), Menu::pause(0.500, false), Menu::text(270.0, HEIGHT_F - 90.0, 40.0, false, "... Thank you..."), ], } } // choose determination fn s_06() -> Menu { Menu { items: vec![ Menu::text( 50.0, HEIGHT_F - 170.0, 40.0, true, "Determination.. I see...", ), Menu::pause(0.500, false), Menu::text( 400.0, HEIGHT_F - 170.0, 40.0, false, "I do not doubt it, for it", ), Menu::text( 50.0, HEIGHT_F - 130.0, 40.0, false, "must have been difficult to come here..", ), Menu::pause(0.500, false), Menu::text( 50.0, HEIGHT_F - 90.0, 40.0, false, "Your resolve is evident by your mere presence..", ), ], } } fn s_07() -> Menu { Menu { items: vec![ Menu::text( 50.0, HEIGHT_F - 130.0, 40.0, true, "Now that you are here, it must mean a new era of", ), Menu::text( 50.0, HEIGHT_F - 90.0, 40.0, false, "creation for all that will be.", ), Menu::pause(0.200, false), Menu::text( 50.0, HEIGHT_F - 50.0, 40.0, false, "Try double-clicking the void to create something...", ), ], } } fn s_08() -> Menu { Menu { items: vec![Menu::instant_text( 50.0, HEIGHT_F - 90.0, 35.0, true, "(Try double-clicking now...)", )], } } fn s_09() -> Menu { Menu { items: vec![ Menu::pause(0.400, true), Menu::text( 50.0, HEIGHT_F - 140.0, 40.0, false, "A new planet... It has most certainly been a while.", ), Menu::pause(0.500, false), Menu::text( 50.0, HEIGHT_F - 100.0, 40.0, false, "Please, go out and create the new universe, and again..", ), Menu::pause(0.300, false), Menu::text(50.0, HEIGHT_F - 60.0, 40.0, false, "Thank you."), ], } } fn s_10() -> Menu { Menu { items: vec![ Menu::instant_text( 20.0, HEIGHT_F - 40.0, 20.0, true, "Single click to move, Double-click to create something", ), Menu::instant_text( 20.0, HEIGHT_F - 20.0, 20.0, true, "S - save; L - load (can load from the start); R - reset", ), ], } } } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone)] struct Particle { rect: Rectangle, circle: Circle, is_rect: bool, velx: f32, vely: f32, velr: f32, r: f32, lifetime: f32, life_timer: f32, } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone)] struct ParticleSystem { particles: Vec, spawn_timer: f32, spawn_time: f32, lifetime: f32, host_rect: Rectangle, host_circle: Circle, is_rect: bool, direction: Vector, color: Color, opacity: f32, vel_multiplier: f32, } impl ParticleSystem { fn new( spawn_time: f32, lifetime: f32, host_rect: Rectangle, host_circle: Circle, is_rect: bool, direction: Vector, color: Color, opacity: f32, vel_multiplier: f32, ) -> Self { Self { particles: Vec::new(), spawn_timer: 0.0, spawn_time, lifetime, host_rect, host_circle, is_rect, direction, color, opacity, vel_multiplier, } } fn update(&mut self, dt: f32) { for i in (0..self.particles.len()).rev() { self.particles[i].life_timer += dt; if self.particles[i].life_timer > self.particles[i].lifetime { self.particles.swap_remove(i); } else { if self.is_rect { self.particles[i].rect.x += self.particles[i].velx * dt as f32; self.particles[i].rect.y += self.particles[i].vely * dt as f32; self.particles[i].r += self.particles[i].velr * dt as f32; } else { self.particles[i].circle.x += self.particles[i].velx * dt as f32; self.particles[i].circle.y += self.particles[i].vely * dt as f32; } } } self.spawn_timer += dt; if self.spawn_timer > self.spawn_time { self.spawn_timer -= self.spawn_time; self.particles.push(Particle { rect: self.host_rect, circle: self.host_circle, is_rect: self.is_rect, velx: (rand::thread_rng() .gen_range(-PARTICLE_RAND_VEL_RANGE, PARTICLE_RAND_VEL_RANGE) + self.direction.x) * self.vel_multiplier, vely: (rand::thread_rng() .gen_range(-PARTICLE_RAND_VEL_RANGE, PARTICLE_RAND_VEL_RANGE) + self.direction.y) * self.vel_multiplier, // velx: self.direction.x, // vely: self.direction.y, velr: rand::thread_rng() .gen_range(-PARTICLE_RAND_ROT_RANGE, PARTICLE_RAND_ROT_RANGE) * self.vel_multiplier, r: rand::thread_rng().gen_range(0.0, 90.0), lifetime: self.lifetime, life_timer: 0.0, }); } } fn draw(&mut self, window: &mut Window, transform: Transform) { if self.opacity == 0.0 { return; } for particle in &mut self.particles { self.color.a = ((1.0 - (particle.life_timer / particle.lifetime) as f32) * self.opacity * 255.0) as u8; if particle.is_rect { let pre_transform = Transform::translate(-particle.rect.x / 2.0, -particle.rect.y / 2.0) * Transform::rotate(particle.r); window .get_gi_mut() .draw_rect_transform( particle.rect, self.color, transform * pre_transform, Vector { x: particle.rect.x + particle.rect.w / 2.0, y: particle.rect.y + particle.rect.h / 2.0, }, ) .ok(); } else { window .get_gi_mut() .draw_circle_transform(, self.color, transform, Vector { x:, y:, }, ) .ok(); } } } fn force_spawn(&mut self, count: usize) { for i in 0..count { self.particles.push(Particle { rect: self.host_rect, circle: self.host_circle, is_rect: self.is_rect, velx: (rand::thread_rng() .gen_range(-PARTICLE_RAND_VEL_RANGE, PARTICLE_RAND_VEL_RANGE) + self.direction.x) * self.vel_multiplier, vely: (rand::thread_rng() .gen_range(-PARTICLE_RAND_VEL_RANGE, PARTICLE_RAND_VEL_RANGE) + self.direction.y) * self.vel_multiplier, // velx: self.direction.x, // vely: self.direction.y, velr: rand::thread_rng() .gen_range(-PARTICLE_RAND_ROT_RANGE, PARTICLE_RAND_ROT_RANGE) * self.vel_multiplier, r: rand::thread_rng().gen_range(0.0, 90.0), lifetime: self.lifetime, life_timer: 0.0, }); } } } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone)] struct RotatingParticleSystem { particle_system: ParticleSystem, r: f32, velr: f32, offset: f32, } impl RotatingParticleSystem { fn new( spawn_time: f32, lifetime: f32, host_rect: Rectangle, host_circle: Circle, is_rect: bool, direction: Vector, color: Color, opacity: f32, rotation: f32, velr: f32, offset: f32, vel_multiplier: f32, ) -> Self { RotatingParticleSystem { particle_system: ParticleSystem::new( spawn_time, lifetime, host_rect, host_circle, is_rect, direction, color, opacity, vel_multiplier, ), r: rotation, velr, offset, } } fn update(&mut self, dt: f32) { if self.particle_system.is_rect { let saved_rect = self.particle_system.host_rect; self.particle_system .host_rect .pos_add_vec(Transform::rotate(self.r) * Vector::new(self.offset, 0.0)); self.particle_system.update(dt); self.particle_system.host_rect = saved_rect; } else { let saved_cir = self.particle_system.host_circle; self.particle_system .host_circle .pos_add_vec(Transform::rotate(self.r) * Vector::new(self.offset, 0.0)); self.particle_system.update(dt); self.particle_system.host_circle = saved_cir; } self.r += self.velr * dt as f32; } fn draw(&mut self, window: &mut Window, transform: Transform) { if self.particle_system.opacity == 0.0 { return; } self.particle_system.direction = Transform::rotate(self.r) * Vector::new(0.0, -PARTICLE_RAND_VEL_DIST); self.particle_system.draw(window, transform); if self.particle_system.is_rect { let mut moved_rect = self.particle_system.host_rect; moved_rect.pos_add_vec(Transform::rotate(self.r) * Vector::new(self.offset, 0.0)); let mut solid_color = self.particle_system.color; solid_color.a = (self.particle_system.opacity * 255.0) as u8; window .get_gi_mut() .draw_rect_transform( moved_rect, solid_color, transform * Transform::translate(-moved_rect.x / 2.0, -moved_rect.y / 2.0) * Transform::rotate(self.r * 1.3), Vector { x: moved_rect.x + moved_rect.w / 2.0, y: moved_rect.y + moved_rect.h / 2.0, }, ) .ok(); } else { let mut moved_cir = self.particle_system.host_circle; moved_cir.pos_add_vec(Transform::rotate(self.r) * Vector::new(self.offset, 0.0)); let mut solid_color = self.particle_system.color; solid_color.a = (self.particle_system.opacity * 255.0) as u8; window .get_gi_mut() .draw_circle_transform( moved_cir, solid_color, transform, Vector { x: moved_cir.x, y: moved_cir.y, }, ) .ok(); } } } struct ExplConvCircleParticle { circle: Circle, offset: f32, r: f32, } struct ExplConvParticleSystem { particles: Vec, lifetime: f32, host_circle: Circle, color: Color, opacity: f32, life_timer: f32, } impl ExplConvParticleSystem { fn new(lifetime: f32, host_circle: Circle, color: Color, opacity: f32) -> Self { ExplConvParticleSystem { particles: Vec::new(), lifetime, host_circle, color, opacity, life_timer: 0.0, } } fn activate(&mut self, count: usize, offset: f32) { self.life_timer = 0.0; for i in 0..count { self.particles.push(ExplConvCircleParticle { circle: self.host_circle, offset, r: rand::thread_rng().gen_range(0.0, 360.0), }); } } // returns true if finished fn update(&mut self, dt: f32, planets: &mut