Stephen Seo dfc78540db WIP combine Vulkan filter and min_max to cmd buf
This commit does some preparation for a new Vulkan compute shader
"blue_noise_filter.glsl". Note that every call of "filter" is followed
by a call to "min_max". The goal is to combine a single invocation of
Vulkan "filter" and log(n) invocations of Vulkan "min_max" in the same
command buffer, which may help with performance. This will be achieved
by passing the "max_in_buf" to the new "filter" compute shader, which
will hold the results of applying the precomputed-gaussian. This buffer
will then be copied to "min_in_buf", and then all is set to call the
Vulkan "min_max" compute shader log(n) times.

Note that log(n) comes from the fact that the Vulkan "min_max" compute
shader does a "reduce" on the input buffers where each SIMD invocation
compares two values and reduces it to 1. Doing this approximately log(n)
(log base 2) times will reduce the input gradually into a single minimum
and single maximum. This works due to having two separate "layouts" for
the same "min_max" shader where the "in" and "out" buffers are swapped
per "layout", and so by calling the other layout each time ensures that
the proper buffers are reduced. (This work has already been done. What's
left is to combine the "filter" and "min_max" Vulkan compute shaders
into the same Vulkan command buffer. But first, the actual setup for the
new Vulkan "filter" compute shader still has some work to do.)
2024-04-10 17:43:24 +09:00

681 lines
20 KiB

#include <CL/opencl.h>
#include <vulkan/vulkan.h>
#include <cassert>
#include <chrono>
#include <cmath>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <cstdio>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#include <mutex>
#include <queue>
#include <random>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <thread>
#include <tuple>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
#include "image.hpp"
#include "utility.hpp"
namespace dither {
image::Bl blue_noise(int width, int height, int threads = 1,
bool use_opencl = true, bool use_vulkan = true);
namespace internal {
std::vector<unsigned int> blue_noise_impl(int width, int height,
int threads = 1);
struct QueueFamilyIndices {
std::optional<uint32_t> computeFamily;
bool isComplete();
QueueFamilyIndices vulkan_find_queue_families(VkPhysicalDevice device);
struct FloatAndIndex {
float value;
int pbp;
int idx;
std::optional<uint32_t> vulkan_find_memory_type(VkPhysicalDevice phys_dev,
uint32_t t_filter,
VkMemoryPropertyFlags props);
bool vulkan_create_buffer(VkDevice device, VkPhysicalDevice phys_dev,
VkDeviceSize size, VkBufferUsageFlags usage,
VkMemoryPropertyFlags props, VkBuffer &buf,
VkDeviceMemory &buf_mem);
void vulkan_copy_buffer(VkDevice device, VkCommandPool command_pool,
VkQueue queue, VkBuffer src_buf, VkBuffer dst_buf,
VkDeviceSize size, VkDeviceSize src_offset = 0,
VkDeviceSize dst_offset = 0);
void vulkan_copy_buffer_pieces(
VkDevice device, VkCommandPool command_pool, VkQueue queue,
VkBuffer src_buf, VkBuffer dst_buf,
const std::vector<std::tuple<VkDeviceSize, VkDeviceSize>> &pieces);
void vulkan_flush_buffer(VkDevice device, VkDeviceMemory memory);
void vulkan_flush_buffer_pieces(
VkDevice device, const VkDeviceSize phys_atom_size, VkDeviceMemory memory,
const std::vector<std::tuple<VkDeviceSize, VkDeviceSize>> &pieces);
void vulkan_invalidate_buffer(VkDevice device, VkDeviceMemory memory);
std::vector<unsigned int> blue_noise_vulkan_impl(
