/* * Copyright 2024 Stephen Seo * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * `archiver.c` is the source for an interface to creating an archive file. */ #include "archiver.h" #include #include #include #include "platforms.h" #if SIMPLE_ARCHIVER_PLATFORM == SIMPLE_ARCHIVER_PLATFORM_COSMOPOLITAN || \ SIMPLE_ARCHIVER_PLATFORM == SIMPLE_ARCHIVER_PLATFORM_MAC || \ SIMPLE_ARCHIVER_PLATFORM == SIMPLE_ARCHIVER_PLATFORM_LINUX #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #endif #include "helpers.h" #define TEMP_FILENAME_CMP "simple_archiver_compressed_%u.tmp" #if SIMPLE_ARCHIVER_PLATFORM == SIMPLE_ARCHIVER_PLATFORM_COSMOPOLITAN || \ SIMPLE_ARCHIVER_PLATFORM == SIMPLE_ARCHIVER_PLATFORM_MAC || \ SIMPLE_ARCHIVER_PLATFORM == SIMPLE_ARCHIVER_PLATFORM_LINUX int is_sig_pipe_occurred = 0; void handle_sig_pipe(int sig) { if (sig == SIGPIPE) { is_sig_pipe_occurred = 1; } } #endif typedef struct SDArchiverInternalToWrite { void *buf; uint64_t size; } SDArchiverInternalToWrite; void free_FILE_helper(FILE **fd) { if (fd && *fd) { fclose(*fd); *fd = NULL; } } void free_malloced_memory(void **data) { if (data && *data) { free(*data); *data = NULL; } } void free_internal_to_write(void *data) { SDArchiverInternalToWrite *to_write = data; free(to_write->buf); free(data); } int write_list_datas_fn(void *data, void *ud) { SDArchiverInternalToWrite *to_write = data; FILE *out_f = ud; fwrite(to_write->buf, 1, to_write->size, out_f); return 0; } void cleanup_temp_filename_delete(void ***ptrs_array) { #if SIMPLE_ARCHIVER_PLATFORM == SIMPLE_ARCHIVER_PLATFORM_COSMOPOLITAN || \ SIMPLE_ARCHIVER_PLATFORM == SIMPLE_ARCHIVER_PLATFORM_MAC || \ SIMPLE_ARCHIVER_PLATFORM == SIMPLE_ARCHIVER_PLATFORM_LINUX if (ptrs_array && *ptrs_array) { if ((*ptrs_array)[1]) { free_FILE_helper((FILE **)(*ptrs_array)[1]); } if ((*ptrs_array)[0]) { unlink((char *)((*ptrs_array)[0])); } free(*ptrs_array); *ptrs_array = NULL; } #endif } char *filename_to_absolute_path(const char *filename) { __attribute__((cleanup(free_malloced_memory))) void *path = malloc(strlen(filename) + 1); strncpy(path, filename, strlen(filename) + 1); char *path_dir = dirname(path); if (!path_dir) { return NULL; } __attribute__((cleanup(free_malloced_memory))) void *dir_realpath = realpath(path_dir, NULL); if (!dir_realpath) { return NULL; } // Recreate "path" since it may have been modified by dirname(). free_malloced_memory(&path); path = malloc(strlen(filename) + 1); strncpy(path, filename, strlen(filename) + 1); char *filename_basename = basename(path); if (!filename_basename) { return NULL; } // Get combined full path to file. char *fullpath = malloc(strlen(dir_realpath) + 1 + strlen(filename_basename) + 1); strncpy(fullpath, dir_realpath, strlen(dir_realpath) + 1); fullpath[strlen(dir_realpath)] = '/'; strncpy(fullpath + strlen(dir_realpath) + 1, filename_basename, strlen(filename_basename) + 1); return fullpath; } int write_files_fn(void *data, void *ud) { const SDArchiverFileInfo *file_info = data; SDArchiverState *state = ud; __attribute__((cleanup(simple_archiver_list_free))) SDArchiverLinkedList *to_write = simple_archiver_list_init(); SDArchiverInternalToWrite *temp_to_write; if (!file_info->filename) { // Invalid entry, no filename. return 1; } else if (!state->out_f) { // Invalid out-ptr. return 1; } else if (!file_info->link_dest) { // Regular file, not a symbolic link. if (state->parsed->compressor && state->parsed->decompressor) { // De/compressor specified. #if SIMPLE_ARCHIVER_PLATFORM == SIMPLE_ARCHIVER_PLATFORM_COSMOPOLITAN || \ SIMPLE_ARCHIVER_PLATFORM == SIMPLE_ARCHIVER_PLATFORM_MAC || \ SIMPLE_ARCHIVER_PLATFORM == SIMPLE_ARCHIVER_PLATFORM_LINUX // Use temp file to store compressed data. char temp_filename[128]; unsigned int idx = 0; snprintf(temp_filename, 128, TEMP_FILENAME_CMP, idx); do { FILE *test_fd = fopen(temp_filename, "rb"); if (test_fd) { // File exists. fclose(test_fd); snprintf(temp_filename, 128, TEMP_FILENAME_CMP, ++idx); } else if (idx > 0xFFFF) { // Sanity check. return 1; } else { break; } } while (1); __attribute__((cleanup(free_FILE_helper))) FILE *file_fd = fopen(file_info->filename, "rb"); if (!file_fd) { // Unable to open file for compressing and archiving. return 1; } __attribute__((cleanup(free_FILE_helper))) FILE *tmp_fd = fopen(temp_filename, "wb"); __attribute__((cleanup(cleanup_temp_filename_delete))) void **ptrs_array = malloc(sizeof(void *) * 2); ptrs_array[0] = temp_filename; ptrs_array[1] = &tmp_fd; if (!tmp_fd) { // Unable to create temp file. return 1; } // Handle SIGPIPE. signal(SIGPIPE, handle_sig_pipe); int pipe_into_cmd[2]; int pipe_outof_cmd[2]; pid_t compressor_pid; if (pipe(pipe_into_cmd) != 0) { // Unable to create pipes. return 1; } else if (pipe(pipe_outof_cmd) != 0) { // Unable to create second set of pipes. close(pipe_into_cmd[0]); close(pipe_into_cmd[1]); return 1; } else if (fcntl(pipe_into_cmd[1], F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK) != 0) { // Unable to set non-blocking on into-write-pipe. close(pipe_into_cmd[0]); close(pipe_into_cmd[1]); close(pipe_outof_cmd[0]); close(pipe_outof_cmd[1]); return 1; } else if (fcntl(pipe_outof_cmd[0], F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK) != 0) { // Unable to set non-blocking on outof-read-pipe. close(pipe_into_cmd[0]); close(pipe_into_cmd[1]); close(pipe_outof_cmd[0]); close(pipe_outof_cmd[1]); return 1; } else if (simple_archiver_de_compress(pipe_into_cmd, pipe_outof_cmd, state->parsed->compressor, &compressor_pid) != 0) { // Failed to spawn compressor. close(pipe_into_cmd[1]); close(pipe_outof_cmd[0]); fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Failed to start compressor cmd! Invalid cmd?