Vec) -> bool { self.life_timer += dt; if self.life_timer >= self.lifetime { if !self.particles.is_empty() { self.particles.clear(); planets.push(Planet::new(self.host_circle, self.color)); return true; } return false; } if self.life_timer < self.lifetime / 2.0 { let amount = interp_sq_inv((self.life_timer / self.lifetime) as f32 * 2.0); for particle in &mut self.particles { let dir = Transform::rotate(particle.r) * Vector::new(particle.offset * amount, 0.0); = dir.x + self.host_circle.x; = dir.y + self.host_circle.y; } } else { let amount = 1.0 - interp_sq(((self.life_timer / self.lifetime) as f32 - 0.5) * 2.0); for particle in &mut self.particles { let dir = Transform::rotate(particle.r) * Vector::new(particle.offset * amount, 0.0); = dir.x + self.host_circle.x; = dir.y + self.host_circle.y; } } return false; } fn draw(&mut self, window: &mut Window, transform: Transform) { if self.opacity == 0.0 { return; } for particle in &mut self.particles { self.color.a = (((self.life_timer / self.lifetime) as f32 / 2.0 + 0.5) * self.opacity * 255.0) as u8; window .get_gi_mut() .draw_circle_transform(, self.color, transform, Vector { x:, y:, }, ) .ok(); } } } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone)] struct Planet { circle: Circle, color: Color, particle_system: ParticleSystem, moons: Vec, } impl Planet { fn new(circle: Circle, color: Color) -> Self { let mut smaller_circle = circle; smaller_circle.r /= 4.0; let mut planet = Planet { circle, color, particle_system: ParticleSystem::new( rand::thread_rng().gen_range(2.0, 3.8), 0.9, Rectangle::new(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0), circle, false, Vector::new(0.0, 0.0), color, 1.0, 0.3, ), moons: Vec::with_capacity(MAX_MOONS), }; let r: f32 = rand::thread_rng().gen_range(0.0, 360.0); let clockwise = rand::thread_rng().gen_bool(0.5); for i in 0..rand::thread_rng().gen_range(0, MAX_MOONS) { planet.moons.push(RotatingParticleSystem::new( rand::thread_rng().gen_range(1.0, 2.6), 0.6, Rectangle::new(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0), smaller_circle, false, Vector::new(0.0, 0.0), color, 1.0, r, if clockwise { rand::thread_rng().gen_range(0.05, 0.15) } else { rand::thread_rng().gen_range(-0.15, -0.05) }, rand::thread_rng().gen_range(35.0, 200.0), 0.2, )); } planet } fn update(&mut self, dt: f32) { self.particle_system.host_circle.x =; self.particle_system.host_circle.y =; self.particle_system.update(dt); for moon in &mut self.moons { moon.particle_system.host_circle.x =; moon.particle_system.host_circle.y =; moon.update(dt); } } fn draw(&mut self, window: &mut Window, transform: Transform) { self.particle_system.draw(window, transform); window .get_gi_mut() .draw_circle_transform(, self.color, transform, Vector { x:, y:, }, ) .ok(); for moon in &mut self.moons { moon.draw(window, transform); } } } #[derive(Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] struct Star { color: Color, particle_system: ParticleSystem, velr: f32, r: f32, } impl Star { fn new(circle: Circle, color: Color, velr: f32, r: f32) -> Self { let mut star = Star { color, particle_system: ParticleSystem::new( rand::thread_rng().gen_range(0.08, 0.2), 0.85, Rectangle::new(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0), circle, false, Vector::new(0.0, 0.0), color, 1.0, 1.0, ), velr, r, }; if star.color.r < (0.75 * 255.0) as u8 { star.color.r = (0.75 * 255.0) as u8; } if star.color.g < (0.75 * 255.0) as u8 { star.color.g = (0.75 * 255.0) as u8; } if star.color.b < (0.75 * 255.0) as u8 { star.color.b = (0.75 * 255.0) as u8; } star.particle_system .force_spawn(rand::thread_rng().gen_range(20, 45)); star } fn update(&mut self, dt: f32) { self.particle_system.update(dt); self.r += self.velr * dt as f32; } fn draw(&mut self, image: &str, window: &mut Window, transform: Transform) { self.particle_system.draw(window, transform); let image = window.get_image_mut(image).expect("Should be loaded image"); let mut image_rect = image.get_wh_rect(); image_rect.x = self.particle_system.host_circle.x - image_rect.w / 2.0; image_rect.y = self.particle_system.host_circle.y - image_rect.h / 2.0; image .draw_transform( image_rect.x, image_rect.y, self.color, transform * Transform::rotate(self.r), Vector { x: image_rect.x + image_rect.w / 2.0, y: image_rect.y + image_rect.h / 2.0, }, ) .ok(); } } #[derive(Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] struct Fish { pos: Vector, r: f32, swim_time: f32, swim_timer: f32, swim_v: f32, anim_timer: f32, anim_time: f32, color: Color, body_rect: Rectangle, tail_rect: Rectangle, } enum FishState { Idle, Swim, } impl Fish { fn new(pos: Vector, r: f32, color: Color) -> Self { let anim_timer = rand::thread_rng().gen_range(0.8, 1.0); Self { pos, r, swim_time: 0.8, swim_timer: 0.8, swim_v: 0.2, anim_timer, anim_time: anim_timer, color, body_rect: Rectangle { x: 0.0, y: 0.0, w: 32.0, h: 16.0, }, tail_rect: Rectangle { x: 32.0, y: 0.0, w: 16.0, h: 16.0, }, } } fn set_next(&mut self, state: FishState) { match state { FishState::Idle => { self.swim_time = rand::thread_rng().gen_range(1.1, 2.4); self.swim_timer = self.swim_time; self.anim_timer = 1.6; self.anim_time = 1.6; self.swim_v = 0.0; } FishState::Swim => { self.swim_time = rand::thread_rng().gen_range(1.4, 2.3); self.swim_timer = self.swim_time; self.r = rand::thread_rng().gen_range(0.0, 360.0); self.anim_timer = rand::thread_rng().gen_range(0.6, 1.0); self.anim_time = self.anim_timer; self.swim_v = (self.anim_timer / 8.0) as f32; } } } fn update(&mut self, dt: f32) { self.swim_time -= dt; if self.swim_time < 0.22 { self.swim_v /= 1.1; } if self.swim_time <= 0.0 { if rand::thread_rng().gen_bool(0.4) { self.set_next(FishState::Idle); } else { self.set_next(FishState::Swim); } } self.anim_timer -= dt; if self.anim_timer <= 0.0 { self.anim_timer = self.anim_time; } self.pos += Transform::rotate(self.r) * Vector::new(self.swim_v, 0.0) * dt as f32; } fn draw(&mut self, i_fish: &str, window: &mut Window, transform: Transform) { let fish_img = window .get_image_mut(i_fish) .expect("\"fish\" Image should be loaded"); let anim_angle = ((self.anim_timer / self.anim_time) * std::f32::consts::PI * 2.0).sin(); let mut body_rect = self.body_rect; body_rect.x = self.pos.x - body_rect.w / 2.0; body_rect.y = self.pos.y - body_rect.h / 2.0; let body_tr = Transform::rotate(anim_angle as f32 * 30.0) * Transform::rotate(self.r + 180.0); fish_img .draw_sub_transform( self.body_rect, body_rect, self.color, transform * body_tr, Vector { x: self.body_rect.x + self.body_rect.w / 2.0, y: self.body_rect.y + self.body_rect.h / 2.0, }, ) .ok(); let mut tail_rect = self.tail_rect; tail_rect.x = self.pos.x - tail_rect.w / 2.0; tail_rect.y = self.pos.y - tail_rect.h / 2.0; let anim_angle = ((self.anim_timer / self.anim_time) * std::f32::consts::PI * 2.0 - std::f32::consts::PI / 3.0) .sin(); let tail_tr = body_tr * Transform::translate(body_rect.x / 1.5, 0.0) * Transform::translate(-tail_rect.x / 2.0, 0.0) * Transform::rotate(-anim_angle as f32 * 45.0) * Transform::translate(tail_rect.x / 2.0, 0.0); fish_img .draw_sub_transform( self.tail_rect, tail_rect, self.color, transform * tail_tr, Vector { x: self.tail_rect.x + self.tail_rect.w / 2.0, y: self.tail_rect.y + self.tail_rect.h / 2.0, }, ) .ok(); } } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone)] struct SaveData { planets: Vec, stars: Vec, fishes: Vec, player: Rectangle, joining_particles: RotatingParticleSystem, } enum SaveLoadNotification { Save { text: Option, timer: f32 }, Load { text: Option, timer: f32 }, } pub struct GameState { s_boom: String, s_get: String, s_power_up: String, s_tap: String, s_speak_m: String, s_speak_f: String, font: String, music2: String, i_star: String, i_fish: String, music_on: bool, menu: Menu, state: u32, state_dirty: bool, selection_mode: bool, current_item: Option, current_finished: bool, player: Rectangle, player_r: f32, player_particles: ParticleSystem, joining_particles: RotatingParticleSystem, is_create_mode: bool, click_release_time: f32, dbl_click_timeout: Option, click_time: Option, click_pos: Vector, mouse_pos: Vector, expl_conv_p_systems: Vec, planets: Vec, stars: Vec, fishes: Vec, camera: Box, move_to: Vector, save_load_notification: Option, } impl GameState { pub fn new(window: &mut Window) -> Result { let s_boom = String::from("boom.mp3"); window.load_sound( &PathBuf::from_str("static/boom.mp3") .map_err(|_| String::from("Failed