Stephen Seo e06e65e5e8
All checks were successful
Run Unit Tests / build-and-run-unit-tests (push) Successful in 4s
Impl. parser accepting files and dirs
Fix memory leak in hash_map.

Current "main" prints specified files and subfiles of specified

TODO: Handle symbolic links
2024-07-03 19:56:26 +09:00

341 lines
11 KiB

* Copyright 2024 Stephen Seo
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* `data_structures/test.c` is the source for testing data structure code.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "../algorithms/linear_congruential_gen.h"
#include "hash_map.h"
#include "linked_list.h"
#include "priority_heap.h"
static int checks_checked = 0;
static int checks_passed = 0;
#define CHECK_TRUE(x) \
do { \
++checks_checked; \
if (!(x)) { \
printf("CHECK_TRUE at line %u failed: %s\n", __LINE__, #x); \
} else { \
++checks_passed; \
} \
} while (0);
#define CHECK_FALSE(x) \
do { \
++checks_checked; \
if (x) { \
printf("CHECK_FALSE at line %u failed: %s\n", __LINE__, #x); \
} else { \
++checks_passed; \
} \
} while (0);
void no_free_fn(__attribute__((unused)) void *unused) { return; }
int get_one_fn(void *data, __attribute__((unused)) void *ud) {
return strcmp(data, "one") == 0 ? 1 : 0;
int get_two_fn(void *data, __attribute__((unused)) void *ud) {
return strcmp(data, "two") == 0 ? 1 : 0;
int get_three_fn(void *data, __attribute__((unused)) void *ud) {
return strcmp(data, "three") == 0 ? 1 : 0;
int more_fn(long long a, long long b) { return a > b ? 1 : 0; }
int main(void) {
// Test LinkedList.
SDArchiverLinkedList *list = simple_archiver_list_init();
CHECK_TRUE(list->count == 0);
const char *one = "one";
const char *two = "two";
const char *three = "three";
simple_archiver_list_add(list, (void *)one, no_free_fn);
CHECK_TRUE(list->count == 1);
simple_archiver_list_add(list, (void *)two, no_free_fn);
CHECK_TRUE(list->count == 2);
simple_archiver_list_add(list, (void *)three, no_free_fn);
CHECK_TRUE(list->count == 3);
void *ptr = simple_archiver_list_get(list, get_one_fn, NULL);
CHECK_TRUE(ptr == one);
ptr = simple_archiver_list_get(list, get_two_fn, NULL);
CHECK_TRUE(ptr == two);
ptr = simple_archiver_list_get(list, get_three_fn, NULL);
CHECK_TRUE(ptr == three);
CHECK_TRUE(simple_archiver_list_remove(list, get_two_fn, NULL) == 1);
CHECK_TRUE(list->count == 2);
CHECK_TRUE(simple_archiver_list_get(list, get_two_fn, NULL) == NULL);
CHECK_TRUE(simple_archiver_list_remove_once(list, get_one_fn, NULL) == 1);
CHECK_TRUE(list->count == 1);
CHECK_TRUE(simple_archiver_list_get(list, get_one_fn, NULL) == NULL);
// Test HashMap.
SDArchiverHashMap *hash_map = simple_archiver_hash_map_init();
hash_map = simple_archiver_hash_map_init();
int *value, *key;
for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < 20; ++idx) {
value = malloc(sizeof(int));
key = malloc(sizeof(int));
*value = idx;
*key = idx;
simple_archiver_hash_map_insert(&hash_map, value, key, sizeof(int),
int value, key;
void *value_ptr;
for (value = 0, key = 0; value < 20 && key < 20; ++value, ++key) {
value_ptr = simple_archiver_hash_map_get(hash_map, &key, sizeof(int));
CHECK_TRUE(value_ptr != NULL);
CHECK_TRUE(memcmp(value_ptr, &value, sizeof(int)) == 0);
key = 5;
simple_archiver_hash_map_remove(hash_map, &key, sizeof(int));
key = 15;
simple_archiver_hash_map_remove(hash_map, &key, sizeof(int));
for (value = 0, key = 0; value < 20 && key < 20; ++value, ++key) {
value_ptr = simple_archiver_hash_map_get(hash_map, &key, sizeof(int));
if (key != 5 && key != 15) {
CHECK_TRUE(value_ptr != NULL);
CHECK_TRUE(memcmp(value_ptr, &value, sizeof(int)) == 0);
} else {
CHECK_TRUE(value_ptr == NULL);
// Rehash test for Memcheck.
hash_map = simple_archiver_hash_map_init();
for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < SC_SA_DS_HASH_MAP_START_BUCKET_SIZE + 1;
++idx) {
unsigned int *copy_value = malloc(sizeof(unsigned int));
*copy_value = idx;
unsigned int *copy_key = malloc(sizeof(unsigned int));
*copy_key = idx;
simple_archiver_hash_map_insert(&hash_map, copy_value, copy_key,
sizeof(unsigned int), NULL, NULL);
// Test PriorityHeap.
SDArchiverPHeap *priority_heap = simple_archiver_priority_heap_init();
priority_heap = simple_archiver_priority_heap_init();
// Just 3 elements.
for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < 3; ++idx) {
unsigned int *data = malloc(sizeof(unsigned int));
*data = idx;
simple_archiver_priority_heap_insert(&priority_heap, idx, data, NULL);
for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < 3; ++idx) {