\n"); return 1; } // Close unnecessary pipe fds on this end of the transfer. close(pipe_into_cmd[0]); close(pipe_outof_cmd[1]); int compressor_status; int compressor_return_val; int compressor_ret = waitpid(compressor_pid, &compressor_status, WNOHANG); if (compressor_ret == compressor_pid) { // Status is available. if (WIFEXITED(compressor_status)) { compressor_return_val = WEXITSTATUS(compressor_status); fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Exec failed (exec exit code %d)! Invalid " "compressor cmd?\n", compressor_return_val); return 1; } } else if (compressor_ret == 0) { // Probably still running, continue on. } else { // Error. fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Exec failed (exec exit code unknown)! Invalid " "compressor cmd?\n"); return 1; } // Write file to pipe, and read from other pipe. char write_buf[1024]; char read_buf[1024]; int write_again = 0; int write_done = 0; int read_done = 0; size_t write_count; size_t read_count; ssize_t ret; while (!write_done || !read_done) { if (is_sig_pipe_occurred) { fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Failed to write to compressor (SIGPIPE)! Invalid " "compressor cmd?\n"); return 1; } // Read from file. if (!write_done) { if (!write_again) { write_count = fread(write_buf, 1, 1024, file_fd); } if (write_count > 0) { ret = write(pipe_into_cmd[1], write_buf, write_count); if (ret == -1) { if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK) { write_again = 1; } else { // Error during write. fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Failed to write to compressor! Invalid " "compressor cmd?\n"); return 1; } } else if ((size_t)ret != write_count) { // Error during write. fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Failed to write to compressor! Invalid " "compressor cmd?\n"); return 1; } else { write_again = 0; // fprintf(stderr, "Written %zd bytes to comp.\n", ret); } } else { if (feof(file_fd)) { free_FILE_helper(&file_fd); write_done = 1; close(pipe_into_cmd[1]); // fprintf(stderr, "write_done\n"); } else if (ferror(file_fd)) { // Error during read file. fprintf( stderr, "WARNING: Failed to write to compressor (failed to read)!\n"); return 1; } } } // Read from compressor. if (!read_done) { ret = read(pipe_outof_cmd[0], read_buf, 1024); if (ret > 0) { read_count = fwrite(read_buf, 1, ret, tmp_fd); if (read_count != (size_t)ret) { // Write to tmp_fd error. fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Failed to read from compressor! Invalid " "compressor cmd?\n"); return 1; } else { // fprintf(stderr, "Written %zd bytes to tmp_fd.\n", read_count); } } else if (ret == 0) { read_done = 1; free_FILE_helper(&tmp_fd); close(pipe_outof_cmd[0]); // fprintf(stderr, "read_done\n"); } else if (ret == -1) { if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK) { // Nop. } else { // Read error. fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Failed to read from compressor! Invalid " "compressor cmd?\n"); return 1; } } else { // Nop. Technically this branch should be unreachable. } } } if (is_sig_pipe_occurred) { fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Failed to write to compressor (SIGPIPE)! Invalid " "compressor cmd?\n"); return 1; } waitpid(compressor_pid, NULL, 0); uint16_t u16; uint64_t u64; u16 = strlen(file_info->filename); // Write filename length. simple_archiver_helper_16_bit_be(&u16); temp_to_write = malloc(sizeof(SDArchiverInternalToWrite)); temp_to_write->buf = malloc(2); temp_to_write->size = 2; memcpy(temp_to_write->buf, &u16, 2); simple_archiver_list_add(to_write, temp_to_write, free_internal_to_write); // Write filename. simple_archiver_helper_16_bit_be(&u16); temp_to_write = malloc(sizeof(SDArchiverInternalToWrite)); temp_to_write->buf = malloc(u16 + 1); temp_to_write->size = u16 + 1; memcpy(temp_to_write->buf, file_info->filename, u16 + 1); simple_archiver_list_add(to_write, temp_to_write, free_internal_to_write); // Write flags. temp_to_write = malloc(sizeof(SDArchiverInternalToWrite)); temp_to_write->buf = malloc(4); temp_to_write->size = 4; for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < temp_to_write->size; ++idx) { ((unsigned char *)temp_to_write->buf)[idx] = 0; } // Get file stats. struct stat stat_buf; memset(&stat_buf, 0, sizeof(struct stat)); int stat_fd = open(file_info->filename, O_RDONLY); if (stat_fd == -1) { // Error. return 1; } int stat_status = fstat(stat_fd, &stat_buf); close(stat_fd); if (stat_status != 0) { // Error. return 1; } if ((stat_buf.st_mode & S_IRUSR) != 0) { ((unsigned char *)temp_to_write->buf)[0] |= 0x2; } if ((stat_buf.st_mode & S_IWUSR) != 0) { ((unsigned char *)temp_to_write->buf)[0] |= 0x4; } if ((stat_buf.st_mode & S_IXUSR) != 0) { ((unsigned char *)temp_to_write->buf)[0] |= 0x8; } if ((stat_buf.st_mode & S_IRGRP) != 0) { ((unsigned char *)temp_to_write->buf)[0] |= 0x10; } if ((stat_buf.st_mode & S_IWGRP) != 0) { ((unsigned char *)temp_to_write->buf)[0] |= 0x20; } if ((stat_buf.st_mode & S_IXGRP) != 0) { ((unsigned char *)temp_to_write->buf)[0] |= 0x40; } if ((stat_buf.st_mode & S_IROTH) != 0) { ((unsigned char *)temp_to_write->buf)[0] |= 0x80; } if ((stat_buf.st_mode & S_IWOTH) != 0) { ((unsigned char *)temp_to_write->buf)[1] |= 0x1; } if ((stat_buf.st_mode & S_IXOTH) != 0) { ((unsigned char *)temp_to_write->buf)[1] |= 0x2; } simple_archiver_list_add(to_write, temp_to_write, free_internal_to_write); // Get compressed file length. // Compressed file should be at "temp_filename". tmp_fd = fopen(temp_filename, "rb"); long end; if (fseek(tmp_fd, 0, SEEK_END) != 0) { // Error seeking. return 1; } end = ftell(tmp_fd); if (end == -1L) { // Error getting end position. return 1; } else if (fseek(tmp_fd, 0, SEEK_SET) != 0) { // Error seeking. return 1; } // Write file length. u64 = end; simple_archiver_helper_64_bit_be(&u64); temp_to_write = malloc(sizeof(SDArchiverInternalToWrite)); temp_to_write->buf = malloc(8); temp_to_write->size = 8; memcpy(temp_to_write->buf, &u64, 8); simple_archiver_list_add(to_write, temp_to_write, free_internal_to_write); // Write all previuosly set data before writing