to load \"static/boom.mp3\""))?, s_boom.clone(), )?; let s_get = String::from("get.mp3"); window.load_sound( &PathBuf::from_str("static/get.mp3") .map_err(|_| String::from("Failed to load \"static/get.mp3\""))?, s_get.clone(), )?; let s_power_up = String::from("power_up.mp3"); window.load_sound( &PathBuf::from_str("static/power_up.mp3") .map_err(|_| String::from("Failed to load \"static/power_up.mp3\""))?, s_power_up.clone(), )?; let s_tap = String::from("tap.mp3"); window.load_sound( &PathBuf::from_str("static/tap.mp3") .map_err(|_| String::from("Failed to load \"static/tap.mp3\""))?, s_tap.clone(), )?; let s_speak_m = String::from("speak_m.mp3"); window.load_sound( &PathBuf::from_str("static/speak_m.mp3") .map_err(|_| String::from("Failed to load \"static/speak_m.mp3\""))?, s_speak_m.clone(), )?; let s_speak_f = String::from("speak_f.mp3"); window.load_sound( &PathBuf::from_str("static/speak_f.mp3") .map_err(|_| String::from("Failed to load \"static/speak_f.mp3\""))?, s_speak_f.clone(), )?; let font = String::from("ClearSans-Regular.ttf"); window.load_font( &PathBuf::from_str("static/ClearSans-Regular.ttf") .map_err(|_| String::from("Failed to load \"static/ClearSans-Regular.ttf\""))?, font.clone(), )?; let music2 = String::from("music2.mp3"); window.load_music( &PathBuf::from_str("static/music2.mp3") .map_err(|_| String::from("Failed to load \"static/music2.mp3\""))?, music2.clone(), )?; let i_star = String::from("star.png"); window.load_image( &PathBuf::from_str("static/star.png") .map_err(|_| String::from("Failed to load \"static/star.png\""))?, i_star.clone(), )?; let i_fish = String::from("fish.png"); window.load_image( &PathBuf::from_str("static/fish.png") .map_err(|_| String::from("Failed to load \"static/fish.png\""))?, i_fish.clone(), )?; let mut camera = window.get_gi_mut().get_default_camera()?; camera.set_view_xy(0.0, 0.0)?; Ok(Self { s_boom, s_get, s_power_up, s_tap, s_speak_m, s_speak_f, font, music2, i_star, i_fish, music_on: false, menu: Menu::start(), state: 0, state_dirty: false, selection_mode: true, current_item: None, current_finished: true, player: Rectangle::new(400.0, 300.0, 32.0, 32.0), player_r: 0.0, player_particles: ParticleSystem::new( PP_GEN_RATE, 1.0, Rectangle::new(400.0, 300.0, 32.0, 32.0), Circle::new(100.0, 100.0, 32.0), true, Vector::new(0.0, 0.0), Color::WHITE, 0.0, 1.0, ), joining_particles: RotatingParticleSystem::new( PP_GEN_RATE, 1.0, Rectangle::new(400.0, 300.0, 16.0, 16.0), Circle::new(100.0, 100.0, 32.0), true, Vector::new(0.0, 0.0), Color::GREEN, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1, JOINING_FAR_DIST, 1.0, ), is_create_mode: false, click_release_time: 0.0, dbl_click_timeout: None, click_time: None, click_pos: Vector::new(0.0, 0.0), mouse_pos: Vector::new(0.0, 0.0), expl_conv_p_systems: Vec::new(), planets: Vec::new(), stars: Vec::new(), fishes: Vec::new(), camera, move_to: Vector::new(400.0, 300.0), save_load_notification: None, }) } pub fn update(&mut self, window: &mut Window) -> Result<(), String> { let dt = window.get_gi().get_delta_time(); // check mouse pos { self.mouse_pos = window.get_gi().get_mouse_xy_vec()?; //self.mouse_pos = window.get_gi().vec_to_world(self.mouse_pos)?; let mut hovered = false; for i in { if[i].is_inside(self.mouse_pos.x, self.mouse_pos.y) {[i].is_hover = true; self.current_item = Some(i); hovered = true; } else {[i].is_hover = false; } } if !hovered { self.current_item = None; } } // check mouse down if window.get_gi_mut().get_mouse_released()? { if self.dbl_click_timeout.is_none() { self.click_release_time = 0.0; } } else if window.get_gi_mut().get_mouse_pressed()?.is_some() { if self.current_finished { if self.is_create_mode { if self.click_release_time < DOUBLE_CLICK_TIME { self.click_release_time = DOUBLE_CLICK_TIME; self.dbl_click_timeout = Some(0.0); self.click_time = None; if self.state == 8 { let mut expl_conv_system = ExplConvParticleSystem::new( 1.5, Circle::new(self.mouse_pos.x, self.mouse_pos.y, 20.0), Color::from_rgba(0x99, 0xFF, 0x99, 255), 1.0, ); expl_conv_system.activate(30, 0.2); self.expl_conv_p_systems.push(expl_conv_system); self.state = 9; self.state_dirty = true; window.get_sound_mut(&self.s_boom)?.play(0.8)?; } else