2024-02-21 15:18:09 +09:00

39 lines
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# My NeoVim Config
This is just a dump of my NVim config.
## Things to note before using
Normal mode "q" (macro shortcut) is disabled by default. If you want to enable
use of this shortcut, you can disable it in the `init.lua` config file.
## Installing This Config
1. Clone the repo into `$HOME/.config/nvim`.
2. Invoke `git submodule update --init --recursive --depth=1` in
## Updating This Config
1. `git pull` or `git fetch` and merge.
2. `git submodule update --init --recursive`
3. Open nvim and invoke `:TSUpdate` to update tree-sitter.
## Enabling LSP
In NeoVim, ~~invoke `:call loadlsp#loadlspall()`, then reload the current open
files with `:e`~~ use the `<leader>l` (backslash and l) shortcut and LSP
functionality will be enabled for the currently open file. If you have more
than one buffer open, you may have to reopen them (with :e) for lsp plugins to
take effect.
`loadlsp#loadlspall()` is a custom function that can be found
## Other Notes
You can view currently registered normal-mode shortcuts with `:nmap`.
If you want to improve/support/file-an-issue about this config, send it to:
stephen AT seodisparate DOT com