file. simple_archiver_list_get(to_write, write_list_datas_fn, state->out_f); simple_archiver_list_free(&to_write); // Write file. fprintf(stderr, "Writing compressed file: %s\n", file_info->filename); do { write_count = fread(write_buf, 1, 1024, tmp_fd); if (write_count == 1024) { fwrite(write_buf, 1, 1024, state->out_f); } else if (write_count > 0) { fwrite(write_buf, 1, write_count, state->out_f); } if (feof(tmp_fd)) { break; } else if (ferror(tmp_fd)) { // Error. break; } } while (1); // Cleanup. free_FILE_helper(&tmp_fd); #endif } else { uint16_t u16; uint64_t u64; u16 = strlen(file_info->filename); // Write filename length. simple_archiver_helper_16_bit_be(&u16); temp_to_write = malloc(sizeof(SDArchiverInternalToWrite)); temp_to_write->buf = malloc(2); temp_to_write->size = 2; memcpy(temp_to_write->buf, &u16, 2); simple_archiver_list_add(to_write, temp_to_write, free_internal_to_write); // Write filename. simple_archiver_helper_16_bit_be(&u16); temp_to_write = malloc(sizeof(SDArchiverInternalToWrite)); temp_to_write->buf = malloc(u16 + 1); temp_to_write->size = u16 + 1; memcpy(temp_to_write->buf, file_info->filename, u16 + 1); simple_archiver_list_add(to_write, temp_to_write, free_internal_to_write); // Write flags. temp_to_write = malloc(sizeof(SDArchiverInternalToWrite)); temp_to_write->buf = malloc(4); temp_to_write->size = 4; for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < temp_to_write->size; ++idx) { ((unsigned char *)temp_to_write->buf)[idx] = 0; } #if SIMPLE_ARCHIVER_PLATFORM == SIMPLE_ARCHIVER_PLATFORM_COSMOPOLITAN || \ SIMPLE_ARCHIVER_PLATFORM == SIMPLE_ARCHIVER_PLATFORM_MAC || \ SIMPLE_ARCHIVER_PLATFORM == SIMPLE_ARCHIVER_PLATFORM_LINUX // Get file stats. struct stat stat_buf; memset(&stat_buf, 0, sizeof(struct stat)); int stat_fd = open(file_info->filename, O_RDONLY); if (stat_fd == -1) { // Error. return 1; } int stat_status = fstat(stat_fd, &stat_buf); close(stat_fd); if (stat_status != 0) { // Error. return 1; } if ((stat_buf.st_mode & S_IRUSR) != 0) { ((unsigned char *)temp_to_write->buf)[0] |= 0x2; } if ((stat_buf.st_mode & S_IWUSR) != 0) { ((unsigned char *)temp_to_write->buf)[0] |= 0x4; } if ((stat_buf.st_mode & S_IXUSR) != 0) { ((unsigned char *)temp_to_write->buf)[0] |= 0x8; } if ((stat_buf.st_mode & S_IRGRP) != 0) { ((unsigned char *)temp_to_write->buf)[0] |= 0x10; } if ((stat_buf.st_mode & S_IWGRP) != 0) { ((unsigned char *)temp_to_write->buf)[0] |= 0x20; } if ((stat_buf.st_mode & S_IXGRP) != 0) { ((unsigned char *)temp_to_write->buf)[0] |= 0x40; } if ((stat_buf.st_mode & S_IROTH) != 0) { ((unsigned char *)temp_to_write->buf)[0] |= 0x80; } if ((stat_buf.st_mode & S_IWOTH) != 0) { ((unsigned char *)temp_to_write->buf)[1] |= 0x1; } if ((stat_buf.st_mode & S_IXOTH) != 0) { ((unsigned char *)temp_to_write->buf)[1] |= 0x2; } #else // Unsupported platform. Just set the permission bits for user. ((unsigned char *)temp_to_write->buf)[0] |= 0xE; #endif simple_archiver_list_add(to_write, temp_to_write, free_internal_to_write); // Write file length. __attribute__((cleanup(free_FILE_helper))) FILE *fd = fopen(file_info->filename, "rb"); if (!fd) { // Error. return 1; } else if (fseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END) != 0) { // Error. return 1; } long end = ftell(fd); if (end == -1L) { // Error. return 1; } u64 = end; simple_archiver_helper_64_bit_be(&u64); temp_to_write = malloc(sizeof(SDArchiverInternalToWrite)); temp_to_write->buf = malloc(8); temp_to_write->size = 8; memcpy(temp_to_write->buf, &u64, 8); simple_archiver_list_add(to_write, temp_to_write, free_internal_to_write); if (fseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET) != 0) { // Error. return 1; } // Write all previuosly set data before writing file. simple_archiver_list_get(to_write, write_list_datas_fn, state->out_f); simple_archiver_list_free(&to_write); // Write file. fprintf(stderr, "Writing file: %s\n", file_info->filename); char buf[1024]; size_t ret; do { ret = fread(buf, 1, 1024, fd); if (ret == 1024) { fwrite(buf, 1, 1024, state->out_f); } else if (ret > 0) { fwrite(buf, 1, ret, state->out_f); } if (feof(fd)) { break; } else if (ferror(fd)) { // Error. break; } } while (1); } } else { // A symblic link. uint16_t u16; u16 = strlen(file_info->filename); // Write filename length. simple_archiver_helper_16_bit_be(&u16); temp_to_write = malloc(sizeof(SDArchiverInternalToWrite)); temp_to_write->buf = malloc(2); temp_to_write->size = 2; memcpy(temp_to_write->buf, &u16, 2); simple_archiver_list_add(to_write, temp_to_write, free_internal_to_write); // Write filename. simple_archiver_helper_16_bit_be(&u16); temp_to_write = malloc(sizeof(SDArchiverInternalToWrite)); temp_to_write->buf = malloc(u16 + 1); temp_to_write->size = u16 + 1; memcpy(temp_to_write->buf, file_info->filename, u16 + 1); simple_archiver_list_add(to_write, temp_to_write, free_internal_to_write); // Write flags. temp_to_write = malloc(sizeof(SDArchiverInternalToWrite)); temp_to_write->buf = malloc(4); temp_to_write->size = 4; for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < temp_to_write->size; ++idx) { ((unsigned char *)temp_to_write->buf)[idx] = 0; } // Set "is symbolic link" flag. ((unsigned char *)temp_to_write->buf)[0] = 1; #if SIMPLE_ARCHIVER_PLATFORM == SIMPLE_ARCHIVER_PLATFORM_COSMOPOLITAN || \ SIMPLE_ARCHIVER_PLATFORM == SIMPLE_ARCHIVER_PLATFORM_MAC || \ SIMPLE_ARCHIVER_PLATFORM == SIMPLE_ARCHIVER_PLATFORM_LINUX // Get file stats. struct stat stat_buf; memset(&stat_buf, 0, sizeof(struct stat)); int stat_status = fstatat(AT_FDCWD, file_info->filename, &stat_buf, AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW); if (stat_status != 0) { // Error. return 1; } if ((stat_buf.st_mode & S_IRUSR) != 0) { ((unsigned char *)temp_to_write->buf)[0] |= 0x2; } if ((stat_buf.st_mode & S_IWUSR) != 0) { ((unsigned char *)temp_to_write->buf)[0] |= 0x4; } if ((stat_buf.st_mode & S_IXUSR) != 