if self.state == 10 { let mut rng = rand::thread_rng(); let rand_out = rng.gen_range(0.0, 1.0); if rand_out < 0.6 { // spawn planet let mut expl_conv_system = ExplConvParticleSystem::new( rng.gen_range(1.2, 1.6), Circle::new( self.mouse_pos.x, self.mouse_pos.y, rng.gen_range(15.0, 25.0), ), Color::from_rgba( rng.gen_range(0x44, 0xFF), rng.gen_range(0x44, 0xFF), rng.gen_range(0x44, 0xFF), 255, ), 1.0, ); expl_conv_system .activate(rng.gen_range(13, 40), rng.gen_range(0.15, 0.3)); self.expl_conv_p_systems.push(expl_conv_system); } else if rand_out < 0.85 { // spawn star let rot_clockwise = rng.gen_bool(0.5); self.stars.push(Star::new( Circle::new( self.mouse_pos.x, self.mouse_pos.y, rng.gen_range(3.0, 7.0), ), Color::from_rgba( rng.gen_range(0x58, 0xFF), rng.gen_range(0x58, 0xFF), rng.gen_range(0x58, 0xFF), 255, ), if rot_clockwise { rng.gen_range(0.1, 0.3) } else { rng.gen_range(-0.3, -0.1) }, rng.gen_range(0.0, 90.0), )); } else { // spawn fish for i in 0..rng.gen_range(1, 4) { self.fishes.push(Fish::new( self.mouse_pos, rng.gen_range(0.0, 360.0), Color::from_rgba( rng.gen_range(0x44, 0xFF), rng.gen_range(0x44, 0xFF), rng.gen_range(0x44, 0xFF), 255, ), )); } } window.get_sound_mut(&self.s_boom)?.play(0.8)?; } } else if self.state == 10 { self.click_time = Some(0.0); self.click_pos = self.mouse_pos; } } else if self.selection_mode { if let Some(idx) = self.current_item { match self.state { 0 => { self.state += 1; self.state_dirty = true; } 2 => { if idx == 5 { // hope self.state = 3; self.state_dirty = true; self.joining_particles.particle_system.color = Color::from_rgba(0xAA, 0xCC, 0xFF, 255); } else if idx == 6 { // miracles self.state = 4; self.state_dirty = true; self.joining_particles.particle_system.color = Color::from_rgba(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xAA, 255); } else if idx == 7 { // kindness self.state = 5; self.state_dirty = true; self.joining_particles.particle_system.color = Color::from_rgba(0xBB, 0xFF, 0xBB, 255); } else { // determination self.state = 6; self.state_dirty = true; self.joining_particles.particle_system.color = Color::from_rgba(0xFF, 0xAA, 0xAA, 255); } window.get_sound_mut(&self.s_get)?.play(0.7)?; } _ => { self.state = 0; self.state_dirty = true; } } } } else { match self.state { 0 | 1 => self.state += 1, 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 => self.state = 7, 7 => self.state = 8, 9 => self.state = 10, _ => self.state = 0, } self.state_dirty = true; } } else { for mi in &mut { match &mut mi.item_type { MenuItemType::AppearingText { text, text_idx, text_size, text_c, timer, } => { *text_idx = text.len(); } MenuItemType::Button { text, text_c, h_c, c, } => { //let style = FontStyle::new(42.0, *text_c); } MenuItemType::Pause { timer, length } => (), MenuItemType::InstantText { text, text_size, text_color, } => {} } mi.is_loaded = true; } self.current_finished = true; } } // check pressed keys if window.get_gi_mut().get_key_pressed('s')? { if self.state == 10 { let save_data = SaveData { planets: self.planets.clone(), stars: self.stars.clone(), fishes: self.fishes.clone(), player: self.player.clone(), joining_particles: self.joining_particles.clone(), }; // TODO //save("OneAndAll_LD45", "slot0", &save_data)?; self.save_load_notification = Some(SaveLoadNotification::Save { text: None, timer: SL_NOTIF_TIME, }); } } else if window.get_gi_mut().get_key_pressed('l')? { // TODO //let load_result = load::("OneAndAll_LD45", "slot0"); //if let Ok(save_data) = load_result { // self.planets = save_data.planets; // self.stars = save_data.stars; // self.fishes = save_data.fishes; // self.player = save_data.player; // self.joining_particles = save_data.joining_particles; // self.expl_conv_p_systems.clear(); // self.move_to = Vector { // x: self.player.x, // y: self.player.y, // }; // // self.player.x - WIDTH_F / 2.0, // self.player.y - HEIGHT_F / 2.0, // ); // self.dbl_click_timeout = None; // self.click_time = None; // self.click_release_time = DOUBLE_CLICK_TIME; // self.state = 10; // self.state_dirty = true; // self.save_load_notification = Some(SaveLoadNotification::Load { // text: None, // timer: SL_NOTIF_TIME, // }); //} } else if