# LD54 - Box Survival Made with [Godot](https://godotengine.org/) [HTML5 Game](https://burnedkirby.com/ld54) [ldjam.com link](https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/54/ld54-box-survival) [Music download](https://seodisparate.bandcamp.com/track/ld54-bg-music) ## About This Game This entry was my first foray into making something with Godot. It definitely is a step up (several steps up) from writing games from scratch (which I used to do with previous ldjam entries, using libraries like Raylib). What I mean to say, is that this game was more of an experiment to test Godot and it has passed my test. I will not be voting other games (but probably will comment on them) since I am somewhat time restricted (currently taking a course) since I don’t think I was serious enough when making this game, so I don’t think it should get a rating. In the future, I definitely will be using Godot though, and hopefully with a game with more content. EDIT: Just realized that ldjam.com allows you to opt out of ratings, so I'll do that.