0) { ((unsigned char *)temp_to_write->buf)[0] |= 0x8; } if ((stat_buf.st_mode & S_IRGRP) != 0) { ((unsigned char *)temp_to_write->buf)[0] |= 0x10; } if ((stat_buf.st_mode & S_IWGRP) != 0) { ((unsigned char *)temp_to_write->buf)[0] |= 0x20; } if ((stat_buf.st_mode & S_IXGRP) != 0) { ((unsigned char *)temp_to_write->buf)[0] |= 0x40; } if ((stat_buf.st_mode & S_IROTH) != 0) { ((unsigned char *)temp_to_write->buf)[0] |= 0x80; } if ((stat_buf.st_mode & S_IWOTH) != 0) { ((unsigned char *)temp_to_write->buf)[1] |= 0x1; } if ((stat_buf.st_mode & S_IXOTH) != 0) { ((unsigned char *)temp_to_write->buf)[1] |= 0x2; } #else // Unsupported platform. Just set the permission bits for user. ((unsigned char *)temp_to_write->buf)[0] |= 0xE; #endif // Need to get abs_path for checking/setting a flag before storing flags. // Get absolute path. __attribute__((cleanup(free_malloced_memory))) void *abs_path = realpath(file_info->filename, NULL); __attribute__((cleanup(free_malloced_memory))) void *rel_path = NULL; if (abs_path) { // Get relative path. // First get absolute path of link. __attribute__((cleanup(free_malloced_memory))) void *link_abs_path = filename_to_absolute_path(file_info->filename); if (!link_abs_path) { fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Failed to get absolute path of link!\n"); } else { // fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: abs_path: %s\nDEBUG: link_abs_path: %s\n", // (char*)abs_path, (char*)link_abs_path); // Compare paths to get relative path. // Get first non-common char. unsigned int idx; unsigned int last_slash; for (idx = 0, last_slash = 0; idx < strlen(abs_path) && idx < strlen(link_abs_path); ++idx) { if (((const char *)abs_path)[idx] != ((const char *)link_abs_path)[idx]) { break; } else if (((const char *)abs_path)[idx] == '/') { last_slash = idx + 1; } } // Get substrings of both paths. char *link_substr = (char *)link_abs_path + last_slash; char *dest_substr = (char *)abs_path + last_slash; rel_path = malloc(strlen(dest_substr) + 1); strncpy(rel_path, dest_substr, strlen(dest_substr) + 1); // fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: link_substr: %s\nDEBUG: dest_substr: %s\n", // link_substr, dest_substr); // Generate the relative path. int has_slash = 0; idx = 0; do { for (; link_substr[idx] != '/' && link_substr[idx] != 0; ++idx); if (link_substr[idx] == 0) { has_slash = 0; } else { has_slash = 1; char *new_rel_path = malloc(strlen(rel_path) + 1 + 3); new_rel_path[0] = '.'; new_rel_path[1] = '.'; new_rel_path[2] = '/'; strncpy(new_rel_path + 3, rel_path, strlen(rel_path) + 1); free(rel_path); rel_path = new_rel_path; ++idx; } } while (has_slash); } } // Check if absolute path refers to one of the filenames. if (abs_path && (state->parsed->flags & 0x20) == 0 && !simple_archiver_hash_map_get(state->map, abs_path, strlen(abs_path) + 1)) { // Is not a filename being archived, set preference to absolute path. fprintf(stderr, "NOTICE: abs_path exists, \"--no-abs-symlink\" not specified, " "and link refers to file NOT in archive; preferring abs_path.\n"); ((unsigned char *)temp_to_write->buf)[1] |= 0x4; } // Store the 4 byte bit-flags for file. simple_archiver_list_add(to_write, temp_to_write, free_internal_to_write); // Store the absolute and relative paths. if (!abs_path) { fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Failed to get absolute path of link destination!\n"); temp_to_write = malloc(sizeof(SDArchiverInternalToWrite)); temp_to_write->buf = malloc(2); temp_to_write->size = 2; memset(temp_to_write->buf, 0, 2); simple_archiver_list_add(to_write, temp_to_write, free_internal_to_write); } else if ((state->parsed->flags & 0x20) == 0) { // Write absolute path length. u16 = strlen(abs_path); simple_archiver_helper_16_bit_be(&u16); temp_to_write = malloc(sizeof(SDArchiverInternalToWrite)); temp_to_write->buf = malloc(2); temp_to_write->size = 2; memcpy(temp_to_write->buf, &u16, 2); simple_archiver_list_add(to_write, temp_to_write, free_internal_to_write); // Write absolute path. simple_archiver_helper_16_bit_be(&u16); temp_to_write = malloc(sizeof(SDArchiverInternalToWrite)); temp_to_write->buf = malloc(u16 + 1); temp_to_write->size = u16 + 1; strncpy(temp_to_write->buf, abs_path, u16 + 1); simple_archiver_list_add(to_write, temp_to_write, free_internal_to_write); } else { fprintf(stderr, "NOTICE: Not saving absolute path since \"--no-abs-symlink\" " "was specified.\n"); temp_to_write = malloc(sizeof(SDArchiverInternalToWrite)); temp_to_write->buf = malloc(2); temp_to_write->size = 2; memset(temp_to_write->buf, 0, 2); simple_archiver_list_add(to_write, temp_to_write, free_internal_to_write); } if (rel_path) { // Write relative path length. u16 = strlen(rel_path); simple_archiver_helper_16_bit_be(&u16); temp_to_write = malloc(sizeof(SDArchiverInternalToWrite)); temp_to_write->buf = malloc(2); temp_to_write->size = 2; memcpy(temp_to_write->buf, &u16, 2); simple_archiver_list_add(to_write, temp_to_write, free_internal_to_write); // Write relative path. simple_archiver_helper_16_bit_be(&u16); temp_to_write = malloc(sizeof(SDArchiverInternalToWrite)); temp_to_write->buf = malloc(u16 + 1); temp_to_write->size = u16 + 1; strncpy(temp_to_write->buf, rel_path, u16 + 1); simple_archiver_list_add(to_write, temp_to_write, free_internal_to_write); } else { temp_to_write = malloc(sizeof(SDArchiverInternalToWrite)); temp_to_write->buf = malloc(2); temp_to_write->size = 2; memset(temp_to_write->buf, 0, 2); simple_archiver_list_add(to_write, temp_to_write, free_internal_to_write); } // Write all previously set data. fprintf(stderr, "Writing symlink info: %s\n", file_info->filename); if ((state->parsed->flags & 0x20) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, " abs path: %s\n", (char *)abs_path); } fprintf(stderr, " rel path: %s\n", (char *)rel_path); simple_archiver_list_get(to_write, write_list_datas_fn, state->out_f); simple_archiver_list_free(&to_write); } fprintf(stderr, "[%10u/%10u]\n", ++(state->count), state->max); return 0; } void cleanup_nop_fn(__attribute__((unused)) void *unused) {} void cleanup_free_fn(void *data) { free(data); } int filenames_to_abs_map_fn(void *data, void *ud) { SDArchiverFileInfo *file_info = data; SDArchiverHashMap **abs_filenames = ud; // Get combined full path to file. char *fullpath = filename_to_absolute_path(file_info->filename); if (!fullpath) { return 1; } simple_archiver_hash_map_insert(abs_filenames, fullpath, fullpath, strlen(fullpath) + 1, cleanup_nop_fn, NULL); // Try putting all parent dirs up to current working directory. // First get absolute path to current working directory. __attribute__((cleanup(free_malloced_memory))) void *cwd_dirname = realpath(".", NULL); if (!cwd_dirname) { return 1; } // Use copy of fullpath to avoid clobbering it. __attribute__((cleanup(free_malloced_memory))) void *fullpath_copy = malloc(strlen(fullpath) + 1); strncpy(fullpath_copy, fullpath, strlen(fullpath) + 1); // Get dirnames. char *prev = fullpath_copy; char *fullpath_dirname; while (1) { fullpath_dirname = dirname(prev); if (!fullpath_dirname || strlen(fullpath_dirname) <= strlen(cwd_dirname)) { break; } else { // Make and store copy of fullpath_dirname. char *fullpath_dirname_copy = malloc(strlen(fullpath_dirname) + 1); strncpy(fullpath_dirname_copy, fullpath_dirname, strlen(fullpath_dirname) + 1); simple_archiver_hash_map_insert( abs_filenames, fullpath_dirname_copy, fullpath_dirname_copy, strlen(fullpath_dirname_copy) + 1, cleanup_nop_fn, NULL); } prev = fullpath_dirname; } return 0; } char *simple_archiver_error_to_string(enum SDArchiverStateReturns error) { switch (error) { case SDAS_SUCCESS: return "SUCCESS"; case SDAS_HEADER_ALREADY_WRITTEN: return "Header already written"; case SDAS_FAILED_TO_WRITE: return "Failed to write"; case SDAS_NO_COMPRESSOR: return "Compressor cmd is missing"; case SDAS_NO_DECOMPRESSOR: return "Decompressor cmd is missing"; case SDAS_INVALID_PARSED_STATE: return "Invalid parsed struct"; case SDAS_INVALID_FILE: return "Invalid file"; case SDAS_INTERNAL_ERROR: return "Internal error"; case SDAS_FAILED_TO_CREATE_MAP: return "Failed to create set of filenames (internal error)"; default: return "Unknown error"; } } SDArchiverState *simple_archiver_init_state(const SDArchiverParsed *parsed) { if (!parsed) { return NULL; } SDArchiverState *state = malloc(sizeof(SDArchiverState)); state->flags = 0; state->parsed = parsed; state->out_f = NULL; state->map = NULL; return state; } void simple_archiver_free_state(SDArchiverState **state) { if (state && *state) { free(*state); *state = NULL; } } int simple_archiver_write_all(FILE *out_f, SDArchiverState *state, const SDArchiverLinkedList *filenames) { // First create a "set" of absolute paths to given filenames. __attribute__((cleanup(simple_archiver_hash_map_free))) SDArchiverHashMap *abs_filenames = simple_archiver_hash_map_init(); if (simple_archiver_list_get(filenames, filenames_to_abs_map_fn, &abs_filenames)) { return SDAS_FAILED_TO_CREATE_MAP; } if (fwrite("SIMPLE_ARCHIVE_VER", 1, 18, out_f) != 18) { return SDAS_FAILED_TO_WRITE; } uint16_t u16 = 0; // No need to convert to big-endian for version 0. // simple_archiver_helper_16_bit_be(&u16); if (fwrite(&u16, 2, 1, out_f) != 1) { return SDAS_FAILED_TO_WRITE; } if (state->parsed->compressor && !state->parsed->decompressor) { return SDAS_NO_DECOMPRESSOR; } else if (!state->parsed->compressor && state->parsed->decompressor) { return SDAS_NO_COMPRESSOR; } else if (state->parsed->compressor && state->parsed->decompressor) { // Write the four flag bytes with first bit set. unsigned char c = 1; if (fwrite(&c, 1, 1, out_f) != 1) { return SDAS_FAILED_TO_WRITE; } c = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { if (fwrite(&c, 1, 1, out_f) != 1) { return SDAS_FAILED_TO_WRITE; } } // De/compressor bytes. u16 = strlen(state->parsed->compressor); // To big-endian. simple_archiver_helper_16_bit_be(&u16); // Write the size in big-endian. if (fwrite(&u16, 2, 1, out_f) != 1) { return SDAS_FAILED_TO_WRITE; } // From big-endian. simple_archiver_helper_16_bit_be(&u16); // Write the compressor cmd including the NULL at the end of the string. if (fwrite(state->parsed->compressor, 1, u16 + 1, out_f) != (size_t)u16 + 1) { return SDAS_FAILED_TO_WRITE; } u16 = strlen(state->parsed->decompressor); // To big-endian. simple_archiver_helper_16_bit_be(&u16); // Write the size in big-endian. if (fwrite(&u16, 2, 1, out_f) != 1) { return SDAS_FAILED_TO_WRITE; } // From big-endian. simple_archiver_helper_16_bit_be(&u16); // Write the decompressor cmd including the NULL at the end of the string. if (fwrite(state->parsed->decompressor, 1, u16 + 1, out_f) != (size_t)u16 + 1) { return SDAS_FAILED_TO_WRITE; } } else { // Write the four flag bytes with first bit NOT set. unsigned char c = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { if (fwrite(&c, 1, 1, out_f) != 1) { return SDAS_FAILED_TO_WRITE; } } } // Write file count. { uint32_t u32 = filenames->count; simple_archiver_helper_32_bit_be(&u32); if (fwrite(&u32, 1, 4, out_f) != 4) { return SDAS_FAILED_TO_WRITE; } } // Iterate over files in list to write. state->count = 0; state->max = filenames->count; state->out_f = out_f; state->map = abs_filenames; fprintf(stderr, "Begin archiving...\n"); fprintf(stderr, "[%10u/%10u]\n", state->count, state->max); if (simple_archiver_list_get(filenames, write_files_fn, state)) { // Error occurred. fprintf(stderr, "Error ocurred writing file(s) to archive.\n"); return SDAS_FAILED_TO_WRITE; } state->out_f = NULL; fprintf(stderr, "End archiving.