## wireguardConfigGenerator.sh Generates config for wireguard -h - prints this help -n - gives a name to the config -c - number of clients to generate for. Mutually exclusive with "-u" -s - sets the second byte of the ipv4 -i - sets the third byte of the ipv4 -e - ip address or domain name (required) -p - listen port of server (defaults to 50000) -k - enables persistent keepalive for clients -o - output dir to place configs (required) -u - subnet to use (default 24). Mutually exclusive with "-c" -f - must use with "-u" to set partial fourth byte -x - set template, "x" will be replaced (must be last) -d - disable ipv6 addresses Note that subnets must not conflict between configurations if they are loaded on the same machine. For example, to generate two different server/clients configs with differing subnets, you can run the following: # For to ( and is reserved) # For fc00:1:0 to fc00:1:f (fc00:1:0 and fc00:1:f is reserved) ./wireguardConfigGenerator.sh -n first -s 1 -i 1 -f 0 -u 28 \ -e example.com -p 50001 -o conf_output_dir1 -x fc00:1:x # For to ( and is reserved) # For fc00:2:0 to fc00:2:f (fc00:2:0 and fc00:2:f is reserved) ./wireguardConfigGenerator.sh -n second -s 1 -i 1 -f 16 -u 28 \ -e example.com -p 50001 -o conf_output_dir2 -x fc00:2:x If `ipv6` is not desired, you can skip specifying `-x ...` and use `-d` to disable `ipv6` generation.