# File Format ## Format Version 0 File extension is "*.simplearchive" First 18 bytes of file will be: SIMPLE_ARCHIVE_VER Next 2 bytes is 16-bit unsigned integer "version" in big-endian. In this case, will be zero. Next 4 bytes is 32-bit unsigned integer "file count" in big-endian which will indicate the number of files in this archive. For each file: 1. 2 bytes is 16-bit unsigned integer "filename length" in big-endian. 2. X bytes of filename (defined by previous value). 3. 2 bytes is 16-bit unsigned integer "compressor cmd+args" in big-endian. 4. X bytes of "compressor cmd+args" (defined by previous value). 5. 2 bytes is 16-bit unsigned integer "decompressor cmd+args" in big-endian. 6. X bytes of "decompressor cmd+args" (defined by previous value). 7. 8 bytes 64-bit unsigned integer "location of filename in this archive file". 8. 8 bytes 64-bit unsigned integer "size of filename in this archive file". Note that if archiving without compressor/decompressor, the byte values for them will be 0 and there will be no strings for the compressor/decompressor commands (lines 4 and 6 in previous per-file entry will not exist). The remaining bytes in the file are the files to be included in the archive file concatenated together. Their locations and sizes should match what was listed before.