use crate::debug_log::log; use crate::mpd_handler::{InfoFromShared, MPDHandler}; use crate::Opt; use ggez::event::{self, EventHandler}; use ggez::graphics::{self, Color, DrawParam, Drawable, Text, TextFragment}; use ggez::Context; use ggez::GameError; use std::sync::atomic::AtomicBool; use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock}; use std::thread; use std::time::{Duration, Instant}; const POLL_TIME: Duration = Duration::from_millis(333); pub struct MPDDisplay { opts: Opt, mpd_handler: Option>>, is_valid: bool, is_initialized: bool, notice_text: Text, poll_instant: Instant, shared: Option, password_entered: bool, dirty_flag: Option>, } impl MPDDisplay { pub fn new(_ctx: &mut Context, opts: Opt) -> Self { Self { opts, mpd_handler: None, is_valid: true, is_initialized: false, notice_text: Text::new(""), poll_instant: Instant::now() - POLL_TIME, shared: None, password_entered: false, dirty_flag: None, } } fn init_mpd_handler(&mut self) -> () { self.mpd_handler = MPDHandler::new(, self.opts.port, self.opts.password.clone().map_or(String::new(), |s| s), ) .map_or_else(|_| None, |v| Some(v)); if self.mpd_handler.is_some() { self.is_initialized = true; loop { self.dirty_flag = MPDHandler::get_dirty_flag(self.mpd_handler.as_ref().unwrap().clone()) .map_or(None, |f| Some(f)); if self.dirty_flag.is_some() { break; } else { thread::sleep(POLL_TIME); } } log("Successfully initialized MPDHandler"); } else { self.is_valid = false; log("Failed to initialize MPDHandler"); } } } impl EventHandler for MPDDisplay { fn update(&mut self, _ctx: &mut ggez::Context) -> Result<(), GameError> { if !self.is_valid { return Err(GameError::EventLoopError( "Failed to initialize MPDHandler".into(), )); } if !self.is_initialized { if self.opts.enable_prompt_password { if self.notice_text.contents().is_empty() { self.notice_text = Text::new(TextFragment::new("password: ")); } else if self.password_entered { self.init_mpd_handler(); } } else { self.init_mpd_handler(); } } if self.is_valid && self.is_initialized && self.poll_instant.elapsed() > POLL_TIME { self.poll_instant = Instant::now(); if !self.dirty_flag.is_none() && self .dirty_flag .as_ref() .unwrap() .swap(false, std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed) { self.shared = MPDHandler::get_current_song_info(self.mpd_handler.clone().unwrap()) .map_or(None, |f| Some(f)); if let Some(shared) = &self.shared { if self.notice_text.contents() != shared.error_text { self.notice_text = Text::new(TextFragment::new(shared.error_text.clone())); } } } } Ok(()) } fn draw(&mut self, ctx: &mut ggez::Context) -> Result<(), GameError> { graphics::clear(ctx, Color::BLACK); self.notice_text.draw(ctx, DrawParam::default())?; graphics::present(ctx) } fn text_input_event(&mut self, _ctx: &mut Context, character: char) { if !self.is_initialized && self.opts.enable_prompt_password && character.is_ascii() && !character.is_ascii_control() { if self.opts.password.is_none() { let s = String::from(character); self.opts.password = Some(s); self.notice_text.add('*'); } else { self.opts.password.as_mut().unwrap().push(character); self.notice_text.add('*'); } } } fn key_down_event( &mut self, _ctx: &mut Context, keycode: event::KeyCode, _keymods: event::KeyMods, _repeat: bool, ) { if !self.is_initialized && self.opts.enable_prompt_password { if keycode == event::KeyCode::Back { let s: String = self.notice_text.contents(); if s.ends_with("*") { self.notice_text = Text::new(TextFragment::new(s[0..(s.len() - 1)].to_owned())); } if let Some(input_p) = &mut self.opts.password { input_p.pop(); } } else if keycode == event::KeyCode::Return { self.password_entered = true; //log(format!("Entered \"{}\"", self.opts.password.as_ref().unwrap_or(&String::new()))); } } } }