## How do I use this mod to have turn-based-battle with any mob (including mobs from other mods)? To have turn-based-battle with a mob, it must have a config entry in the server config. This can either be done manually or be [done in-game via a command](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MK648OVHddE). ## Is it possible to have a mob's config applied to any mob with a specific name? Yes, [this video explains this feature](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lBETQFMd3A). ## Can the mod play music while a battle is happening? Yes, you have to put the music (`.wav`, `.ogg`, or `.mp3`) in `.minecraft/config/TurnBasedMinecraft/Music/battle` and `.minecraft/config/TurnBasedMinecraft/Music/silly` . Note that `.wav`, `.ogg`, and `.mp3` music files are supported, but `.mid` files are disabled due to lack of volume control with the default Java library api. The config file can be edited to change what categories of entities trigger what type of music, but generally "passive" mobs trigger the "silly" music and everything else triggers "battle" music. Note that the default server config has turn-based-battle disabled for "passive" mobs. **Note that while .ogg Vorbis files are supported, .ogg Opus files are NOT supported.** **It is recommended to use .ogg Vorbis files instead of .mp3 files.** One can use FFmpeg to convert music files into .ogg Vorbis: ffmpeg -i -map a:0 -c:a libvorbis output.ogg ## Why can't the mod play my mp3 files? The third-party-library used to load mp3 files seems to have issues with loading any mp3 file that isn't "barebones". Try removing the metadata of the mp3 file. I've found that using mp3s without album art embedded in it seems to work. **It is recommended to use .ogg Vorbis files instead of .mp3 files.** ## How do I configure battle music? There is a way to edit client-config that deals with music settings, like what mob groups trigger battle/silly music and volume. This menu can be opened in two ways. - Run the command `/tbm-client-edit` to open the menu. - Open the Mod list from the options screen, click on TBMM on the left column and click on "Config". (Note that this way of opening the client-config-gui is unavailable on Forge, and is only available on NeoForge.) Note that "Accept" must be clicked on to save the client-config. ## Why do passive mobs don't start turn-based battle? By default, the `passive` category is set to "ignore turn-based-battle" in the server config. Use `/tbm-server-edit` to change this. (Click on `ignore_battle_types` which should be dark-green. A list of "categories" will appear at the bottom of the text. Click on `passive` to remove the "passive" category.) ![Screenshot one of two showing how to unset passive category from ignore battle types list](https://seodisparate.com/static/uploads/TBMM_ignore_battle_types_screenshot0.png) ![Screenshot two of two showing how to unset passive category from ignore battle types list](https://seodisparate.com/static/uploads/TBMM_ignore_battle_types_screenshot1.png) Alternatively, edit the [server config](https://github.com/Stephen-Seo/TurnBasedMinecraftMod/blob/ad78063a16c768f660dd086cba857a3be43a84b2/src/main/resources/assets/com_burnedkirby_turnbasedminecraft/TBM_Config.toml#L46) and remove "passive" from the ignore\_battle\_types list. ## Why is the mod's config file missing? The mod needs to be run once to generate the default config file and directories for battle music. After running it once, you can now close Minecraft and edit the config found at `.minecraft/config/TurnBasedMinecraft/TBM_Config.toml` Note that some options only apply to the server and some only to the client, as specified in the config. This means that server config must be changed on the server side for it to take effect (local singleplayer will use all of the local config, but multiplayer setups will require the server config to be changed on the server side). [You can edit the server-side config in game via the "/tbm-server-edit" command](https://youtu.be/9xkbHNWkcIY). ## I updated the mod, but now my config changes are back to default, what happened? *As of Version 1.26.5 and onwards, this should happen less often!* Version 1.26.5 introduces more robust config updating such that entries that exist in the default config, but not in the current config will be appended to the current config. Sometimes, I add new mob entries to the config, and increment the version number of the config. When the server/client starts, it checks the default config's version number with the existing config's version number. If the existing config is determined to be outdated, then it is renamed to a different name (which usually includes the date/time of when it was renamed), and the new default config is placed in its place. There is a config option to prevent this from happening, but it is strongly recommended to not disable this since this will cause updates to the config to never be placed in the mod's config directory. If you have changes you want to keep, but the mod renamed the original config, you will have to edit the `TBM_Config.toml` to have the changes you want from the renamed older config file.