package com.burnedkirby.TurnBasedMinecraft.common.networking; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.function.Supplier; import com.burnedkirby.TurnBasedMinecraft.common.TurnBasedMinecraftMod; import com.burnedkirby.TurnBasedMinecraft.common.Utility; import net.minecraft.entity.Entity; import; import net.minecraft.util.RegistryKey; import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation; import; import; import; public class PacketBattleMessage { public enum MessageType { ENTERED(0), FLEE(1), DIED(2), ENDED(3), ATTACK(4), DEFEND(5), DEFENSE_DAMAGE(6), MISS(7), DEFENDING(8), DID_NOTHING(9), USED_ITEM(10), TURN_BEGIN(11), TURN_END(12), SWITCHED_ITEM(13), WAS_AFFECTED(14), BECAME_CREATIVE(15), FIRED_ARROW(16), ARROW_HIT(17), BOW_NO_AMMO(18); private int value; private static Map map = new HashMap(); MessageType(int value) { this.value = value; } public int getValue() { return value; } static { for(MessageType type : MessageType.values()) { map.put(type.getValue(), type); } } public static MessageType valueOf(int value) { return map.get(value); } } public enum UsedItemAction { USED_NOTHING(0), USED_INVALID(1), USED_FOOD(2), USED_POTION(3); private int value; private static Map map = new HashMap(); UsedItemAction(int value) { this.value = value; } public int getValue() { return value; } static { for(UsedItemAction type : UsedItemAction.values()) { map.put(type.getValue(), type); } } public static UsedItemAction valueOf(int value) { return map.get(value); } } MessageType messageType; int entityIDFrom; int entityIDTo; int amount; String custom; RegistryKey dimension; public PacketBattleMessage() { custom = new String(); } public PacketBattleMessage(MessageType messageType, int entityIDFrom, int entityIDTo, RegistryKey dimension, int amount) { this.messageType = messageType; this.entityIDFrom = entityIDFrom; this.entityIDTo = entityIDTo; this.dimension = dimension; this.amount = amount; custom = new String(); } public PacketBattleMessage(MessageType messageType, int entityIDFrom, int entityIDTo, RegistryKey dimension, int amount, String custom) { this.messageType = messageType; this.entityIDFrom = entityIDFrom; this.entityIDTo = entityIDTo; this.dimension = dimension; this.amount = amount; this.custom = custom; } public static void encode(PacketBattleMessage pkt, PacketBuffer buf) { buf.writeInt(pkt.messageType.getValue()); buf.writeInt(pkt.entityIDFrom); buf.writeInt(pkt.entityIDTo); buf.writeString(Utility.serializeDimension(pkt.dimension)); buf.writeInt(pkt.amount); buf.writeString(pkt.custom); } public static PacketBattleMessage decode(PacketBuffer buf) { return new PacketBattleMessage( MessageType.valueOf( buf.readInt()), buf.readInt(), buf.readInt(), Utility.deserializeDimension(buf.readString()), buf.readInt(), buf.readString()); } public static class Handler { public static void handle(final PacketBattleMessage pkt, Supplier ctx) { ctx.get().enqueueWork(() -> { Entity fromEntity = TurnBasedMinecraftMod.proxy.getEntity(pkt.entityIDFrom, pkt.dimension); String from = "Unknown"; if(fromEntity != null) { from = fromEntity.getDisplayName().getString(); } else if(TurnBasedMinecraftMod.proxy.getLocalBattle() != null) { fromEntity = TurnBasedMinecraftMod.proxy.getLocalBattle().getCombatantEntity(pkt.entityIDFrom); if(fromEntity != null) { from = fromEntity.getDisplayName().getString(); } } Entity toEntity = TurnBasedMinecraftMod.proxy.getEntity(pkt.entityIDTo, pkt.dimension); String to = "Unknown"; if(toEntity != null) { to = toEntity.getDisplayName().getString(); } else if(TurnBasedMinecraftMod.proxy.getLocalBattle() != null) { toEntity = TurnBasedMinecraftMod.proxy.getLocalBattle().getCombatantEntity(pkt.entityIDTo); if(toEntity != null) { to = toEntity.getDisplayName().getString(); } } switch(pkt.messageType) { case ENTERED: TurnBasedMinecraftMod.proxy.displayString(from + " entered battle!"); if(TurnBasedMinecraftMod.proxy.getLocalBattle() == null || TurnBasedMinecraftMod.proxy.getLocalBattle().getId() != pkt.amount) { TurnBasedMinecraftMod.proxy.createLocalBattle(pkt.amount); } TurnBasedMinecraftMod.proxy.battleStarted(); TurnBasedMinecraftMod.proxy.typeEnteredBattle(pkt.custom); break; case FLEE: if(pkt.amount != 0) { TurnBasedMinecraftMod.proxy.displayString(from + " fled battle!"); TurnBasedMinecraftMod.proxy.typeLeftBattle(pkt.custom); } else { TurnBasedMinecraftMod.proxy.displayString(from + " tried to flee battle but failed!"); } break; case DIED: TurnBasedMinecraftMod.proxy.displayString(from + " died in battle!"); TurnBasedMinecraftMod.proxy.typeLeftBattle(pkt.custom); break; case ENDED: TurnBasedMinecraftMod.proxy.displayString("Battle has ended!"); TurnBasedMinecraftMod.proxy.battleEnded(); break; case ATTACK: TurnBasedMinecraftMod.proxy.displayString(from + " attacked " + to + " and dealt " + pkt.amount + " damage!"); break; case DEFEND: TurnBasedMinecraftMod.proxy.displayString(from + " blocked " + to + "'s attack!"); break; case DEFENSE_DAMAGE: TurnBasedMinecraftMod.proxy.displayString(from + " retaliated from " + to + "'s attack and dealt " + pkt.amount + " damage!"); break; case MISS: TurnBasedMinecraftMod.proxy.displayString(from + " attacked " + to + " but missed!"); break; case DEFENDING: TurnBasedMinecraftMod.proxy.displayString(from + " is defending!"); break; case DID_NOTHING: TurnBasedMinecraftMod.proxy.displayString(from + " did nothing!"); break; case USED_ITEM: switch(UsedItemAction.valueOf(pkt.amount)) { case USED_NOTHING: TurnBasedMinecraftMod.proxy.displayString(from + " tried to use nothing!"); break; case USED_INVALID: if(pkt.custom.length() > 0) { TurnBasedMinecraftMod.proxy.displayString(from + " tried to consume " + pkt.custom + " and failed!"); } else { TurnBasedMinecraftMod.proxy.displayString(from + " tried to consume an invalid item and failed!"); } break; case USED_FOOD: TurnBasedMinecraftMod.proxy.displayString(from + " ate a " + pkt.custom + "!"); break; case USED_POTION: TurnBasedMinecraftMod.proxy.displayString(from + " drank a " + pkt.custom + "!"); break; } break; case TURN_BEGIN: TurnBasedMinecraftMod.proxy.displayString("The turn begins!"); TurnBasedMinecraftMod.proxy.battleGuiTurnBegin(); break; case TURN_END: if(TurnBasedMinecraftMod.proxy.getLocalBattle() != null) { if(pkt.amount == 0) { TurnBasedMinecraftMod.proxy.displayString("The turn ended!"); } else { TurnBasedMinecraftMod.proxy.displayString("The turn ended (abnormally due to internal error)!"); } } TurnBasedMinecraftMod.proxy.battleGuiTurnEnd(); break; case SWITCHED_ITEM: if(pkt.amount != 0) { TurnBasedMinecraftMod.proxy.displayString(from + " switched to a different item!"); } else { TurnBasedMinecraftMod.proxy.displayString(from + " switched to a different item but failed because it was invalid!"); } break; case WAS_AFFECTED: TurnBasedMinecraftMod.proxy.displayString(to + " was " + pkt.custom + " by " + from + "!"); break; case BECAME_CREATIVE: TurnBasedMinecraftMod.proxy.displayString(from + " entered creative mode and left battle!"); break; case FIRED_ARROW: TurnBasedMinecraftMod.proxy.displayString(from + " let loose an arrow towards " + to + "!"); break; case ARROW_HIT: TurnBasedMinecraftMod.proxy.displayString(to + " was hit by " + from + "'s arrow!"); break; case BOW_NO_AMMO: TurnBasedMinecraftMod.proxy.displayString(from + " tried to use their bow but ran out of ammo!"); break; } }); ctx.get().setPacketHandled(true); } } }