VkDevice device, VkPhysicalDevice phys_device,
VkCommandBuffer command_buffer, VkCommandPool command_pool, VkQueue queue,
VkBuffer pbp_buf, VkPipeline pipeline, VkPipelineLayout pipeline_layout,
VkDescriptorSet descriptor_set, VkBuffer filter_out_buf,
VkPipeline minmax_pipeline, VkPipelineLayout minmax_pipeline_layout,
std::array<VkDescriptorSet, 2> minmax_descriptor_sets, VkBuffer max_in_buf,
VkBuffer min_in_buf, VkBuffer max_out_buf, VkBuffer min_out_buf,
VkBuffer state_buf, const int width, const int height,
VkBuffer minmax_staging_buf, VkDeviceMemory minmax_staging_buf_mem,
void *minmax_mapped);
std::vector<float> vulkan_buf_to_vec(float *mapped, unsigned int size);
inline bool vulkan_get_filter(
VkDevice device, const VkDeviceSize phys_atom_size,
VkCommandBuffer command_buffer, VkCommandPool command_pool, VkQueue queue,
VkBuffer pbp_buf, VkPipeline pipeline, VkPipelineLayout pipeline_layout,
VkDescriptorSet descriptor_set, VkBuffer filter_out_buf, const int size,
std::vector<bool> &pbp, bool reversed_pbp, const std::size_t global_size,
int *pbp_mapped_int, VkBuffer staging_pbp_buffer,
VkDeviceMemory staging_pbp_buffer_mem,
VkDeviceMemory staging_filter_buffer_mem, VkBuffer staging_filter_buffer,
std::vector<std::size_t> *changed) {
vkResetCommandBuffer(command_buffer, 0);
if (changed != nullptr && changed->size() > 0) {
if (reversed_pbp) {
for (auto idx : *changed) {
pbp_mapped_int[idx] = pbp[idx] ? 0 : 1;
} else {
for (auto idx : *changed) {
pbp_mapped_int[idx] = pbp[idx] ? 1 : 0;
} else {
if (reversed_pbp) {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pbp.size(); ++i) {
pbp_mapped_int[i] = pbp[i] ? 0 : 1;
} else {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pbp.size(); ++i) {
pbp_mapped_int[i] = pbp[i] ? 1 : 0;
// Copy pbp buffer.
if (changed != nullptr && changed->size() > 0) {
std::vector<std::tuple<VkDeviceSize, VkDeviceSize>> pieces;
for (auto idx : *changed) {
pieces.emplace_back(std::make_tuple(sizeof(int), idx * sizeof(int)));
vulkan_flush_buffer_pieces(device, phys_atom_size, staging_pbp_buffer_mem,
vulkan_copy_buffer_pieces(device, command_pool, queue, staging_pbp_buffer,
pbp_buf, pieces);
} else {
vulkan_flush_buffer(device, staging_pbp_buffer_mem);
vulkan_copy_buffer(device, command_pool, queue, staging_pbp_buffer, pbp_buf,
size * sizeof(int));
VkCommandBufferBeginInfo begin_info{};
if (vkBeginCommandBuffer(command_buffer, &begin_info) != VK_SUCCESS) {
std::clog << "get_filter ERROR: Failed to begin recording compute "
"command buffer!\n";
return false;
vkCmdBindPipeline(command_buffer, VK_PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_COMPUTE, pipeline);
vkCmdBindDescriptorSets(command_buffer, VK_PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_COMPUTE,
pipeline_layout, 0, 1, &descriptor_set, 0, nullptr);
vkCmdDispatch(command_buffer, global_size, 1, 1);
if (vkEndCommandBuffer(command_buffer) != VK_SUCCESS) {
std::clog << "get_filter ERROR: Failed to record compute command buffer!\n";
return false;
VkSubmitInfo submit_info{};
submit_info.commandBufferCount = 1;
submit_info.pCommandBuffers = &command_buffer;
submit_info.signalSemaphoreCount = 0;
submit_info.pSignalSemaphores = nullptr;
if (vkQueueSubmit(queue, 1, &submit_info, nullptr) != VK_SUCCESS) {
<< "get_filter ERROR: Failed to submit compute command buffer!\n";
return false;
if (vkDeviceWaitIdle(device) != VK_SUCCESS) {
std::clog << "get_filter ERROR: Failed to vkDeviceWaitIdle!\n";
return false;
// Copy back filter_out buffer.
