package com.seodisparate.TurnBasedMinecraft.common; import*; import java.time.LocalDateTime; import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import net.consensys.cava.toml.*; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; public class Config { public static final long BATTLE_DECISION_DURATION_NANO_MIN = 5000000000L; public static final long BATTLE_DECISION_DURATION_NANO_MAX = 60000000000L; public static final long BATTLE_DECISION_DURATION_NANO_DEFAULT = 15000000000L; private long battleDecisionDurationNanos = BATTLE_DECISION_DURATION_NANO_DEFAULT; private Map entityInfoMap; private Set ignoreBattleTypes; private Logger logger; private int playerSpeed = 50; private int playerHasteSpeed = 80; private int playerSlowSpeed = 20; private int playerAttackProbability = 100; private int playerEvasion = 10; private int defenseDuration = 1; private int fleeGoodProbability = 90; private int fleeBadProbability = 35; private int minimumHitPercentage = 4; private int maxInBattle = 8; private Set musicBattleTypes; private Set musicSillyTypes; private boolean freezeCombatantsInBattle = false; private int sillyMusicThreshold = 40; private int configVersion = 0; private Set battleIgnoringPlayers = null; private boolean onlyOPsSelfDisableTB = true; private boolean battleDisabledForAll = false; private boolean oldBattleBehaviorEnabled = false; private int leaveBattleCooldownSeconds = 5; private int aggroStartBattleDistance = 8; public Config(Logger logger) { entityInfoMap = new HashMap(); ignoreBattleTypes = new HashSet(); this.logger = logger; musicBattleTypes = new HashSet(); musicSillyTypes = new HashSet(); battleIgnoringPlayers = new HashSet(); int internalVersion = getConfigFileVersion(getClass().getResourceAsStream(TurnBasedMinecraftMod.CONFIG_INTERNAL_PATH)); if(internalVersion == 0) { logger.error("Failed to check version of internal config file"); } else { configVersion = internalVersion; } try { File testLoad = new File(TurnBasedMinecraftMod.CONFIG_FILE_PATH); if(!testLoad.exists()) { writeConfig(); } } catch (Throwable t) { logger.error("Failed to check/create-new config file"); } // parse config File configFile = new File(TurnBasedMinecraftMod.CONFIG_FILE_PATH); if(!configFile.exists() || !configFile.canRead()) { logger.error("Failed to read/parse config file " + TurnBasedMinecraftMod.CONFIG_FILE_PATH); return; } int configVersion = getConfigFileVersion(configFile); if(configVersion < this.configVersion) { logger.warn("Config file " + TurnBasedMinecraftMod.CONFIG_FILENAME + " is older version, renaming..."); moveOldConfig(); try { writeConfig(); } catch (Throwable t) { logger.error("Failed to write config file!"); } } try { parseConfig(configFile); } catch (Throwable t) { logger.error("Failed to parse config file!"); } } private void writeConfig() throws IOException { File configFile = new File(TurnBasedMinecraftMod.CONFIG_FILE_PATH); File dirs = configFile.getParentFile(); dirs.mkdirs(); InputStream configStream = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(TurnBasedMinecraftMod.CONFIG_INTERNAL_PATH); FileOutputStream configOutput = new FileOutputStream(configFile); byte[] buf = new byte[4096]; int read = 0; while(read != -1) { read =; if(read > 0) { configOutput.write(buf, 0, read); } } configStream.close(); configOutput.close(); } private void moveOldConfig() { File configFile = new File(TurnBasedMinecraftMod.CONFIG_FILE_PATH); if(configFile.exists()) { configFile.renameTo(new File(TurnBasedMinecraftMod.CONFIG_DIRECTORY + "TBM_Config_" + DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE_TIME.format( + ".toml")); } } private boolean parseConfig(File configFile) throws IOException { TomlParseResult parseResult = Toml.parse(configFile.toPath(), TomlVersion.V0_5_0); // client_config { TomlArray battleMusicCategories = parseResult.getArray("client_config.battle_music"); if(battleMusicCategories != null) { for (int i = 0; i < battleMusicCategories.size(); ++i) { musicBattleTypes.add(battleMusicCategories.getString(i)); } } else { musicBattleTypes.add("monster"); musicBattleTypes.add("animal"); musicBattleTypes.add("boss"); musicBattleTypes.add("player"); logNotFound("client_config.battle_music"); } } { TomlArray sillyMusicCategories = parseResult.getArray("client_config.silly_music"); if(sillyMusicCategories != null) { for (int i = 0; i < sillyMusicCategories.size(); ++i) { musicSillyTypes.add(sillyMusicCategories.getString(i)); } } else { musicSillyTypes.add("passive"); logNotFound("client_config.silly_music"); } } try { sillyMusicThreshold = parseResult.getLong("client_config.silly_music_threshold").intValue(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { sillyMusicThreshold = 40; logNotFound("client_config.silly_music_threshold", "40"); } // server_config try { leaveBattleCooldownSeconds = parseResult.getLong("server_config.leave_battle_cooldown").intValue(); if (leaveBattleCooldownSeconds < 1) { leaveBattleCooldownSeconds = 1; } else if (leaveBattleCooldownSeconds > 10) { leaveBattleCooldownSeconds = 10; } } catch (NullPointerException e) { leaveBattleCooldownSeconds = 5; logNotFound("server_config.leave_battle_cooldown", "5"); } try { aggroStartBattleDistance = parseResult.getLong("server_config.aggro_start_battle_max_distance").intValue(); if (aggroStartBattleDistance < 5) { aggroStartBattleDistance = 5; } else if (aggroStartBattleDistance > 50) { aggroStartBattleDistance = 50; } } catch (NullPointerException e) { aggroStartBattleDistance = 8; logNotFound("server_config.aggro_start_battle_max_distance", "8"); } try { oldBattleBehaviorEnabled = parseResult.getBoolean("server_config.old_battle_behavior"); } catch (NullPointerException e) { oldBattleBehaviorEnabled = false; logNotFound("server_config.old_battle_behavior", "false"); } try { onlyOPsSelfDisableTB = !parseResult.getBoolean("server_config.anyone_can_disable_tbm_for_self"); } catch (NullPointerException e) { onlyOPsSelfDisableTB = true; logNotFound("server_config.anyone_can_disable_tbm_for_self", "false"); } try { maxInBattle = parseResult.getLong("server_config.max_in_battle").intValue(); if (maxInBattle < 2) { maxInBattle = 2; } } catch (NullPointerException e) { maxInBattle = 8; logNotFound("server_config.max_in_battle", "8"); } try { freezeCombatantsInBattle = parseResult.getBoolean("server_config.freeze_battle_combatants"); } catch (NullPointerException e) { freezeCombatantsInBattle = false; logNotFound("server_config.freeze_battle_combatants", "false"); } try { TomlArray ignoreTypes = parseResult.getArray("server_config.ignore_battle_types"); for(int i = 0; i < ignoreTypes.size(); ++i) { ignoreBattleTypes.add(ignoreTypes.getString(i)); } } catch (NullPointerException e) { ignoreBattleTypes.add("passive"); ignoreBattleTypes.add("boss"); logNotFound("server_config.ignore_battle_types"); } try { playerSpeed = parseResult.getLong("server_config.player_speed").intValue(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { playerSpeed = 50; logNotFound("server_config.player_speed", "50"); } try { playerHasteSpeed = parseResult.getLong("server_config.player_haste_speed").intValue(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { playerHasteSpeed = 80; logNotFound("server_config.player_haste_speed", "80"); } try { playerSlowSpeed = parseResult.getLong("server_config.player_slow_speed").intValue(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { playerSlowSpeed = 20; logNotFound("server_config.player_slow_speed", "20"); } try { playerAttackProbability = parseResult.getLong("server_config.player_attack_probability").intValue(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { playerAttackProbability = 90; logNotFound("server_config.player_attack_probability", "90"); } try { playerEvasion = parseResult.getLong("server_config.player_evasion").intValue(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { playerEvasion = 10; logNotFound("server_config.player_evasion", "10"); } try { defenseDuration = parseResult.getLong("server_config.defense_duration").intValue(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { defenseDuration = 1; logNotFound("server_config.defense_duration", "1"); } try { fleeGoodProbability = parseResult.getLong("server_config.flee_good_probability").intValue(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { fleeGoodProbability = 90; logNotFound("server_config.flee_good_probability", "90"); } try { fleeBadProbability = parseResult.getLong("server_config.flee_bad_probability").intValue(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { fleeBadProbability = 35; logNotFound("server_config.flee_bad_probability", "35"); } try { minimumHitPercentage = parseResult.getLong("server_config.minimum_hit_percentage").intValue(); if (minimumHitPercentage < 1) { minimumHitPercentage = 1; } } catch (NullPointerException e) { minimumHitPercentage = 4; logNotFound("server_config.minimum_hit_percentage", "4"); } try { battleDecisionDurationNanos = parseResult.getLong("server_config.battle_turn_time_seconds") * 1000000000L; if(battleDecisionDurationNanos < BATTLE_DECISION_DURATION_NANO_MIN) { battleDecisionDurationNanos = BATTLE_DECISION_DURATION_NANO_MIN; logger.warn("Config \"server_config.battle_turn_time_seconds\" too low, defaulting to minimum \"5\""); } else if(battleDecisionDurationNanos > BATTLE_DECISION_DURATION_NANO_MAX) { battleDecisionDurationNanos = BATTLE_DECISION_DURATION_NANO_MAX; logger.warn("Config \"server_config.battle_turn_time_seconds\" too high, defaulting to maximum \"60\""); } } catch (NullPointerException e) { battleDecisionDurationNanos = BATTLE_DECISION_DURATION_NANO_DEFAULT; logNotFound("server_config.battle_turn_time_seconds", "15"); } // entities TomlArray entityArray = parseResult.getArray("server_config.entity"); if(entityArray != null) { for(int i = 0; i < entityArray.size(); ++i) { TomlTable entity = entityArray.getTable(i); EntityInfo eInfo = new EntityInfo(); try { eInfo.classType = Class.forName(entity.getString("name")); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { logger.error("Entity with class name \"" + entity.getString("name") + "\" not found, skipping..."); continue; } catch (NullPointerException e) { logger.error("Entity does not have \"name\", skipping..."); continue; } try { eInfo.attackPower = entity.getLong("attack_power").intValue(); if(eInfo.attackPower < 0) { eInfo.attackPower = 0; logEntityInvalidValue("attack_power", eInfo.classType.getName(), "0"); } } catch (NullPointerException e) { logEntityMissingRequiredValue("attack_power", eInfo.classType.getName()); continue; } try { eInfo.attackProbability = entity.getLong("attack_probability").intValue(); if(eInfo.attackProbability < 0 || eInfo.attackProbability > 100) { eInfo.attackProbability = 35; logEntityInvalidValue("attack_probability", eInfo.classType.getName(), "35"); } } catch (NullPointerException e) { logEntityMissingRequiredValue("attack_probability", eInfo.classType.getName()); continue; } try { eInfo.attackEffect = EntityInfo.Effect.fromString(entity.getString("attack_effect")); if(eInfo.attackEffect != EntityInfo.Effect.UNKNOWN) { eInfo.attackEffectProbability = entity.getLong("attack_effect_probability").intValue(); if(eInfo.attackEffectProbability < 0 || eInfo.attackEffectProbability > 100) { eInfo.attackEffectProbability = 35; logEntityInvalidValue("attack_effect", eInfo.classType.getName(), "35"); } } } catch (NullPointerException e) { eInfo.attackEffect = EntityInfo.Effect.UNKNOWN; } try { eInfo.attackVariance = entity.getLong("attack_variance").intValue(); if(eInfo.attackVariance < 0) { eInfo.attackVariance = 0; logEntityInvalidValue("attack_variance", eInfo.classType.getName(), "0"); } } catch (NullPointerException e) { eInfo.attackVariance = 0; } try { eInfo.defenseDamage = entity.getLong("defense_damage").intValue(); if(eInfo.defenseDamage < 0) { eInfo.defenseDamage = 0; logEntityInvalidValue("defense_damage", eInfo.classType.getName(), "0"); } else { eInfo.defenseDamageProbability = entity.getLong("defense_damage_probability").intValue(); if(eInfo.defenseDamageProbability < 0 || eInfo.defenseDamageProbability > 100) { eInfo.defenseDamageProbability = 35; logEntityInvalidValue("defense_damage_probability", eInfo.classType.getName(), "35"); } } } catch (NullPointerException e) { eInfo.defenseDamage = 0; } try { eInfo.evasion = entity.getLong("evasion").intValue(); if(eInfo.evasion < 0 || eInfo.evasion > 100) { eInfo.evasion = 20; logEntityInvalidValue("evasion", eInfo.classType.getName(), "20"); } } catch (NullPointerException e) { logEntityMissingRequiredValue("evasion", eInfo.classType.getName()); continue; } try { eInfo.speed = entity.getLong("speed").intValue(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { logEntityMissingRequiredValue("speed", eInfo.classType.getName()); } try { eInfo.ignoreBattle = entity.getBoolean("ignore_battle"); } catch (NullPointerException e) { eInfo.ignoreBattle = false; } eInfo.category = entity.getString("category"); if(eInfo.category == null) { logEntityMissingRequiredValue("category", eInfo.classType.getName()); continue; } try { eInfo.decisionAttack = entity.getLong("decision_attack_probability").intValue(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { logEntityMissingRequiredValue("decision_attack_probability", eInfo.classType.getName()); continue; } try { eInfo.decisionDefend = entity.getLong("decision_defend_probability").intValue(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { logEntityMissingRequiredValue("decision_defend_probability", eInfo.classType.getName()); continue; } try { eInfo.decisionFlee = entity.getLong("decision_flee_probability").intValue(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { logEntityMissingRequiredValue("decision_flee_probability", eInfo.classType.getName()); continue; } entityInfoMap.put(eInfo.classType.getName(), eInfo); } } return true; } private void logNotFound(String option) { logger.warn("Config option \"" + option + "\" not found, setting defaults"); } private void logNotFound(String option, String defaultValue) { logger.warn("Config option \"" + option + "\" not found, defaulting to \"" + defaultValue + "\""); } private void logEntityInvalidValue(String option, String name, String defaultValue) { logger.warn("Invalid \"" + option + "\" for \"" + name + "\", defaulting to " + defaultValue); } private void logEntityMissingRequiredValue(String option, String name) { logger.error("Entity \"" + name + "\" does not have option \"" + option + "\", skipping..."); } private String getRegexEntityName(String name) { String regex = "^\\s*name\\s*=\\s*"; regex += "(\"" + name + "\""; regex += "|'" + name + "')"; return regex; } private boolean addEntityEntry(EntityInfo eInfo) { try { File config = new File(TurnBasedMinecraftMod.CONFIG_FILE_PATH); FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(config, true); fw.write("[[server_config.entity]]\n"); fw.write("name = \"" + eInfo.classType.getName() + "\"\n"); fw.write("attack_power = " + eInfo.attackPower + "\n"); fw.write("attack_probability = " + eInfo.attackProbability + "\n"); if(eInfo.attackVariance > 0) { fw.write("attack_variance = " + eInfo.attackVariance + "\n"); } if(eInfo.attackEffect != EntityInfo.Effect.UNKNOWN && eInfo.attackEffectProbability > 0) { fw.write("attack_effect = \"" + eInfo.attackEffect.toString() + "\"\n"); fw.write("attack_effect_probability = " + eInfo.attackEffectProbability + "\n"); } if(eInfo.defenseDamage > 0 && eInfo.defenseDamageProbability > 0) { fw.write("defense_damage = " + eInfo.defenseDamage + "\n"); fw.write("defense_damage_probability = " + eInfo.defenseDamageProbability + "\n"); } fw.write("evasion = " + eInfo.evasion + "\n"); fw.write("speed = " + eInfo.speed + "\n"); if(eInfo.ignoreBattle) { fw.write("ignoreBattle = true\n"); } fw.write("category = \"" + eInfo.category + "\"\n"); fw.write("decision_attack_probability = " + eInfo.decisionAttack + "\n"); fw.write("decision_defend_probability = " + eInfo.decisionDefend + "\n"); fw.write("decision_flee_probability = " + eInfo.decisionFlee + "\n"); fw.close(); entityInfoMap.put(eInfo.classType.getName(), eInfo); } catch (Throwable t) { logger.error("Failed to add entity entry (name = \"" + eInfo.classType.getName() + "\")"); return false; } return true; } protected boolean editEntityEntry(EntityInfo eInfo) { try { String cached = new String(); char buf[] = new char[1024]; int read = 0; File config = new File(TurnBasedMinecraftMod.CONFIG_FILE_PATH); { FileReader fr = new FileReader(config); read =; while (read != -1) { cached += String.valueOf(buf, 0, read); read =; } fr.close(); } int nameIndex = -1; { Pattern p = Pattern.compile(getRegexEntityName(eInfo.classType.getName()), Pattern.MULTILINE); Matcher m = p.matcher(cached); if(m.find()) { nameIndex = m.start(); } } int entryIndex = -1; int nextIndex = -1; if(nameIndex != -1) { { Pattern p = Pattern.compile("^\\s*\\[\\[\\s*server_config\\s*\\.