\n"); return SDAS_SUCCESS; } int simple_archiver_parse_archive_info(FILE *in_f, int do_extract, const SDArchiverState *state) { unsigned char buf[1024]; memset(buf, 0, 1024); uint16_t u16; uint32_t u32; uint64_t u64; int is_compressed = 0; if (fread(buf, 1, 18, in_f) != 18) { return SDAS_INVALID_FILE; } else if (memcmp(buf, "SIMPLE_ARCHIVE_VER", 18) != 0) { return SDAS_INVALID_FILE; } else if (fread(buf, 1, 2, in_f) != 2) { return SDAS_INVALID_FILE; } else if (buf[0] != 0 || buf[1] != 0) { // Version is not zero. return SDAS_INVALID_FILE; } else if (fread(buf, 1, 4, in_f) != 4) { return SDAS_INVALID_FILE; } __attribute__((cleanup(free_malloced_memory))) void *decompressor_cmd = NULL; if ((buf[0] & 1) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "De/compressor flag is set.\n"); is_compressed = 1; // Read compressor data. if (fread(&u16, 2, 1, in_f) != 1) { return SDAS_INVALID_FILE; } simple_archiver_helper_16_bit_be(&u16); fprintf(stderr, "Compressor size is %u\n", u16); if (u16 < 1024) { if (fread(buf, 1, u16 + 1, in_f) != (size_t)u16 + 1) { return SDAS_INVALID_FILE; } buf[1023] = 0; fprintf(stderr, "Compressor cmd: %s\n", buf); } else { __attribute__((cleanup(free_malloced_memory))) void *heap_buf = malloc(u16 + 1); unsigned char *uc_heap_buf = heap_buf; if (fread(uc_heap_buf, 1, u16 + 1, in_f) != (size_t)u16 + 1) { return SDAS_INVALID_FILE; } uc_heap_buf[u16 - 1] = 0; fprintf(stderr, "Compressor cmd: %s\n", uc_heap_buf); } // Read decompressor data. if (fread(&u16, 2, 1, in_f) != 1) { return SDAS_INVALID_FILE; } simple_archiver_helper_16_bit_be(&u16); fprintf(stderr, "Decompressor size is %u\n", u16); if (u16 < 1024) { if (fread(buf, 1, u16 + 1, in_f) != (size_t)u16 + 1) { return SDAS_INVALID_FILE; } buf[1023] = 0; fprintf(stderr, "Decompressor cmd: %s\n", buf); decompressor_cmd = malloc(u16 + 1); memcpy((char *)decompressor_cmd, buf, u16 + 1); ((char *)decompressor_cmd)[u16] = 0; } else { __attribute__((cleanup(free_malloced_memory))) void *heap_buf = malloc(u16 + 1); unsigned char *uc_heap_buf = heap_buf; if (fread(uc_heap_buf, 1, u16 + 1, in_f) != (size_t)u16 + 1) { return SDAS_INVALID_FILE; } uc_heap_buf[u16 - 1] = 0; fprintf(stderr, "Decompressor cmd: %s\n", uc_heap_buf); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "De/compressor flag is NOT set.\n"); } if (fread(&u32, 1, 4, in_f) != 4) { return SDAS_INVALID_FILE; } simple_archiver_helper_32_bit_be(&u32); fprintf(stderr, "File count is %u\n", u32); uint32_t size = u32; int skip = 0; __attribute__((cleanup(simple_archiver_hash_map_free))) SDArchiverHashMap *hash_map = NULL; if (state && state->parsed->working_files && state->parsed->working_files[0] != NULL) { hash_map = simple_archiver_hash_map_init(); for (char **iter = state->parsed->working_files; *iter != NULL; ++iter) { int len = strlen(*iter) + 1; char *key = malloc(len); memcpy(key, *iter, len); key[len - 1] = 0; simple_archiver_hash_map_insert(&hash_map, key, key, len, cleanup_nop_fn, cleanup_free_fn); // fprintf(stderr, "\"%s\" put in map\n", key); } } for (uint32_t idx = 0; idx < size; ++idx) { fprintf(stderr, "\nFile %10u of %10u.\n", idx + 1, size); if (feof(in_f) || ferror(in_f)) { return SDAS_INVALID_FILE; } else if (fread(&u16, 2, 1, in_f) != 1) { return SDAS_INVALID_FILE; } simple_archiver_helper_16_bit_be(&u16); __attribute__((cleanup(free_malloced_memory))) void *out_f_name = NULL; __attribute__((cleanup(free_FILE_helper))) FILE *out_f = NULL; if (u16 < 1024) { if (fread(buf, 1, u16 + 1, in_f) != (size_t)u16 + 1) { return SDAS_INVALID_FILE; } buf[1023] = 0; fprintf(stderr, " Filename: %s\n", buf); if (do_extract) { if ((state->parsed->flags & 0x8) == 0) { __attribute__((cleanup(free_FILE_helper))) FILE *test_fd = fopen((const char *)buf, "rb"); if (test_fd) { skip = 1; fprintf(stderr, " WARNING: File already exists and " "\"--overwrite-extract\" is not specified, skipping!\n"); } else { skip = 0; } } else { skip = 0; } if (!skip) { out_f_name = malloc(strlen((const char *)buf) + 1); memcpy(out_f_name, buf, strlen((const char *)buf) + 1); } } } else { __attribute__((cleanup(free_malloced_memory))) void *heap_buf = malloc(u16 + 1); unsigned char *uc_heap_buf = heap_buf; if (fread(uc_heap_buf, 1, u16 + 1, in_f) != (size_t)u16 + 1) { return SDAS_INVALID_FILE; } uc_heap_buf[u16 - 1] = 0; fprintf(stderr, " Filename: %s\n", uc_heap_buf); if (do_extract) { if ((state->parsed->flags & 0x8) == 0) { __attribute__((cleanup(free_FILE_helper))) FILE *test_fd = fopen((const char *)buf, "rb"); if (test_fd) { skip = 1; fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: File already exists and \"--overwrite-extract\" " "is not specified, skipping!\n"); } else { skip = 0; } } else { skip = 0; } if (!skip) { out_f_name = malloc(strlen((const char *)buf) + 1); memcpy(out_f_name, buf, strlen((const char *)buf) + 1); } } } if (fread(buf, 1, 4, in_f) != 4) { return SDAS_INVALID_FILE; } unsigned int permissions = 0; #if SIMPLE_ARCHIVER_PLATFORM == SIMPLE_ARCHIVER_PLATFORM_COSMOPOLITAN || \ SIMPLE_ARCHIVER_PLATFORM == SIMPLE_ARCHIVER_PLATFORM_MAC || \ SIMPLE_ARCHIVER_PLATFORM == SIMPLE_ARCHIVER_PLATFORM_LINUX if (do_extract == 0) { fprintf(stderr, " Permissions: "); } if ((buf[0] & 0x2) != 0) { permissions |= S_IRUSR; if (do_extract == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "r"); } } else if (do_extract == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "-"); } if ((buf[0] & 0x4) != 0) { permissions |= S_IWUSR; if (do_extract == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "w"); } } else if (do_extract == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "-"); } if ((buf[0] & 0x8) != 0) { permissions |= S_IXUSR; if (do_extract == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "x"); } } else if (do_extract == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "-"); } if ((buf[0] & 0x10) != 0) { permissions |= S_IRGRP; if (do_extract == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "r"); } } else if (do_extract == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "-"); } if ((buf[0] & 0x20) != 0) { permissions |= S_IWGRP; if (do_extract == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "w"); } } else