2019-04-17 15:15:19 +09:00

326 lines
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* Any function or struct starting with "UDPC_INTERNAL" should never be used,
* as they are used internally by this library.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <threads.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "UDPC_Defines.h"
#include "UDPC_Deque.h"
#include "UDPC_HashMap.h"
#include <winsock2.h>
#define CleanupSocket(x) closesocket(x)
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#define CleanupSocket(x) close(x)
#define CleanupSocket(x) ((void)0)
/// (void *userData, uint32_t address)
* Note address is in network byte order (usually big-endian)
typedef void (*UDPC_callback_connected)(void*, uint32_t);
/// (void *userData, uint32_t address)
* Note address is in network byte order (usually big-endian)
typedef void (*UDPC_callback_disconnected)(void*, uint32_t);
/// (void *userData, uint32_t address, char *packetData, uint32_t packetSize)
* The data pointed to by the packetData argument is to data internally managed
* by the UDPC_Context. It will change every time this callback is called so do
* not depend on it persisting. This means you should copy the data out of it
* when the callback is invoked and work with the copied data.
typedef void (*UDPC_callback_received)(void*, uint32_t, char*, uint32_t);
/// This struct should not be used outside of this library
typedef struct {
uint32_t addr; // in network order (big-endian)
uint32_t id;
* 0x1 - is resending
* 0x2 - is check received packet
* 0x4 - has been re-sent
* 0x8 - initiate connection packet
uint32_t flags;
char *data; // no-header in sendPktQueue and receivedPackets, header in sentPkts
uint32_t size;
struct timespec sent;
/// This struct should not be used outside of this library
typedef struct {
* 0x1 - trigger send
* 0x2 - is good mode
* 0x4 - is good rtt
* 0x8 - initiating connection to server
* 0x10 - is id set
uint32_t flags;
uint32_t id;
uint32_t lseq;
uint32_t rseq;
uint32_t ack;
float timer;
float toggleT;
float toggleTimer;
float toggledTimer;
uint32_t addr; // in network order (big-endian)
uint16_t port;
UDPC_Deque *sentPkts;
UDPC_Deque *sendPktQueue;
UDPC_Deque *priorityPktQueue;
struct timespec received;
struct timespec sent;
float rtt;
} UDPC_INTERNAL_ConnectionData;
/// This struct should not be used externally, only passed to functions that require it
typedef struct {
int isThreaded;
* 0x1 - unused
* 0x2 - is client
* 0x4 - log errors
* 0x8 - log warnings
* 0x10 - log info
* 0x20 - log verbose
* 0x40 - accept new connections
uint32_t flags;
* 0x1 - thread should stop
uint32_t threadFlags;
uint32_t protocolID;
uint32_t error;
int socketHandle;
struct sockaddr_in socketInfo;
thrd_t threadHandle;
mtx_t tCVMtx;
mtx_t tflagsMtx;
cnd_t threadCV;
UDPC_HashMap *conMap;
// Clients intentionally do not use idMap at all
UDPC_HashMap *idMap;
struct timespec lastUpdated;
char atostrBuf[UDPC_ATOSTR_BUF_SIZE];
UDPC_Deque *connectedEvents;
UDPC_Deque *disconnectedEvents;
UDPC_Deque *receivedPackets;
UDPC_callback_connected callbackConnected;
void *callbackConnectedUserData;
UDPC_callback_disconnected callbackDisconnected;
void *callbackDisconnectedUserData;
UDPC_callback_received callbackReceived;
void *callbackReceivedUserData;
} UDPC_Context;
/// This struct should not be used outside of this library
typedef struct {
struct timespec tsNow;
float dt;
UDPC_Deque *removedQueue;
UDPC_Context *ctx;
} UDPC_INTERNAL_update_struct;
/// Creates a new UDPC_Context, for establishing a connection via UDP
* Callbacks must be set to use UDPC effectively, using the following functions:
* - UDPC_set_callback_connected()
* - UDPC_set_callback_disconnected()
* - UDPC_set_callback_received()
* Clients should also use UDPC_client_initiate_connection() to let UDPC know
* what server to connect to.
* UDPC_update() must be called periodically (ideally at 30 updates per second
* or faster), to send and receive UDP packets, and establish new connections
* when enabled. An init variant "UDPC_init_threaded_update()" is available
* which will call update periodically on a separate thread.
* UDPC_check_events() must also be called to call the set callbacks for
* connected, disconnected, and received events.
* When finished using UDPC, UDPC_destroy must be called on the context to free
* resources.
UDPC_Context* UDPC_init(uint16_t listenPort, uint32_t listenAddr, int isClient);
/// Creates a new UDPC_Context, where a thread is created to update UDPC on its own
* If using a UDPC_Context created by this init variant, UDPC_update() must not
* be manually called, as it is called automatically by a separate thread.
* See the documentation for UDPC_init() for more details.