window.get_gi_mut().get_key_pressed('r')? { if self.state == 10 { self.state = 0; self.state_dirty = true; window.get_music_mut(&self.music2)?.stop()?; self.music_on = false; } } self.click_release_time += dt; if let Some(t) = &mut self.click_time { *t += dt; if *t > DOUBLE_CLICK_TIME { self.move_to = self.click_pos; // - Vector::new(WIDTH_F / 2.0, HEIGHT_F / 2.0); } } if let Some(t) = &mut self.dbl_click_timeout { *t += dt; if *t > 0.3 { self.dbl_click_timeout = None; } } self.player.x += (self.move_to.x - self.player.x) / 20.0; self.player.y += (self.move_to.y - self.player.y) / 20.0; self.player_particles.host_rect.x = self.player.x; self.player_particles.host_rect.y = self.player.y; self.joining_particles.particle_system.host_rect.x += (self.player.x - self.joining_particles.particle_system.host_rect.x) / 30.0; self.joining_particles.particle_system.host_rect.y += (self.player.y - self.joining_particles.particle_system.host_rect.y) / 30.0; let (cx, cy) =; cx + (self.player.x - WIDTH_F / 2.0 - cx) / 40.0, cy + (self.player.y - HEIGHT_F / 2.0 - cy) / 40.0, )?; window.get_gi_mut().set_camera(&; self.player_r += dt / 10.0; if self.state_dirty { self.state_dirty = false; if self.state > 1 && !self.music_on { let music = window.get_music_mut(&self.music2)?; music.set_loop(true)?;; self.music_on = true; } match self.state { 1 => { = Menu::s_01(); self.current_finished = false; self.selection_mode = false; } 2 => { = Menu::s_02(); self.current_finished = false; self.selection_mode = true; } 3 => { = Menu::s_03(); self.current_finished = false; self.selection_mode = false; } 4 => { = Menu::s_04(); self.current_finished = false; self.selection_mode = false; } 5 => { = Menu::s_05(); self.current_finished = false; self.selection_mode = false; } 6 => { = Menu::s_06(); self.current_finished = false; self.selection_mode = false; } 7 => { = Menu::s_07(); self.current_finished = false; self.selection_mode = false; } 8 => { = Menu::s_08(); self.current_finished = true; self.selection_mode = false; self.is_create_mode = true; } 9 => { = Menu::s_09(); self.current_finished = false; self.selection_mode = false; self.is_create_mode = false; } 10 => { = Menu::s_10(); self.current_finished = false; self.selection_mode = false; self.is_create_mode = true; } _ => { = Menu::start(); self.current_item = None; self.selection_mode = true; self.is_create_mode = false; self.state = 0; self.player_particles.opacity = 0.0; self.joining_particles.particle_system.opacity = 0.0; self.expl_conv_p_systems.clear(); self.planets.clear(); self.stars.clear(); self.fishes.clear(); self.player.x = WIDTH_F / 2.0; self.player.y = HEIGHT_F / 2.0; self.move_to = Vector::new(WIDTH_F / 2.0, HEIGHT_F / 2.0);, 0.0)?; self.click_time = None; } } } if self.joining_particles.particle_system.opacity < 1.0 && self.state > 2 { self.joining_particles.particle_system.opacity += JOINING_OPACITY_RATE * dt as f32; if self.joining_particles.particle_system.opacity > 1.0 { self.joining_particles.particle_system.opacity = 1.0; } self.joining_particles.offset = (1.0 - self.joining_particles.particle_system.opacity / 1.0) * JOINING_FAR_DIST + self.joining_particles.particle_system.opacity / 1.0 * JOINING_NEAR_DIST; } if self.player_particles.opacity < 1.0 && self.state > 1 { self.player_particles.opacity += dt as f32 / 7.0; if self.player_particles.opacity > 1.0 { self.player_particles.opacity = 1.0; } } if self.music_on { } else if self.state == 10 { let mut music_on = false; let music = window.get_music_mut(&self.music2)?; music.set_loop(true)?;; self.music_on = true; } for i in { let mi: &mut MenuItem = &mut[i]; if !mi.is_loaded { match &mut mi.item_type { MenuItemType::Button { text, text_c, h_c, c, } => { //self.font.execute(|font| { // let style = FontStyle::new(42.0, *text_c); // *text_image = Some(font.render(text, &style)?); // Ok(()) //})?; //if text_image.is_some() { mi.is_loaded = true; if i + 1 < {[i + 1].is_loaded = false; } else { self.current_finished = true; } //} } MenuItemType::AppearingText { text, text_idx, text_size, text_c, timer, } => { *timer += dt; if *timer > TEXT_RATE { *timer -= TEXT_RATE; *text_idx += 1; window.get_sound_mut(&self.s_tap).unwrap().play(0.2)?; if *text_idx >= text.len() { mi.is_loaded = true; if i + 1 < {[i + 1].is_loaded = false; } else { self.current_finished = true; } continue; } //self.font.execute(|font| { // let style = FontStyle::new(*text_size, *text_c); // *text_image = Some(font.render(current_text, &style)?); // Ok(()) //})?; } } MenuItemType::Pause { timer, length } => { *timer += dt; if timer > length { mi.is_loaded = true; if i + 1 < {[i + 1].is_loaded = false; } else { self.current_finished = true; } } } MenuItemType::InstantText { text, text_size, text_color, } => { //if text_image.is_none() { // self.font.execute(|f| { // let style = FontStyle::new(*text_size, *text_color); // *text_image = Some(f.render(text, &style)?); // Ok(()) // })?; //} //if text_image.is_some() { mi.is_loaded = true; if i + 1 < {[i + 1].is_loaded = false; } else { self.current_finished = true; } //} } } } } self.player_particles.host_rect = self.player; self.player_particles.update(dt); self.joining_particles.update(dt); for i in (0..self.expl_conv_p_systems.len()).rev() { if self.expl_conv_p_systems[i].update(dt, &mut self.planets) { self.expl_conv_p_systems.swap_remove(i); } } for planet in &mut self.planets { planet.update(dt); } for star in &mut self.stars { star.update(dt); } if let Some(sl) = &mut self.save_load_notification { match sl { SaveLoadNotification::Save { text, timer } => { *timer -= dt; if *timer <= 0.0 { self.save_load_notification = None; } else if text.is_none() { //self.font.execute(|f| { // *text = Some( // f.render("Saved the Game", &FontStyle::new(45.0, Color::WHITE))?, // ); // Ok(()) //})?; } } SaveLoadNotification::Load { text, timer } => { *timer -= dt; if *timer <= 0.0 { self.save_load_notification = None; } else if text.is_none() { //self.font.execute(|f| { // *text = Some( // f.render("Loaded the Game", &FontStyle::new(45.0, Color::WHITE))?, // ); // Ok(()) //})?; } } } } for fish in &mut self.fishes { fish.update(dt); } Ok(()) } pub fn draw(&mut self, window: &mut Window) -> Result<(), String> { window.get_gi_mut().begin_drawing()?; window.get_gi_mut().clear_window(Color::BLACK)?; let mut rect = Rectangle::default(); for mi in &mut { rect.x = mi.x; rect.y = mi.y; rect.w = mi.w; rect.h = mi.h; match &mut mi.item_type { MenuItemType::Button { text, text_c, h_c, c, } => { if mi.is_hover { window.get_gi_mut().draw_rect(rect, *h_c)?; } else { window.get_gi_mut().draw_rect(rect, *c)?; } window .get_font_mut(&self.font)? .draw(text, 20, rect.x, rect.y, *text_c)?; } MenuItemType::AppearingText { text, text_idx, text_size, text_c, timer, } => { window.get_font_mut(&self.font)?.draw( if *text_idx < text.len() { &text[0..*text_idx] } else { text }, 20, rect.x, rect.y, *text_c, )?; } MenuItemType::InstantText { text, text_size, text_color, } => { window.get_font_mut(&self.font)?.draw( text, text_size.round() as u32, rect.x, rect.y, *text_color, )?; } MenuItemType::Pause { timer, length } => (), } } self.player_particles.draw(window, Transform::IDENTITY); window.get_gi_mut().draw_rect_transform( self.player, Color::from_rgba(255, 255, 255, (self.player_particles.opacity * 255.0) as u8), Transform::translate(-self.player.x / 2.0, -self.player.y / 2.0) * Transform::rotate(self.player_r as f32), Vector { x: self.player.x + self.player.w / 2.0, y: self.player.y + self.player.h / 2.0, }, )?; self.joining_particles.draw(window, Transform::IDENTITY); for expl_conv_ps in &mut self.expl_conv_p_systems { expl_conv_ps.draw(window, Transform::IDENTITY); } for planet in &mut self.planets { planet.draw(window, Transform::IDENTITY); } for star in &mut self.stars { star.draw(&self.i_star, window, Transform::IDENTITY); } for fish in &mut self.fishes { fish.draw(&self.i_fish, window, Transform::IDENTITY); } // TODO //if let Some(sl) = &mut self.save_load_notification { // match sl { // SaveLoadNotification::Save { text, timer } // | SaveLoadNotification::Load { text, timer } => { // if let Some(i) = text { // let mut c = Color::WHITE; // c.a = ((*timer / SL_NOTIF_TIME) as f32 * 255.0) as u8; // let mut image_rect = i.area_rect(); // image_rect.x = + 20.0; // image_rect.y = + 20.0; // window.draw(&image_rect, Blended(i, c)); // } // } // } //} window.get_gi_mut().end_drawing()?; Ok(()) } }