Stephen Seo f7bb1af7fa WIP work on LD52 game
At this point, the produce is drawn, the cut line is animated, the produce can
blink, the ideal cut area is draw as a slightly transparent white rect, the
score counter is drawn.
2023-01-07 14:36:29 +09:00

52 lines
1.3 KiB

extern const float PI_F;
constexpr int DEFAULT_SCREEN_WIDTH = 500;
constexpr int DEFAULT_SCREEN_HEIGHT = 800;
constexpr int FOOD_COUNT = 5;
enum class FoodType {
FT_CORN = 0,
constexpr int CORN_COORDS[4] = {0, 0, 281, 676};
constexpr int GRAPES_COORDS[4] = {281, 0, 232, 434};
constexpr int APPLE_COORDS[4] = {513, 0, 250, 251};
constexpr int BROCCOLI_COORDS[4] = {767, 2, 268, 153};
constexpr int BANANA_COORDS[4] = {525, 254, 189, 355};
constexpr float CORN_EYE_OFFSET[2] = {-10, 0};
constexpr float GRAPES_EYE_OFFSET[2] = {0, 0};
constexpr float APPLE_EYE_OFFSET[2] = {0, 0};
constexpr float BROCCOLI_EYE_OFFSET[2] = {0, 0};
constexpr float BANANA_EYE_OFFSET[2] = {40, 0};
constexpr float EYE_WIDTH_RATIO = 0.3F;
constexpr float AREA_REDUCTION_SCALE = 0.99F;
constexpr float MIN_AREA = 15.0F;
constexpr float MAX_FOOD_WH = 500.0F;
constexpr float EYE_RADIUS = 14.0F;
constexpr float BLINKING_EYE_SIZE = 4.0F;
constexpr float MOUTH_RADIUS = 20.0F;
constexpr float MIN_BLINK_TIME = 1.0F;
constexpr float MAX_BLINK_TIME = 20.0F;
constexpr float BLINK_DURATION = 0.7F;
constexpr float CUT_TIMER_RATE = 1.0F;
constexpr float CUT_TIMER_RATE_INC_AMT = 0.03F;