if (do_extract == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "-"); } if ((buf[0] & 0x40) != 0) { permissions |= S_IXGRP; if (do_extract == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "x"); } } else if (do_extract == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "-"); } if ((buf[0] & 0x80) != 0) { permissions |= S_IROTH; if (do_extract == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "r"); } } else if (do_extract == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "-"); } if ((buf[1] & 0x1) != 0) { permissions |= S_IWOTH; if (do_extract == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "w"); } } else if (do_extract == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "-"); } if ((buf[1] & 0x2) != 0) { permissions |= S_IXOTH; if (do_extract == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "x"); } } else if (do_extract == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "-"); } if (do_extract == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } #endif if ((buf[0] & 1) == 0) { // Not a sybolic link. if (fread(&u64, 8, 1, in_f) != 1) { return SDAS_INVALID_FILE; } simple_archiver_helper_64_bit_be(&u64); if (is_compressed) { fprintf(stderr, " File size (compressed): %lu\n", u64); } else { fprintf(stderr, " File size: %lu\n", u64); } int skip_due_to_map = 0; if (hash_map != NULL && out_f_name) { if (simple_archiver_hash_map_get(hash_map, out_f_name, strlen(out_f_name) + 1) == NULL) { skip_due_to_map = 1; fprintf(stderr, "Skipping not specified in args...\n"); } } if (do_extract && !skip && !skip_due_to_map) { fprintf(stderr, " Extracting...\n"); simple_archiver_helper_make_dirs((const char *)out_f_name); out_f = fopen(out_f_name, "wb"); __attribute__(( cleanup(cleanup_temp_filename_delete))) void **ptrs_array = malloc(sizeof(void *) * 2); ptrs_array[0] = out_f_name; ptrs_array[1] = &out_f; #if SIMPLE_ARCHIVER_PLATFORM == SIMPLE_ARCHIVER_PLATFORM_COSMOPOLITAN || \ SIMPLE_ARCHIVER_PLATFORM == SIMPLE_ARCHIVER_PLATFORM_MAC || \ SIMPLE_ARCHIVER_PLATFORM == SIMPLE_ARCHIVER_PLATFORM_LINUX if (is_compressed) { // Handle SIGPIPE. signal(SIGPIPE, handle_sig_pipe); int pipe_into_cmd[2]; int pipe_outof_cmd[2]; pid_t decompressor_pid; if (pipe(pipe_into_cmd) != 0) { // Unable to create pipes. break; } else if (pipe(pipe_outof_cmd) != 0) { // Unable to create second set of pipes. close(pipe_into_cmd[0]); close(pipe_into_cmd[1]); return SDAS_INTERNAL_ERROR; } else if (fcntl(pipe_into_cmd[1], F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK) != 0) { // Unable to set non-blocking on into-write-pipe. close(pipe_into_cmd[0]); close(pipe_into_cmd[1]); close(pipe_outof_cmd[0]); close(pipe_outof_cmd[1]); return SDAS_INTERNAL_ERROR; } else if (fcntl(pipe_outof_cmd[0], F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK) != 0) { // Unable to set non-blocking on outof-read-pipe. close(pipe_into_cmd[0]); close(pipe_into_cmd[1]); close(pipe_outof_cmd[0]); close(pipe_outof_cmd[1]); return SDAS_INTERNAL_ERROR; } if (state && state->parsed && state->parsed->decompressor) { if (simple_archiver_de_compress(pipe_into_cmd, pipe_outof_cmd, state->parsed->decompressor, &decompressor_pid) != 0) { // Failed to spawn compressor. close(pipe_into_cmd[1]); close(pipe_outof_cmd[0]); fprintf( stderr, "WARNING: Failed to start decompressor cmd! Invalid cmd?\n"); return SDAS_INTERNAL_ERROR; } } else { if (simple_archiver_de_compress(pipe_into_cmd, pipe_outof_cmd, decompressor_cmd, &decompressor_pid) != 0) { // Failed to spawn compressor. close(pipe_into_cmd[1]); close(pipe_outof_cmd[0]); fprintf( stderr, "WARNING: Failed to start decompressor cmd! Invalid cmd?\n"); return SDAS_INTERNAL_ERROR; } } // Close unnecessary pipe fds on this end of the transfer. close(pipe_into_cmd[0]); close(pipe_outof_cmd[1]); int decompressor_status; int decompressor_return_val; int decompressor_ret = waitpid(decompressor_pid, &decompressor_status, WNOHANG); if (decompressor_ret == decompressor_pid) { // Status is available. if (WIFEXITED(decompressor_status)) { decompressor_return_val = WEXITSTATUS(decompressor_status); fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Exec failed (exec exit code %d)! Invalid " "decompressor cmd?\n", decompressor_return_val); return SDAS_INTERNAL_ERROR; } } else if (decompressor_ret == 0) { // Probably still running, continue on. } else { // Error. fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Exec failed (exec exit code unknown)! Invalid " "decompressor cmd?\n"); return SDAS_INTERNAL_ERROR; } uint64_t compressed_file_size = u64; int write_again = 0; int write_pipe_done = 0; int read_pipe_done = 0; ssize_t fread_ret; char recv_buf[1024]; size_t amount_to_read; while (!write_pipe_done || !read_pipe_done) { if (is_sig_pipe_occurred) { fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Failed to write to decompressor (SIGPIPE)! " "Invalid decompressor cmd?\n"); return 1; } // Read from file. if (!write_pipe_done) { if (!write_again && compressed_file_size != 0) { if (compressed_file_size > 1024) { amount_to_read = 1024; } else { amount_to_read = compressed_file_size; } fread_ret = fread(buf, 1, amount_to_read, in_f); if (fread_ret > 0) { compressed_file_size -= fread_ret; } } // Send over pipe to decompressor. if (fread_ret > 0) { ssize_t write_ret = write(pipe_into_cmd[1], buf, fread_ret); if (write_ret == fread_ret) { // Successful write. write_again = 0; if (compressed_file_size == 0) { close(pipe_into_cmd[1]); write_pipe_done = 1; } } else if (write_ret == -1) { if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK) { write_again = 1; } else { // Error. fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Failed to write to decompressor! Invalid " "decompressor cmd?\n"); return SDAS_INTERNAL_ERROR; } } else { // Should be unreachable, error. fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Failed to write to decompressor! Invalid " "decompressor cmd?