\\s*entity\\s*]]", Pattern.MULTILINE); Matcher m = p.matcher(cached.substring(0, nameIndex)); while(m.find()) { entryIndex = m.start(); } if(entryIndex == -1) { logger.warn("editEntityEntry: could not find header for entry \"" + eInfo.classType.getName() + "\", skipping to adding it..."); return addEntityEntry(eInfo); } } { Pattern p = Pattern.compile("^\\s*\\[", Pattern.MULTILINE); Matcher m = p.matcher(cached.substring(nameIndex)); if(m.find()) { nextIndex = m.start() + nameIndex; } } } else { logger.warn("editEntityEntry: could not find entry for \"" + eInfo.classType.getName() + "\", skipping to adding it..."); return addEntityEntry(eInfo); } String cut = null; if(nextIndex != -1) { cut = cached.substring(0, entryIndex) + cached.substring(nextIndex); } else { cut = cached.substring(0, entryIndex); } { FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(config); fw.write(cut); fw.close(); } return addEntityEntry(eInfo); } catch (Throwable t) { return false; } } public int getPlayerSpeed() { return playerSpeed; } public int getPlayerHasteSpeed() { return playerHasteSpeed; } public int getPlayerSlowSpeed() { return playerSlowSpeed; } public int getPlayerAttackProbability() { return playerAttackProbability; } public int getPlayerEvasion() { return playerEvasion; } public int getDefenseDuration() { return defenseDuration; } public int getFleeGoodProbability() { return fleeGoodProbability; } public int getFleeBadProbability() { return fleeBadProbability; } /** * Returns a clone of an EntityInfo (to prevent editing it). * @param classFullName * @return a clone of the stored EntityInfo or null if invalid String */ public EntityInfo getEntityInfo(String classFullName) { return entityInfoMap.get(classFullName).clone(); } protected EntityInfo getEntityInfoReference(String classFullName) { return entityInfoMap.get(classFullName); } protected EntityInfo getMatchingEntityInfo(Object entity) { if(entity == null) { return null; } EntityInfo matching = entityInfoMap.get(entity.getClass().getName()); if(matching != null && matching.classType.isInstance(entity)) { return matching; } return null; } private int getConfigFileVersion(InputStream io) { int version = 0; try { TomlParseResult result = Toml.parse(io, TomlVersion.V0_5_0); version = result.getLong("version").intValue(); } catch (Throwable t) { // ignored } return version; } private int getConfigFileVersion(File configFile) { int version = 0; try { TomlParseResult result = Toml.parse(configFile.toPath(), TomlVersion.V0_5_0); version = result.getLong("version").intValue(); } catch (Throwable t) { // ignored } return version; } public boolean isIgnoreBattleType(String type) { return ignoreBattleTypes.contains(type); } public int getMinimumHitPercentage() { return minimumHitPercentage; } public int getMaxInBattle() { return maxInBattle; } public boolean isBattleMusicType(String type) { return musicBattleTypes.contains(type.toLowerCase()); } public boolean isSillyMusicType(String type) { return musicSillyTypes.contains(type.toLowerCase()); } public boolean isFreezeCombatantsEnabled() { return freezeCombatantsInBattle; } public int getSillyMusicThreshold() { return sillyMusicThreshold; } public int getConfigVersion() { return configVersion; } public long getDecisionDurationNanos() { return battleDecisionDurationNanos; } public int getDecisionDurationSeconds() { return (int)(battleDecisionDurationNanos / 1000000000L); } protected void addBattleIgnoringPlayer(int id) { battleIgnoringPlayers.add(id); } protected void removeBattleIgnoringPlayer(int id) { battleIgnoringPlayers.remove(id); } protected void clearBattleIgnoringPlayers() { battleIgnoringPlayers.clear(); } protected Set getBattleIgnoringPlayers() { return battleIgnoringPlayers; } public boolean getIfOnlyOPsCanDisableTurnBasedForSelf() { return onlyOPsSelfDisableTB; } protected void setBattleDisabledForAll(boolean isDisabled) { battleDisabledForAll = isDisabled; } protected boolean getBattleDisabledForAll() { return battleDisabledForAll; } public boolean isOldBattleBehaviorEnabled() { return oldBattleBehaviorEnabled; } public int getLeaveBattleCooldownSeconds() { return leaveBattleCooldownSeconds; } public long getLeaveBattleCooldownNanos() { return (long)leaveBattleCooldownSeconds * 1000000000L; } public int getAggroStartBattleDistance() { return aggroStartBattleDistance; } }