vulkan_copy_buffer(device, command_pool, queue, filter_out_buf,
staging_filter_buffer, size * sizeof(float));
vulkan_invalidate_buffer(device, staging_filter_buffer_mem);
return true;
std::optional<std::pair<int, int>> vulkan_minmax(
VkDevice device, VkPhysicalDevice phys_dev, VkCommandBuffer command_buffer,
VkCommandPool command_pool, VkQueue queue, VkPipeline minmax_pipeline,
VkPipelineLayout minmax_pipeline_layout,
std::array<VkDescriptorSet, 2> minmax_desc_sets, VkBuffer max_in_buf,
VkBuffer min_in_buf, VkBuffer max_out_buf, VkBuffer min_out_buf,
VkBuffer state_buf, const int size, const float *const filter_mapped,
const std::vector<bool> &pbp, VkBuffer staging_buf,
VkDeviceMemory staging_buf_mem, void *staging_mapped);
std::vector<unsigned int> blue_noise_cl_impl(const int width, const int height,
const int filter_size,
cl_context context,
cl_device_id device,
cl_program program);
inline std::vector<bool> random_noise(int size, int subsize) {
std::vector<bool> pbp(size);
std::default_random_engine re(std::random_device{}());
std::uniform_int_distribution<int> dist(0, size - 1);
// initialize pbp
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
if (i < subsize) {
pbp[i] = true;
} else {
pbp[i] = false;
// randomize pbp
for (int i = 0; i < size - 1; ++i) {
decltype(dist)::param_type range{i + 1, size - 1};
int ridx = dist(re, range);
// probably can't use std::swap since using std::vector<bool>
bool temp = pbp[i];
pbp[i] = pbp[ridx];
pbp[ridx] = temp;
return pbp;
constexpr float mu = 1.5F;
constexpr float mu_squared = mu * mu;
constexpr float double_mu_squared = 2.0F * mu * mu;
inline float gaussian(float x, float y) {
return std::exp(-(x * x + y * y) / (double_mu_squared));
inline std::vector<float> precompute_gaussian(int size) {
std::vector<float> precomputed;
if (size % 2 == 0) {
precomputed.reserve(size * size);
for (int i = 0; i < size * size; ++i) {
auto xy = utility::oneToTwo(i, size);
gaussian(xy.first - (size / 2), xy.second - (size / 2)));
return precomputed;
inline float filter(const std::vector<bool> &pbp, int x, int y, int width,
int height, int filter_size) {
float sum = 0.0f;
if (filter_size % 2 == 0) {
// Should be range -M/2 to M/2, but size_t cannot be negative, so range
// is 0 to M.
// p' = (M + x - (p - M/2)) % M = (3M/2 + x - p) % M
// q' = (N + y - (q - M/2)) % N = (N + M/2 + y - q) % N
for (int q = 0; q < filter_size; ++q) {
int q_prime = (height - filter_size / 2 + y + q) % height;
for (int p = 0; p < filter_size; ++p) {
int p_prime = (width - filter_size / 2 + x + p) % width;
if (pbp[utility::twoToOne(p_prime, q_prime, width, height)]) {
sum += gaussian(p - filter_size / 2, q - filter_size / 2);
return sum;
inline float filter_with_precomputed(const std::vector<bool> &pbp, int x, int y,
int width, int height, int filter_size,
const std::vector<float> &precomputed) {
float sum = 0.0f;
if (filter_size % 2 == 0) {
for (int q = 0; q < filter_size; ++q) {
int q_prime = (height - filter_size / 2 + y + q) % height;
for (int p = 0; p < filter_size; ++p) {
int p_prime = (width - filter_size / 2 + x + p) % width;
if (pbp[utility::twoToOne(p_prime, q_prime, width, height)]) {
sum += precomputed[utility::twoToOne(p, q, filter_size, filter_size)];
return sum;
inline void compute_filter(const std::vector<bool> &pbp, int width, int height,
int count, int filter_size,
std::vector<float> &filter_out,
const std::vector<float> *precomputed = nullptr,
int threads = 1) {
if (threads == 1) {
if (precomputed) {
for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
filter_out[utility::twoToOne(x, y, width, height)] =
internal::filter_with_precomputed(pbp, x, y, width, height,
filter_size, *precomputed);
} else {
for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
filter_out[utility::twoToOne(x, y, width, height)] =
