use image::{DynamicImage, ImageResult}; use macroquad::prelude::*; use std::convert::TryInto; use std::fs::File; use std::io::{Read, Write}; use std::net::{IpAddr, Ipv4Addr, SocketAddr, TcpStream}; use std::str::FromStr; use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex}; use std::thread; use std::time::{Duration, Instant}; use structopt::StructOpt; const POLL_DURATION: Duration = Duration::from_secs(2); const TITLE_X_OFFSET: f32 = 20.0f32; const TITLE_Y_OFFSET: f32 = 20.0f32; const TIMER_X_OFFSET: f32 = 20.0f32; const TIMER_Y_OFFSET: f32 = 20.0f32; const TIME_MAX_DIFF: f64 = 2.0f64; #[derive(StructOpt, Debug)] #[structopt(name = "mpd_info_screen")] struct Opt { host: Ipv4Addr, #[structopt(default_value = "6600")] port: u16, #[structopt(short = "p")] password: Option, } struct Shared { art_data: Vec, art_data_size: usize, current_song: String, current_song_length: f64, current_song_position: f64, current_song_pos_rec: Instant, thread_running: bool, stream: TcpStream, password: String, dirty: bool, } impl Shared { fn new(stream: TcpStream) -> Self { Self { art_data: Vec::new(), art_data_size: 0, current_song: String::new(), current_song_length: 0.0, current_song_position: 0.0, current_song_pos_rec: Instant::now(), thread_running: true, stream, password: String::new(), dirty: true, } } } fn get_connection(host: Ipv4Addr, port: u16) -> Result { let stream = TcpStream::connect_timeout( &SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V4(host), port), Duration::from_secs(5), ) .map_err(|_| String::from("Failed to get connection"))?; Ok(stream) } fn check_next_chars( buf: &[u8], idx: usize, saved: &mut Vec, ) -> Result<(char, u8), (String, u8)> { if idx >= buf.len() { return Err((String::from("idx out of bounds"), 0u8)); } if buf[idx] & 0b10000000 == 0 { Ok(( char::from_u32(buf[idx] as u32) .ok_or_else(|| (String::from("Not one-byte UTF-8"), 0u8))?, 1u8, )) } else if buf[idx] & 0b11100000 == 0b11000000 { if idx + 1 >= buf.len() { saved.push(buf[idx]); return Err(( String::from("Is two byte UTF-8, but not enough bytes provided"), 1u8, )); } Ok(( char::from_u32((buf[idx] as u32) | ((buf[idx + 1] as u32) << 8)) .ok_or_else(|| (String::from("Not two-byte UTF-8"), 0u8))?, 2u8, )) } else if buf[idx] & 0b11110000 == 0b11100000 { if idx + 2 >= buf.len() { for c in buf.iter().skip(idx) { saved.push(*c); } return Err(( String::from("Is three byte UTF-8, but not enough bytes provided"), (idx + 3 - buf.len()) as u8, )); } Ok(( char::from_u32( (buf[idx] as u32) | ((buf[idx + 1] as u32) << 8) | ((buf[idx + 2] as u32) << 16), ) .ok_or_else(|| (String::from("Not three-byte UTF-8"), 0u8))?, 3u8, )) } else if buf[idx] & 0b11111000 == 0b11110000 { if idx + 2 >= buf.len() { for c in buf.iter().skip(idx) { saved.push(*c); } return Err(( String::from("Is four byte UTF-8, but not enough bytes provided"), (idx + 4 - buf.len()) as u8, )); } Ok(( char::from_u32( (buf[idx] as u32) | ((buf[idx + 1] as u32) << 8) | ((buf[idx + 2] as u32) << 16) | ((buf[idx + 3] as u32) << 24), ) .ok_or_else(|| (String::from("Not four-byte UTF-8"), 0u8))?, 4u8, )) } else { Err((String::from("Invalid UTF-8 char"), 0u8)) } } fn read_line( buf: &mut Vec, count: usize, saved: &mut Vec, init: bool, ) -> Result { let mut result = String::new(); let mut buf_to_read: Vec = Vec::with_capacity(saved.len() + buf.len()); if !saved.is_empty() { buf_to_read.append(saved); } buf_to_read.append(buf); let mut prev_two: Vec = Vec::with_capacity(3); let mut skip_count = 0; for idx in 0..count { if skip_count > 0 { skip_count -= 1; continue; } let next_char_result = check_next_chars(&buf_to_read, idx, saved); if let Ok((c, s)) = next_char_result { if !init { prev_two.push(c); if prev_two.len() > 2 { prev_two.remove(0); } if ['O', 'K'] == prev_two.as_slice() { buf_to_read = buf_to_read.split_off(2); result = String::from("OK"); buf.append(&mut buf_to_read); return Ok(result); } } if c == '\n' { buf_to_read = buf_to_read.split_off(idx + s as usize); buf.append(&mut buf_to_read); return Ok(result); } result.push(c); skip_count = s - 1; } else if let Err((msg, count)) = next_char_result { for i in 0..count { saved.push(buf_to_read[idx + i as usize]); } buf_to_read = buf_to_read.split_off(idx); buf.append(&mut buf_to_read); return Err((msg, result)); } else { unreachable!