UDPC_Context* UDPC_init_threaded_update(uint16_t listenPort, uint32_t listenAddr, int isClient);
/// This fn must be called on a UDPC_Context to free resources
void UDPC_destroy(UDPC_Context *ctx);
void UDPC_INTERNAL_destroy_conMap(void *unused, uint32_t addr, char *data);
/// Sets the callback for connected events
void UDPC_set_callback_connected(
UDPC_Context *ctx, UDPC_callback_connected fptr, void *userData);
/// Sets the callback for disconnected events
void UDPC_set_callback_disconnected(
UDPC_Context *ctx, UDPC_callback_disconnected fptr, void *userData);
/// Sets the callback for received packet events
void UDPC_set_callback_received(
UDPC_Context *ctx, UDPC_callback_received fptr, void *userData);
/// Invokes callbacks based on events that have ocurred during UDPC_update()
void UDPC_check_events(UDPC_Context *ctx);
/// Tells UDPC to initiate a connection to a server
void UDPC_client_initiate_connection(UDPC_Context *ctx, uint32_t addr, uint16_t port);
* \brief Queues a packet to send to a connected peer
* Note addr is expected to be in network-byte-order (big-endian).
* If isChecked is non-zero, UDPC will attempt to resend the packet if peer has
* not received it within UDPC_PACKET_TIMEOUT_SEC seconds.
* \return non-zero on success
int UDPC_queue_send(
UDPC_Context *ctx, uint32_t addr, uint32_t isChecked, void *data, uint32_t size);
* \brief get the number of packets that can be queued to the addr
* \return number of queueable packets or 0 if connection has not been established
int UDPC_get_queue_send_available(UDPC_Context *ctx, uint32_t addr);
/// Returns non-zero if UDPC is accepting new connections
int UDPC_get_accept_new_connections(UDPC_Context *ctx);
/// Set isAccepting to non-zero to let UDPC accept new connections
* Set isAccepting to zero to prevent UDPC from accepting new connections.
void UDPC_set_accept_new_connections(UDPC_Context *ctx, int isAccepting);
/// Drops a connection specified by addr
* \return non-zero if the connection existed and was dropped
int UDPC_drop_connection(UDPC_Context *ctx, uint32_t addr);
/// Gets the currently set protocol id
uint32_t UDPC_get_protocol_id(UDPC_Context *ctx);
/// Sets the protocol id
* Note that UDPC can only connect to other UDPC instances that use the same
* protocol id.
void UDPC_set_protocol_id(UDPC_Context *ctx, uint32_t id);
* \brief Get the currently set error code, and clear it internally
* Error codes and their meanings are defined in UDPC_Defines.h .
* Use UDPC_get_error_str() to get a string describing the error.
uint32_t UDPC_get_error(UDPC_Context *ctx);
/// Returns a string describing the error code for UDPC
const char* UDPC_get_error_str(uint32_t error);
* 0 - log nothing
* 1 - log only errors
* 2 - log only errors and warnings
* 3 - log errors, warnings, and info
* 4+ - log everything
* By default, erros and warnings are logged.
void UDPC_set_logging_type(UDPC_Context *ctx, uint32_t logType);
/// If threaded, this function is called automatically
void UDPC_update(UDPC_Context *ctx);
void UDPC_INTERNAL_update_to_rtt_si(void *userData, uint32_t addr, char *data);
void UDPC_INTERNAL_update_send(void *userData, uint32_t addr, char *data);
void UDPC_INTERNAL_update_rtt(
UDPC_Context *ctx,
UDPC_INTERNAL_ConnectionData *cd,
uint32_t rseq,
struct timespec *tsNow);
void UDPC_INTERNAL_check_pkt_timeout(
UDPC_Context *ctx,
UDPC_INTERNAL_ConnectionData *cd,
uint32_t rseq,
uint32_t ack,
struct timespec *tsNow);
float UDPC_INTERNAL_ts_diff(struct timespec *ts0, struct timespec *ts1);
int UDPC_INTERNAL_threadfn(void *context);
* 0x1 - is ping
* 0x2 - is resending
* 0x4 - is checked received packet
* 0x8 - is init connection packet
void UDPC_INTERNAL_prepare_pkt(
void *data,
uint32_t protocolID,
uint32_t conID,
uint32_t rseq,
uint32_t ack,
uint32_t *seqID,
int flags);
* 0 - error
* 1 - warning
* 2 - info
* 3 - verbose
void UDPC_INTERNAL_log(UDPC_Context *ctx, uint32_t level, const char *msg, ...);
char* UDPC_INTERNAL_atostr(UDPC_Context *ctx, uint32_t addr);
uint32_t UDPC_INTERNAL_generate_id(UDPC_Context *ctx);
* \brief Converts a IPV4 string to a 32-bit unsigned integer address in big-endian
* \return 0 if string is invalid, address in big-endian format otherwise
uint32_t UDPC_strtoa(const char *addrStr);