2024-01-16 22:17:06 +09:00

164 lines
6.9 KiB

plugins {
id 'eclipse'
id 'idea'
id 'maven-publish'
id 'net.minecraftforge.gradle' version '[6.0.16,6.2)'
version = mod_version
group = mod_group_id
archivesBaseName = "TurnBasedMinecraft-Forge"
java.toolchain.languageVersion = JavaLanguageVersion.of(17)
println('Java: ' + System.getProperty('java.version') + ' JVM: ' + System.getProperty('java.vm.version') + '(' + System.getProperty('java.vendor') + ') Arch: ' + System.getProperty('os.arch'))
minecraft {
// The mappings can be changed at any time, and must be in the following format.
// snapshot_YYYYMMDD Snapshot are built nightly.
// stable_# Stables are built at the discretion of the MCP team.
// Use non-default mappings at your own risk. they may not always work.
// Simply re-run your setup task after changing the mappings to update your workspace.
mappings channel: mapping_channel, version: mapping_version
// makeObfSourceJar = false // an Srg named sources jar is made by default. uncomment this to disable.
// accessTransformer = file('src/main/resources/META-INF/accesstransformer.cfg')
// This property allows configuring Gradle's ProcessResources task(s) to run on IDE output locations before launching the game.
// It is REQUIRED to be set to true for this template to function.
// See https://docs.gradle.org/current/dsl/org.gradle.language.jvm.tasks.ProcessResources.html
copyIdeResources = true
// Default run configurations.
// These can be tweaked, removed, or duplicated as needed.
runs {
// applies to all the run configs below
configureEach {
workingDirectory project.file('run')
// Recommended logging data for a userdev environment
// The markers can be added/remove as needed separated by commas.
// "SCAN": For mods scan.
// "REGISTRIES": For firing of registry events.
// "REGISTRYDUMP": For getting the contents of all registries.
property 'forge.logging.markers', 'REGISTRIES'
// Recommended logging level for the console
// You can set various levels here.
// Please read: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2031163/when-to-use-the-different-log-levels
property 'forge.logging.console.level', 'debug'
client {
// Comma-separated list of namespaces to load gametests from. Empty = all namespaces.
property 'forge.enabledGameTestNamespaces', mod_id
server {
property 'forge.enabledGameTestNamespaces', mod_id
args '--nogui'
// This run config launches GameTestServer and runs all registered gametests, then exits.
// By default, the server will crash when no gametests are provided.
// The gametest system is also enabled by default for other run configs under the /test command.
gameTestServer {
property 'forge.enabledGameTestNamespaces', mod_id
data {
// example of overriding the workingDirectory set in configureEach above
workingDirectory project.file('run-data')
// Specify the modid for data generation, where to output the resulting resource, and where to look for existing resources.
args '--mod', mod_id, '--all', '--output', file('src/generated/resources/'), '--existing', file('src/main/resources/')
// Include resources generated by data generators.
sourceSets.main.resources { srcDir 'src/generated/resources' }
repositories {
flatDir {
dir 'libs'
dependencies {
// Specify the version of Minecraft to use.
// Any artifact can be supplied so long as it has a "userdev" classifier artifact and is a compatible patcher artifact.
// The "userdev" classifier will be requested and setup by ForgeGradle.
// If the group id is "net.minecraft" and the artifact id is one of ["client", "server", "joined"],
// then special handling is done to allow a setup of a vanilla dependency without the use of an external repository.
minecraft "net.minecraftforge:forge:${minecraft_version}-${forge_version}"
implementation 'fr.delthas:javamp3:1.0.3'
implementation 'com.github.stephengold:j-ogg-vorbis:1.0.4'
jarJar(group: 'fr.delthas', name: 'javamp3', version: '[1.0.0,2.0.0)') {
jarJar.pin(it, '1.0.3')
jarJar(group: 'com.github.stephengold', name: 'j-ogg-vorbis', version: '[1.0.4, 2.0.0)') {
jarJar.pin(it, '1.0.4')
// This block of code expands all declared replace properties in the specified resource targets.
// A missing property will result in an error. Properties are expanded using ${} Groovy notation.
// When "copyIdeResources" is enabled, this will also run before the game launches in IDE environments.
// See https://docs.gradle.org/current/dsl/org.gradle.language.jvm.tasks.ProcessResources.html
tasks.named('processResources', ProcessResources).configure {
var replaceProperties = [
minecraft_version: minecraft_version, minecraft_version_range: minecraft_version_range,
forge_version: forge_version, forge_version_range: forge_version_range,
loader_version_range: loader_version_range,
mod_id: mod_id, mod_name: mod_name, mod_license: mod_license, mod_version: mod_version,
mod_authors: mod_authors, mod_description: mod_description,
inputs.properties replaceProperties
filesMatching(['META-INF/mods.toml', 'pack.mcmeta']) {
expand replaceProperties + [project: project]
// Example for how to get properties into the manifest for reading at runtime.
tasks.named('jar', Jar).configure {
manifest {
'Specification-Title' : mod_id,
'Specification-Vendor' : mod_authors,
'Specification-Version' : '1', // We are version 1 of ourselves
'Implementation-Title' : "TurnBasedMinecraftMod",
'Implementation-Version' : project.jar.archiveVersion,
'Implementation-Vendor' : mod_authors
// This is the preferred method to reobfuscate your jar file
finalizedBy 'reobfJar'
// Reproducible Builds
tasks.withType(AbstractArchiveTask).configureEach {
preserveFileTimestamps = false
reproducibleFileOrder = true
tasks.withType(JavaCompile).configureEach {
options.encoding = 'UTF-8' // Use the UTF-8 charset for Java compilation
// Merge the resources and classes into the same directory.
// This is done because java expects modules to be in a single directory.
// And if we have it in multiple we have to do performance intensive hacks like having the UnionFileSystem
// This will eventually be migrated to ForgeGradle so modders don't need to manually do it. But that is later.
sourceSets.each {
def dir = layout.buildDirectory.dir("sourcesSets/$it.name")
it.output.resourcesDir = dir
it.java.destinationDirectory = dir