(); } } *saved = buf_to_read; Err((String::from("Newline not reached"), result)) } //fn debug_write_albumart_to_file(data: &[u8]) -> Result<(), String> { // let mut f = File::create("albumartOut.jpg") // .map_err(|_| String::from("Failed to open file for writing albumart"))?; // f.write_all(data) // .map_err(|_| String::from("Failed to write to albumartOut.jpg"))?; // // Ok(()) //} fn info_loop(shared_data: Arc>) -> Result<(), String> { let mut buf: [u8; 4192] = [0; 4192]; let mut init: bool = true; let mut saved: Vec = Vec::new(); let mut saved_str: String = String::new(); let mut authenticated: bool = false; let mut song_title_get_time: Instant = Instant::now() - Duration::from_secs(10); let mut song_pos_get_time: Instant = Instant::now() - Duration::from_secs(10); let mut song_length_get_time: Instant = Instant::now() - Duration::from_secs(10); let mut current_binary_size: usize = 0; 'main: loop { if !shared_data .lock() .map_err(|_| String::from("Failed to get shared_data.thread_running"))? .thread_running { break; } // read block { let lock_result = shared_data.try_lock(); if let Ok(mut lock) = lock_result { let read_result = buf); if let Ok(count) = read_result { let mut read_vec: Vec = Vec::from(buf); read_vec.resize(count, 0); loop { let mut count = read_vec.len(); if current_binary_size > 0 { if current_binary_size <= count { lock.art_data .extend_from_slice(&read_vec[0..current_binary_size]); read_vec = read_vec.split_off(current_binary_size + 1); count = read_vec.len(); current_binary_size = 0; //println!( // "art_data len is {} after fully reading", // lock.art_data.len() //); // TODO Debug //let write_file_result = debug_write_albumart_to_file(&lock.art_data); } else { lock.art_data.extend_from_slice(&read_vec[0..count]); current_binary_size -= count; //println!("art_data len is {}", lock.art_data.len()); continue 'main; } } let read_line_result = read_line(&mut read_vec, count, &mut saved, init); if let Ok(mut line) = read_line_result { line = saved_str + &line; saved_str = String::new(); if init { if line.starts_with("OK MPD ") { init = false; println!("Got initial \"OK\" from MPD"); break; } else { return Err(String::from( "Did not get expected init message from MPD", )); } } else { //println!("Got response: {}", line); if line.starts_with("OK") { break; } else if line.starts_with("file: ") { let song_file = line.split_off(6); if song_file != lock.current_song { lock.current_song = song_file; lock.art_data.clear(); lock.art_data_size = 0; //println!("Got different song file, clearing art_data..."); } lock.dirty = true; song_title_get_time = Instant::now(); } else if line.starts_with("elapsed: ") { let parse_pos_result = f64::from_str(&line.split_off(9)); if let Ok(value) = parse_pos_result { lock.current_song_position = value; lock.dirty = true; song_pos_get_time = Instant::now(); lock.current_song_pos_rec = Instant::now(); } else { println!("Got error trying to get current_song_position"); } } else if line.starts_with("duration: ") { let parse_pos_result = f64::from_str(&line.split_off(10)); if let Ok(value) = parse_pos_result { lock.current_song_length = value; lock.dirty = true; song_length_get_time = Instant::now(); } } else if line.starts_with("size: ") { let parse_artsize_result = usize::from_str(&line.split_off(6)); if let Ok(value) = parse_artsize_result { lock.art_data_size = value; lock.dirty = true; } } else if line.starts_with("binary: ") { let parse_artbinarysize_result = usize::from_str(&line.split_off(8)); if let Ok(value) = parse_artbinarysize_result { current_binary_size = value; } } } } else if let Err((msg, read_line_in_progress)) = read_line_result { println!