name: Create releases with ArchLinux pkg on: push: branches: - '*' jobs: check-and-build-and-release: runs-on: x86_64_archLinux steps: - name: Get tags run: | curl --fail-with-body -X 'GET' \ '' \ -H 'accept: application/json' -o tags.json -w '%output{header_count}%header{x-total-count}' 2>/dev/null \ - name: Fetch repo run: git clone obs_usc - name: Fetch PKGBUILD run: pushd obs_usc >&/dev/null && git checkout main && popd >&/dev/null && cp obs_usc/archLinuxPackaging/PKGBUILD ./ - name: Check tags and build per release run: | SAVED_DIR="$(pwd)" TAG_COUNT="$(cat ./header_count)" for ((i=0; i<$TAG_COUNT; ++i)); do echo "$(jq ".[$i].name" < ./tags.json | tr -d '"')" >> tempList done sort -V < tempList > versionList for ((i=0; i<$TAG_COUNT; ++i)); do cd "$SAVED_DIR" TAG_NAME="$(sed -n "$((i+1))p" ./versionList)" curl -X 'GET' "${TAG_NAME}" -H 'accept: application/json' -w '%output{http_code}%{http_code}' >&/dev/null if [[ $(cat ./http_code) != "404" ]]; then continue fi echo "Trying to build and release \"$TAG_NAME\"..." mkdir -p "build_${TAG_NAME}" || continue cp ./PKGBUILD "build_${TAG_NAME}/" || continue sed -i "s/^pkgver=.*\$/pkgver=${TAG_NAME}/" "build_${TAG_NAME}/PKGBUILD" || continue sed -i 's/^pkgrel=.*$/pkgrel=1/' "build_${TAG_NAME}/PKGBUILD" || continue sed -i 's/^sha256sums=.*$/sha256sums=("SKIP")/' "build_${TAG_NAME}/PKGBUILD" || continue cd "build_${TAG_NAME}" || continue makepkg || continue curl --fail-with-body -X 'POST' \ "" \ -H 'accept: application/json' \ -H "Authorization: token ${GITHUB_TOKEN}" \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d "{ \"name\": \"OBS Plugin Unix Socket Control version ${TAG_NAME}\", \"body\": \"\", \"tag_name\": \"${TAG_NAME}\" }" > release_response.json || continue curl --fail-with-body -X 'POST' \ "$(jq .id < release_response.json)/assets" \ -H 'accept: application/json' \ -H "Authorization: token ${GITHUB_TOKEN}" \ -H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \ -F "attachment=@obs-studio-plugin-unix-socket-control-${TAG_NAME}-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst;type=application/zstd" > release_asset.json || continue done