Stephen Seo a008830373 Added License and legal related requirements
All source files in src/EC now has some text describing
attribution notice to the original work this work derives from.
2016-03-15 19:29:13 +09:00

34 lines
906 B

// This work derives from Vittorio Romeo's code used for cppcon 2015 licensed under the Academic Free License.
// His code is available here: https://github.com/SuperV1234/cppcon2015
#include "TypeList.hpp"
namespace EC
namespace Meta
template <typename TTypeListA, typename TTypeListB>
struct CombineHelper
using type = TypeList<>;
template <template <typename...> class TTypeListA, template <typename...> class TTypeListB, typename... TypesA, typename... TypesB>
struct CombineHelper<TTypeListA<TypesA...>, TTypeListB<TypesB...> >
using type = TypeList<TypesA..., TypesB...>;
template <typename TTypeListA, typename TTypeListB>
using Combine = typename CombineHelper<TTypeListA, TTypeListB>::type;