("Error during \"read_line\": {}", msg); saved_str = read_line_in_progress; break; } else { unreachable!(); } } } } else { println!("Failed to acquire lock for reading to stream"); } } // write block { let lock_result = shared_data.try_lock(); if let Ok(mut lock) = lock_result { if !authenticated && !lock.password.is_empty() { let p = lock.password.clone(); let write_result =!("password {}\n", p).as_bytes()); if write_result.is_ok() { authenticated = true; } else if let Err(e) = write_result { println!("Got error requesting authentication: {}", e); } } else if song_title_get_time.elapsed() > POLL_DURATION { let write_result ="currentsong\n"); if let Err(e) = write_result { println!("Got error requesting currentsong info: {}", e); } } else if song_length_get_time.elapsed() > POLL_DURATION || song_pos_get_time.elapsed() > POLL_DURATION { let write_result ="status\n"); if let Err(e) = write_result { println!("Got error requesting status: {}", e); } } else if (lock.art_data.is_empty() || lock.art_data.len() != lock.art_data_size) && !lock.current_song.is_empty() { let title = lock.current_song.clone(); let art_data_length = lock.art_data.len(); let write_result = format!("readpicture \"{}\" {}\n", title, art_data_length).as_bytes(), ); if let Err(e) = write_result { println!("Got error requesting albumart: {}", e); } } } else { println!("Failed to acquire lock for writing to stream"); } } thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(50)); } Ok(()) } fn get_info_from_shared( shared: Arc>, force_check: bool, ) -> Result<(String, f64, f64, Instant), String> { let mut title: String = String::new(); let mut length: f64 = 0.0; let mut pos: f64 = 0.0; let mut instant_rec: Instant = Instant::now(); if let Ok(mut lock) = shared.lock() { if lock.dirty || force_check { title = lock.current_song.clone(); length = lock.current_song_length; pos = lock.current_song_position; instant_rec = lock.current_song_pos_rec; //println!("Current song: {}", lock.current_song); //println!("Current song length: {}", lock.current_song_length); //println!("Current song position: {}", lock.current_song_position); lock.dirty = false; } } Ok((title, length, pos, instant_rec)) } fn window_conf() -> Conf { Conf { window_title: String::from("mpd info screen"), fullscreen: false, window_width: 800, window_height: 800, ..Default::default() } } fn seconds_to_time(seconds: f64) -> String { let seconds_int: u64 = seconds.floor() as u64; let minutes = seconds_int / 60; let new_seconds: f64 = seconds - (minutes * 60) as f64; let mut result: String; if minutes > 0 { result = minutes.to_string(); result.push(':'); } else { result = String::new(); } if new_seconds < 10.0 && seconds >= 0.0 { result.push('0'); } result.push_str(&new_seconds.to_string()); let idx_result = result.find('.'); if let Some(idx) = idx_result { result.truncate(idx + 2); } result } #[macroquad::main(window_conf)] async fn main() -> Result<(), String> { let opt = Opt::from_args(); println!