internal::filter(pbp, x, y, width, height, filter_size);
} else {
if (threads == 0) {
threads = 10;
int active_count = 0;
std::mutex cv_mutex;
std::condition_variable cv;
if (precomputed) {
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
std::unique_lock lock(cv_mutex);
active_count += 1;
std::thread t(
[](int *ac, std::mutex *cvm, std::condition_variable *cv, int i,
const std::vector<bool> *pbp, int width, int height,
int filter_size, std::vector<float> *fout,
const std::vector<float> *precomputed) {
int x, y;
std::tie(x, y) = utility::oneToTwo(i, width);
(*fout)[i] = internal::filter_with_precomputed(
*pbp, x, y, width, height, filter_size, *precomputed);
std::unique_lock lock(*cvm);
*ac -= 1;
&active_count, &cv_mutex, &cv, i, &pbp, width, height, filter_size,
&filter_out, precomputed);
std::unique_lock lock(cv_mutex);
while (active_count >= threads) {
cv.wait_for(lock, std::chrono::seconds(1));
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
std::unique_lock lock(cv_mutex);
active_count += 1;
std::thread t(
[](int *ac, std::mutex *cvm, std::condition_variable *cv, int i,
const std::vector<bool> *pbp, int width, int height,
int filter_size, std::vector<float> *fout) {
int x, y;
std::tie(x, y) = utility::oneToTwo(i, width);
(*fout)[i] =
internal::filter(*pbp, x, y, width, height, filter_size);
std::unique_lock lock(*cvm);
*ac -= 1;
&active_count, &cv_mutex, &cv, i, &pbp, width, height, filter_size,
std::unique_lock lock(cv_mutex);
while (active_count >= threads) {
cv.wait_for(lock, std::chrono::seconds(1));
std::unique_lock lock(cv_mutex);
while (active_count > 0) {
cv.wait_for(lock, std::chrono::seconds(1));
inline std::pair<int, int> filter_minmax(const std::vector<float> &filter,
std::vector<bool> pbp) {
// ensure minority pixel is "true"
unsigned int count = 0;
for (bool value : pbp) {
if (value) {
if (count * 2 >= pbp.size()) {
// std::cout << "MINMAX flip\n"; // DEBUG
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pbp.size(); ++i) {
pbp[i] = !pbp[i];
float min = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
float max = -std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
int min_index = -1;
int max_index = -1;
for (std::vector<float>::size_type i = 0; i < filter.size(); ++i) {
if (!pbp[i] && filter[i] < min) {
min_index = i;
min = filter[i];
if (pbp[i] && filter[i] > max) {
max_index = i;
max = filter[i];
return {min_index, max_index};
inline std::pair<int, int> filter_minmax_raw_array(const float *const filter,
unsigned int size,
std::vector<bool> pbp) {
// ensure minority pixel is "true"
unsigned int count = 0;
for (bool value : pbp) {
if (value) {
if (count * 2 >= pbp.size()) {
// std::cout << "MINMAX flip\n"; // DEBUG
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pbp.size(); ++i) {
pbp[i] = !pbp[i];
float min = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
float max = -std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
int min_index = -1;
int max_index = -1;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
if (!pbp[i] && filter[i] < min) {
min_index = i;
min = filter[i];
if (pbp[i] && filter[i] > max) {
max_index = i;
max = filter[i];
return {min_index, max_index};
inline std::pair<int, int> filter_abs_minmax(const std::vector<float> &filter) {
float min = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
float max = -std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
int min_index = -1;
int max_index = -1;
std::default_random_engine re(std::random_device{}());
std::size_t startIdx =
std::uniform_int_distribution<std::size_t>(0, filter.size() - 1)(re);
for (std::vector<float>::size_type i = startIdx; i < filter.size(); ++i) {
if (filter[i] < min) {
min_index = i;
min = filter[i];
if (filter[i] > max) {
max_index = i;
max = filter[i];
for (std::vector<float>::size_type i = 0; i < startIdx; ++i) {
