Stephen Seo e9bc30fd13 Work
Game now reaches the end after the guardian battle.

Work on parry system, battle system.
2024-04-14 22:21:54 +09:00

24 lines
601 B

extends Sprite2D
var health = 30
var health_dirty = true
# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready():
pass # Replace with function body.
# Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame.
func _process(delta):
if health_dirty:
health_dirty = false
var hp_label = find_child("GuardHPLabel")
if hp_label == null:
hp_label = Label.new()
add_child(hp_label, true)
hp_label.position.y += 20.0
hp_label.position.x -= 20.0
hp_label.text = "%d HP" % health