Impl overrides for alternate commenting syntax

This commit is contained in:
Stephen Seo 2022-11-03 15:17:15 +09:00
parent 479399b3f2
commit 89b60342d7
2 changed files with 37 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -20,3 +20,19 @@ Or in init.vim:
nmap q :lua vim.g.quickcomment_togglecommentline()<CR>
vmap q :luado vim.g.quickcomment_togglecommentline(linenr)<CR>
## Overrides
Say you want to use `// ` to comment lines in C files instead of `/* ... */`.
Set an override string like the following:
let b:quickcomment_commentstring_override = '// %s'
This will override how the comment is set for the current buffer.
It can also be set globally:
let g:quickcomment_commentstring_override = '/* a comment: %s */'
Note that `b:quickcomment_...` has precedence over `g:quickcomment_...`. Also
note that `%s` must be in the override `commentstring` which denotes where the
line content is relative to the comment symbols.

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@ -40,12 +40,27 @@ vim.g.quickcomment_escapestring = function(string_to_escape)
vim.g.quickcomment_togglecommentlines = function (line_start, line_end)
local comment_string = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(0, 'commentstring')
-- get comment_string
local comment_string = vim.b.quickcomment_commentstring_override
if comment_string == nil then
print('QuickComment: ERROR: Unable to get comment string, "commentstring" is not defined!')
comment_string = vim.g.quickcomment_commentstring_override
if comment_string == nil then
comment_string = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(0, 'commentstring')
if comment_string == nil then
print('QuickComment: ERROR: Unable to get comment string')
-- validate comment_string
local sub_find, sub_end = comment_string:find('%%s')
if sub_find == nil then
print('QuickComment: ERROR: comment_string doesn\'t have "%s"!')
local sub_find, sub_end = comment_string:find('%%s')
-- get escaped_string
local escaped_string = ''
if sub_find ~= nil and sub_find > 1 then
escaped_string = vim.g.quickcomment_escapestring(comment_string:sub(1, sub_find - 1))
@ -55,11 +70,14 @@ vim.g.quickcomment_togglecommentlines = function (line_start, line_end)
escaped_string = escaped_string .. vim.g.quickcomment_escapestring(comment_string:sub(sub_end + 1))
-- get lines to comment/uncomment
local lines = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines(0, line_start, line_end, false)
for i, line in ipairs(lines) do
if line:find(escaped_string) == nil then
-- not commented, comment line
lines[i] = comment_string:format(line)
-- commented, uncomment line
local match_cap = line:gmatch(escaped_string)
local captured = match_cap()
if captured ~= nil then