unsigned int *data = simple_archiver_priority_heap_top(priority_heap);
CHECK_TRUE(*data == idx);
if (*data != idx) {
printf("idx is %u, data is %u\n", idx, *data);
data = simple_archiver_priority_heap_pop(priority_heap);
CHECK_TRUE(*data == idx);
if (*data != idx) {
printf("idx is %u, data is %u\n", idx, *data);
// 100 elements.
unsigned int max = 100;
for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < max; ++idx) {
unsigned int *data = malloc(sizeof(unsigned int));
*data = idx;
simple_archiver_priority_heap_insert(&priority_heap, idx, data, NULL);
for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < max; ++idx) {
unsigned int *data = simple_archiver_priority_heap_top(priority_heap);
CHECK_TRUE(*data == idx);
data = simple_archiver_priority_heap_pop(priority_heap);
CHECK_TRUE(*data == idx);
// Insert in reverse order.
for (unsigned int idx = max; idx-- > 0;) {
unsigned int *data = malloc(sizeof(unsigned int));
*data = idx;
simple_archiver_priority_heap_insert(&priority_heap, idx, data, NULL);
for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < max; ++idx) {
unsigned int *data = simple_archiver_priority_heap_top(priority_heap);
CHECK_TRUE(*data == idx);
data = simple_archiver_priority_heap_pop(priority_heap);
CHECK_TRUE(*data == idx);
// Insert in random order.
unsigned int *array = malloc(sizeof(unsigned int) * max);
for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < max; ++idx) {
array[idx] = idx;
// Deterministic randomization.
for (unsigned int idx = max - 1; idx-- > 0;) {
unsigned int other_idx = simple_archiver_algo_lcg_defaults(idx) %
(unsigned long long)(idx + 1);
if (max - 1 != other_idx) {
unsigned int temp = array[max - 1];
array[max - 1] = array[other_idx];
array[other_idx] = temp;
// Insert the deterministically randomized array.
for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < max; ++idx) {
simple_archiver_priority_heap_insert(&priority_heap, array[idx],
array + idx, no_free_fn);
for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < max; ++idx) {
unsigned int *data = simple_archiver_priority_heap_top(priority_heap);
CHECK_TRUE(*data == idx);
if (*data != idx) {
printf("idx is %u, data is %u\n", idx, *data);
data = simple_archiver_priority_heap_pop(priority_heap);
CHECK_TRUE(*data == idx);
if (*data != idx) {
printf("idx is %u, data is %u\n", idx, *data);
// Insert, don't pop, do free, for memcheck.
priority_heap = simple_archiver_priority_heap_init();
for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < max; ++idx) {
unsigned int *data = malloc(sizeof(unsigned int));
*data = idx;
simple_archiver_priority_heap_insert(&priority_heap, idx, data, NULL);
// Reverse priority.
priority_heap = simple_archiver_priority_heap_init_less_fn(more_fn);
for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < max; ++idx) {
unsigned int *data = malloc(sizeof(unsigned int));
*data = idx;
simple_archiver_priority_heap_insert(&priority_heap, idx, data, NULL);
for (unsigned int idx = max; idx-- > 0;) {
unsigned int *data = simple_archiver_priority_heap_top(priority_heap);
CHECK_TRUE(*data == idx);
data = simple_archiver_priority_heap_pop(priority_heap);
CHECK_TRUE(*data == idx);
// Insert in random order with reverse-priority-heap.
priority_heap = simple_archiver_priority_heap_init_less_fn(more_fn);
array = malloc(sizeof(unsigned int) * max);
for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < max; ++idx) {
array[idx] = idx;
// Deterministic randomization.
for (unsigned int idx = max - 1; idx-- > 0;) {
unsigned int other_idx = simple_archiver_algo_lcg_defaults(idx) %
(unsigned long long)(idx + 1);
if (max - 1 != other_idx) {
unsigned int temp = array[max - 1];
array[max - 1] = array[other_idx];
array[other_idx] = temp;
// Insert the deterministically randomized array.
for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < max; ++idx) {
simple_archiver_priority_heap_insert(&priority_heap, array[idx],
array + idx, no_free_fn);
for (unsigned int idx = max; idx-- > 0;) {
unsigned int *data = simple_archiver_priority_heap_top(priority_heap);
CHECK_TRUE(*data == idx);
if (*data != idx) {
printf("idx is %u, data is %u\n", idx, *data);
data = simple_archiver_priority_heap_pop(priority_heap);
CHECK_TRUE(*data == idx);
if (*data != idx) {
printf("idx is %u, data is %u\n", idx, *data);
printf("Checks checked: %u\n", checks_checked);
printf("Checks passed: %u\n", checks_passed);
return checks_passed == checks_checked ? 0 : 1;