if (filter[i] < min) {
min_index = i;
min = filter[i];
if (filter[i] > max) {
max_index = i;
max = filter[i];
return {min_index, max_index};
inline int get_one_or_zero(const std::vector<bool> &pbp, bool get_one, int idx,
int width, int height) {
std::queue<int> checking_indices;
auto xy = utility::oneToTwo(idx, width);
int count = 0;
int loops = 0;
enum { D_DOWN = 0, D_LEFT = 1, D_UP = 2, D_RIGHT = 3 } dir = D_RIGHT;
int next;
while (true) {
if (count == 0) {
switch (dir) {
case D_RIGHT:
xy.first = (xy.first + 1) % width;
count = loops * 2 - 1;
dir = D_DOWN;
case D_DOWN:
xy.first = (xy.first + width - 1) % width;
count = loops * 2 - 1;
dir = D_LEFT;
case D_LEFT:
xy.second = (xy.second + height - 1) % height;
count = loops * 2 - 1;
dir = D_UP;
case D_UP:
xy.first = (xy.first + 1) % width;
count = loops * 2 - 1;
dir = D_RIGHT;
} else {
switch (dir) {
case D_DOWN:
xy.second = (xy.second + 1) % height;
case D_LEFT:
xy.first = (xy.first + width - 1) % width;
case D_UP:
xy.second = (xy.second + height - 1) % height;
case D_RIGHT:
xy.first = (xy.first + 1) % width;
next = utility::twoToOne(xy.first, xy.second, width, height);
if ((get_one && pbp[next]) || (!get_one && !pbp[next])) {
return next;
return idx;
inline void write_filter(const std::vector<float> &filter, int width,
const char *filename) {
int min, max;
std::tie(min, max) = filter_abs_minmax(filter);
printf("Writing to %s, min is %.3f, max is %.3f\n", filename, filter[min],
FILE *filter_image = fopen(filename, "w");
fprintf(filter_image, "P2\n%d %d\n255\n", width, (int)filter.size() / width);
for (std::vector<float>::size_type i = 0; i < filter.size(); ++i) {
fprintf(filter_image, "%d ",
(int)(((filter[i] - filter[min]) / (filter[max] - filter[min])) *
if ((i + 1) % width == 0) {
fputc('\n', filter_image);
inline image::Bl toBl(const std::vector<bool> &pbp, int width) {
image::Bl bwImage(width, pbp.size() / width);
assert((unsigned long)bwImage.getSize() >= pbp.size() &&
"New image::Bl size too small (pbp's size is not a multiple of "
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pbp.size(); ++i) {
bwImage.getData()[i] = pbp[i] ? 255 : 0;
return bwImage;
inline image::Bl rangeToBl(const std::vector<unsigned int> &values, int width) {
int min = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
int max = std::numeric_limits<int>::min();
for (int value : values) {
if (value < min) {
min = value;
if (value > max) {
max = value;
#ifndef NDEBUG
std::cout << "rangeToBl: Got min == " << min << " and max == " << max
<< std::endl;
max -= min;
image::Bl grImage(width, values.size() / width);
assert((unsigned long)grImage.getSize() >= values.size() &&
"New image::Bl size too small (values' size is not a multiple of "
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < values.size(); ++i) {
grImage.getData()[i] =
std::round(((float)((int)(values[i]) - min) / (float)max) * 255.0F);
return grImage;
inline std::pair<int, int> filter_minmax_in_range(
int start, int width, int height, int range,
const std::vector<float> &vec) {
float max = -std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
float min = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
int maxIdx = -1;
int minIdx = -1;
auto startXY = utility::oneToTwo(start, width);
for (int y = startXY.second - range / 2; y <= startXY.second + range / 2;
++y) {
for (int x = startXY.first - range / 2; x <= startXY.first + range / 2;
++x) {
int idx = utility::twoToOne(x, y, width, height);
if (idx == start) {
if (vec[idx] < min) {
min = vec[idx];
minIdx = idx;
if (vec[idx] > max) {
max = vec[idx];
maxIdx = idx;
if (minIdx < 0) {
throw std::runtime_error("Invalid minIdx value");
} else if (maxIdx < 0) {
throw std::runtime_error("Invalid maxIdx value");
return {minIdx, maxIdx};
} // namespace internal
} // namespace dither