("Got host addr == {}, port == {}",, opt.port); let connection = get_connection(, opt.port)?; connection .set_read_timeout(Some(Duration::from_millis(50))) .expect("Should be able to set timeout for TcpStream reads"); connection .set_write_timeout(Some(Duration::from_secs(1))) .expect("Should be able to set timeout for TcpStream writes"); let shared_data = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Shared::new(connection))); if let Some(p) = opt.password { shared_data .lock() .expect("Should be able to get mutex lock") .password = p; } let thread_shared_data = shared_data.clone(); let child = thread::spawn(move || { info_loop(thread_shared_data).expect("Failure during info_loop"); }); let wait_time: f64 = 0.75; let mut timer: f64 = 0.0; let mut track_timer: f64 = 0.0; let mut title: String = String::new(); let mut art_texture: Option = None; 'macroquad_main: loop { let dt: f64 = get_frame_time() as f64; clear_background(BLACK); if is_key_pressed(KeyCode::Escape) || is_key_pressed(KeyCode::Q) { break 'macroquad_main; } timer -= dt; track_timer -= dt; if timer < 0.0 || track_timer < 0.0 { timer = wait_time; let info_result = get_info_from_shared(shared_data.clone(), true); if let Ok((track_title, duration, pos, instant_rec)) = info_result { if track_title != title { title = track_title; art_texture = None; } let duration_since = instant_rec.elapsed(); let recorded_time = duration - pos - duration_since.as_secs_f64(); if (recorded_time - track_timer).abs() > TIME_MAX_DIFF { track_timer = duration - pos; } } if art_texture.is_none() { let mut image_result: Option> = None; { let lock_result = shared_data.lock(); if let Ok(l) = lock_result { image_result = Some(image::load_from_memory(&l.art_data)); } } if let Some(Ok(dynimg)) = image_result { let img_buf = dynimg.to_rgba8(); art_texture = Some(Texture2D::from_rgba8( img_buf .width() .try_into() .expect("width of image should fit in u16"), img_buf .height() .try_into() .expect("height of image should fit into u16"), &img_buf.to_vec(), )); } } } if let Some(texture) = art_texture { if texture.width() > screen_width() || texture.height() > screen_height() { let ratio: f32 = texture.width() / texture.height(); // try filling to height let mut height = screen_height(); let mut width = screen_height() * ratio; if width > screen_width() { // try filling to width instead width = screen_width(); height = screen_width() / ratio; } let draw_params: DrawTextureParams = DrawTextureParams { dest_size: Some(Vec2::new(width, height)), ..Default::default() }; draw_texture_ex( texture, (screen_width() - width) / 2.0f32, (screen_height() - height) / 2.0f32, WHITE, draw_params, ); } else { draw_texture( texture, (screen_width() - texture.width()) / 2.0f32, (screen_height() - texture.height()) / 2.0f32, WHITE, ); } } if !title.is_empty() { let mut text_size = 64; let mut text_dim: TextDimensions; loop { text_dim = measure_text(&title, None, text_size, 1.0f32); if text_dim.width + TITLE_X_OFFSET > screen_width() { text_size -= 4; } else { break; } if text_size <= 4 { text_size = 4; break; } } draw_rectangle( TITLE_X_OFFSET, screen_height() - TITLE_Y_OFFSET - text_dim.height * 2.0, text_dim.width, text_dim.height, Color::new(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.4), ); draw_text( &title, TITLE_X_OFFSET, screen_height() - TITLE_Y_OFFSET - text_dim.height, text_size as f32, WHITE, ); let timer_string = seconds_to_time(track_timer); let timer_dim = measure_text(&timer_string, None, 64, 1.0f32); draw_rectangle( TIMER_X_OFFSET, screen_height() - TITLE_Y_OFFSET - text_dim.height - TIMER_Y_OFFSET - timer_dim.height * 2.0, timer_dim.width, timer_dim.height, Color::new(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.4), ); draw_text( &timer_string, TIMER_X_OFFSET, screen_height() - TITLE_Y_OFFSET - text_dim.height - TIMER_Y_OFFSET - timer_dim.height, 64.0f32, WHITE, ); } next_frame().await } println!("Stopping thread..."); shared_data .lock() .map_err(|_| String::from("Failed to get shared_data.thread_running in main"))? .thread_running = false; //println!("Waiting on thread..."); thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(200)); println!("Joining on thread..."); child.join().expect("Should be able to join on thread"); get_info_from_shared(shared_data.clone(), true) .expect("Should be able to get info from shared"); Ok(()) }