\n"); return SDAS_INTERNAL_ERROR; } } } // Read output from decompressor and write to file. if (!read_pipe_done) { ssize_t read_ret = read(pipe_outof_cmd[0], recv_buf, 1024); if (read_ret > 0) { size_t fwrite_ret = fwrite(recv_buf, 1, read_ret, out_f); if (fwrite_ret == (size_t)read_ret) { // Success. } else if (ferror(out_f)) { // Error. fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Failed to read from decompressor! Invalid " "decompressor cmd?\n"); return SDAS_INTERNAL_ERROR; } else { // Invalid state, error. fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Failed to read from decompressor! Invalid " "decompressor cmd?\n"); return SDAS_INTERNAL_ERROR; } } else if (read_ret == -1) { if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK) { // No bytes to read yet. } else { // Error. fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Failed to read from decompressor! Invalid " "decompressor cmd?\n"); return SDAS_INTERNAL_ERROR; } } else if (read_ret == 0) { // EOF. read_pipe_done = 1; close(pipe_outof_cmd[0]); free_FILE_helper(&out_f); } else { // Invalid state (unreachable?), error. fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Failed to read from decompressor! Invalid " "decompressor cmd?\n"); return SDAS_INTERNAL_ERROR; } } } if (is_sig_pipe_occurred) { fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Failed to write to decompressor (SIGPIPE)! " "Invalid decompressor cmd?\n"); return 1; } waitpid(decompressor_pid, NULL, 0); } else { uint64_t compressed_file_size = u64; ssize_t fread_ret; while (compressed_file_size != 0) { if (compressed_file_size > 1024) { fread_ret = fread(buf, 1, 1024, in_f); if (ferror(in_f)) { // Error. return SDAS_INTERNAL_ERROR; } fwrite(buf, 1, fread_ret, out_f); if (ferror(out_f)) { // Error. return SDAS_INTERNAL_ERROR; } compressed_file_size -= fread_ret; } else { fread_ret = fread(buf, 1, compressed_file_size, in_f); if (ferror(in_f)) { // Error. return SDAS_INTERNAL_ERROR; } fwrite(buf, 1, fread_ret, out_f); if (ferror(out_f)) { // Error. return SDAS_INTERNAL_ERROR; } compressed_file_size -= fread_ret; } } } if (chmod((const char *)out_f_name, permissions) == -1) { // Error. return SDAS_INTERNAL_ERROR; } ptrs_array[0] = NULL; fprintf(stderr, " Extracted.\n"); #endif } else { while (u64 != 0) { if (u64 > 1024) { ssize_t read_ret = fread(buf, 1, 1024, in_f); if (read_ret > 0) { u64 -= read_ret; } else if (ferror(in_f)) { return SDAS_INTERNAL_ERROR; } } else { ssize_t read_ret = fread(buf, 1, u64, in_f); if (read_ret > 0) { u64 -= read_ret; } else if (ferror(in_f)) { return SDAS_INTERNAL_ERROR; } } } } } else { // Is a symbolic link. int abs_preferred = (buf[1] & 0x4) != 0 ? 1 : 0; fprintf(stderr, " Absolute paths are %s\n", (abs_preferred ? "preferred" : "NOT preferred")); if (fread(&u16, 2, 1, in_f) != 1) { return SDAS_INVALID_FILE; } simple_archiver_helper_16_bit_be(&u16); if (u16 == 0) { fprintf(stderr, " Link does not have absolute path.\n"); } else if (u16 < 1024) { if (fread(buf, 1, u16 + 1, in_f) != (size_t)u16 + 1) { return SDAS_INVALID_FILE; } buf[1023] = 0; fprintf(stderr, " Link absolute path: %s\n", buf); } else { __attribute__((cleanup(free_malloced_memory))) void *heap_buf = malloc(u16 + 1); unsigned char *uc_heap_buf = heap_buf; if (fread(uc_heap_buf, 1, u16 + 1, in_f) != (size_t)u16 + 1) { return SDAS_INVALID_FILE; } uc_heap_buf[u16 - 1] = 0; fprintf(stderr, " Link absolute path: %s\n", uc_heap_buf); } if (fread(&u16, 2, 1, in_f) != 1) { return SDAS_INVALID_FILE; } simple_archiver_helper_16_bit_be(&u16); if (u16 == 0) { fprintf(stderr, " Link does not have relative path.\n"); } else if (u16 < 1024) { if (fread(buf, 1, u16 + 1, in_f) != (size_t)u16 + 1) { return SDAS_INVALID_FILE; } buf[1023] = 0; fprintf(stderr, " Link relative path: %s\n", buf); } else { __attribute__((cleanup(free_malloced_memory))) void *heap_buf = malloc(u16 + 1); unsigned char *uc_heap_buf = heap_buf; if (fread(uc_heap_buf, 1, u16 + 1, in_f) != (size_t)u16 + 1) { return SDAS_INVALID_FILE; } uc_heap_buf[u16 - 1] = 0; fprintf(stderr, " Link relative path: %s\n", uc_heap_buf); } } } return SDAS_SUCCESS; } int simple_archiver_de_compress(int pipe_fd_in[2], int pipe_fd_out[2], const char *cmd, void *pid_out) { #if SIMPLE_ARCHIVER_PLATFORM == SIMPLE_ARCHIVER_PLATFORM_COSMOPOLITAN || \ SIMPLE_ARCHIVER_PLATFORM == SIMPLE_ARCHIVER_PLATFORM_MAC || \ SIMPLE_ARCHIVER_PLATFORM == SIMPLE_ARCHIVER_PLATFORM_LINUX posix_spawn_file_actions_t file_actions; memset(&file_actions, 0, sizeof(file_actions)); if (posix_spawn_file_actions_init(&file_actions) != 0) { close(pipe_fd_in[0]); close(pipe_fd_out[1]); return 1; } else if (posix_spawn_file_actions_adddup2(&file_actions, pipe_fd_in[0], STDIN_FILENO) != 0) { posix_spawn_file_actions_destroy(&file_actions); close(pipe_fd_in[0]); close(pipe_fd_out[1]); return 2; } else if (posix_spawn_file_actions_adddup2(&file_actions, pipe_fd_out[1], STDOUT_FILENO) != 0) { posix_spawn_file_actions_destroy(&file_actions); close(pipe_fd_in[0]); close(pipe_fd_out[1]); return 3; } else if (posix_spawn_file_actions_addclose(&file_actions, pipe_fd_in[1]) != 0) { posix_spawn_file_actions_destroy(&file_actions); close(pipe_fd_in[0]); close(pipe_fd_out[1]); return 4; } else if (posix_spawn_file_actions_addclose(&file_actions, pipe_fd_out[0]) != 0) { posix_spawn_file_actions_destroy(&file_actions); close(pipe_fd_in[0]); close(pipe_fd_out[1]); return 5; } __attribute__((cleanup( simple_archiver_helper_cmd_string_argv_free_ptr))) char **cmd_argv = simple_archiver_helper_cmd_string_to_argv(cmd); pid_t *pid_t_out = pid_out; if (posix_spawnp(pid_t_out, cmd_argv[0], &file_actions, NULL, cmd_argv, NULL) != 0) { close(pipe_fd_in[0]); close(pipe_fd_out[1]); posix_spawn_file_actions_destroy(&file_actions); return 6; } posix_spawn_file_actions_destroy(&file_actions); return 0; #else return 1; #endif }